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The Aro Mando Echo

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Everything posted by The Aro Mando Echo

  1. I agree with most of the thoughts shared on this thread! I have had fellow lgbtq+ friends tell me that I "don't count" or that I'm "basically straight", which definitely comes off as exclusive and hurtful. I've also been told I have a disease or mental illness, and that I'm making it up or faking it to "be special". I don't think it's anyone's place to assume the level of discrimination or hardship someone has experienced based on a label, and we should focus on bringing awareness and support to all minorities out there. Competition for "who's the most oppressed" doesn't accomplish anything, and instead only minimizes the struggles of others.
  2. I have a small bracelet with the beads colored the aroace flag
  3. Idk if anyone has done Harry Potter yet but.. I totally headcannon Charlie Weasley as aroace. I mean, if dragons were real I would definitely be studying them too..
  4. I have labeled myself as a ''Professional wingman'' as a running gag because I help my friends ask people out and stuff, but I definitely have no idea what is really happening when it comes to flirting or relationships. I still sometimes ask my friends about how a crush feels and they describe bizarre things that sound unhealthy but oh well apparently that is normal... I'm definitely kinda sick of the ''oooh who's your crush??'' question though...
  5. Man, what happened to High School being "The best years of your life"?

    1. Holmbo


      I feel like whoever said this must have had a miserable adulthood. I find adulthood to be great. I'm such a better person now in my thirties then I ever was as a teen or even in my twenties.

  6. When people take someone from a show who shows no romantic interest (which is rare enough as it is) and ship said character with everyone and everything. When people say that being aro is just an "excuse to not be called single/ a virgin" When movies have a story about someone who says they're not interested in a relationship and then they get a "happy ending" by finding their true love or whatever, as if they needed fixing. Finally, when people say "that's not real/ so many labels nowadays.. You'll find the one someday just you wait.."
  7. I've been struggling lately.. anyone else?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. frutiger aro

      frutiger aro

      yup. as much as i love autumn my mental health always takes a sudden plunge to hell this time of year (thanks seasonal depression!) so i've been really struggling with that these past couple months. hope things get better for y'all soon!


    3. alto


      Me too.  Had some drama with a friend.

    4. Isa1116


      Sorry, I hope it gets better everyone:)

  8. I like tubing, does that count? tpbm goes to the gym
  9. I ask my friends about this and they start listing off symptoms of a panic attack 😭
  10. I'm offended that you assumed we would know that
  11. I'm offended that your pfp is threatening me like excuse me put the knife down
  12. Ah I used to be obsessed with Warrior cats lol. I chose mine because I like Mandalorians and "Echo" has just kind of been my online tag in everything.
  13. Hey I'm Echo (Well that's my online user). I also love reading, writing, animals, and art! Welcome to the forums.
  14. I have a suspicion (No real evidence to back it up, just a feeling right now) that there's a guy interested in me. I have only really been treating him like I treat any other friend, and he seems very.. focused on me. Like what I'm doing, all the time, makes eye contact with me from across the room frequently, tells me tips for things, and follows me everywhere. He asked me lots of questions, like where I lived. (In a friendly, non-creepy way, I would like to clarify.) This all sounds normal, but the thing is that I met this guy two days ago. And out of a room with several other, new, people, he seeks me out repeatedly. If this guy does happen to be interested in me (because maybe I'm looking a bit into it and he's just eager to make a friend 🤞) how do I kindly, but firmly friendzone him? I obviously have no interest in him but I don't want to make it sound personal, when in reality I just don't have those feelings for anyone. 😅
  15. My Star Wars headcannons: The Mandalorian (Din Djarin) - AroAce Ahsoka Tano- Biromantic Asexual ... (even though she has the colors of AroAce flag and it would be awesome) Obi Wan Kenobi- Biromantic Asexual Mace Windu- Asexual Rex- AroAce (His sexuality is The Republic) I have reasons for all of these but I didn't want to type a paragraph haha
  16. I'm back, sorry for being gone!

    Good to see you guys again. I might not be as active as before but I'll still try to pop in here every now and then! :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Aro Mando Echo

      The Aro Mando Echo

      I have remained true to the creed. I have never removed my helmet.

    3. Harvest-Unity


      I've also been inactive for a month or two

    4. The Aro Mando Echo

      The Aro Mando Echo

      Hey it's great to see you again!

  17. Lol, most of my friends (who are queer) were just like "Told ya lmao" when I finally had the guts to tell them. They'd been suspecting for years
  18. Same with me. I was teetering on the edge, calling myself "questioning" and being eternally frustrated that I couldn't be satisfied with the label of straight. I asked another ace lesbian about being ace, because I guess it was easier to come to terms with (also I had heard the term more). When I saw Jaiden's video, I wasn't convinced right away. Even though it was uncomfortably relatable and everything began to click, I was almost .. in denial about it. At the time I was scared of what being aroace meant for my future, and what my parents would think. (They aren't anti-LGBT, but they have never mentioned anything ace or aro, and they might think I was "influenced" or that I "made it up".) It took time, but as I started to learn more about the label, I felt more and more comfortable. I told my ace lesbian friend (who was incredibly supportive), and found that it felt right. It felt comfortable, like I discovered a piece of me that I was struggling with before. I haven't told my parents, for many reasons (and I don't plan to for a while.) But, I have proudly come out to my sister and friends, who have all been supportive. I no longer feel frustrated and lost with myself, I instead feel complete, and sure of who I am. I'm so glad that Jaiden made that video, too. Hopefully it helps other aroaces who were struggling like me.
  19. On a generally less political note.. I'm surprised Montana was the first state to ban it. Do you guys think other states will follow?
  20. You also don't necessarily need to use the terms "aromantic asexual" or "AroAce" at all. It all kind of depends on your parents and your current situation. See if you can try beating around the bush or dropping hints, and testing their reaction to get an idea.
  21. I do. I got a 69 on my English final, and let's just say most people aren't very happy with her. Everyones assuming she will be fired after this year. (Just to clarify, this isn't just because we got bad grades, it's because of many ongoing issues that have resulted for almost the whole class to have failing grades.)
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