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Everything posted by Nagito

  1. To be honest, the most important reason to love my aroness is I’m a represenation of underrepresented nonheteronormative minority and I don’t have to try find less known things about the topic to create content about it! I simply can post everything because in my language it’s very rare to find anything about aromanticism and it’s a very good feeling to be ’in the right place’. Yeah, I know it probably sounds a little egocentric but I’ve been always a quiet person and now I have a reason to talk to people. And I met a lot of great persons by it. Unfortunately all are internet friends but I really like them and if not being aro I probably wouldn’t know them!
  2. If you’d want to, you can also send to me a message on Facebook.
  3. So, now you know a person from aromantic spectrum! I know some aros from Poland, there’s a group for Polish aros on Facebook and I’m active person there. You only need to search for ’Aromantyczność’ and you should find it! I know many transgender and nonbinary persons, also on Instagram. Yeah, I have a Wattpad account and I like writting stories, but they’re strange to others I think. XD
  4. Good luck! I’m going to focus completely on my activist work now. It’s better than thinking about the thing I’ve lost.
  5. To be honest, not really. Romantic attraction is the last thing I could want to understand. Yeah, it would help me in my aro-activist activities but I don’t feel the real need to understand it.
  6. I think you should say it. I didn’t say to alloromantic ex-friend before and I ended up feeling very bad with it when they started ignoring me. I was like ’ah, no, it’s not the best time for it’ and now I’m sure I won’t find a qpp in very near future. I lost my chance.
  7. I think it’s important to show various situations. In other story the main character was sex-repulsed romance-repulsed aroace and when his friend revealed him he fell in love with him, it made the main character to feel uncomfortable.
  8. I’m in between. There are days when I’m very euphoric with being aro and there are also days when I’m uncomfortable with it. Maybe I didn’t accept my aromanticism completely and I’m under amatonormative pressure.
  9. I’ve seen other poll already on this forum and there were many voted from enby persons. The post was probably in ’Sexuality and Gender’ category.
  10. My aroallo character was in a gay love triangle, haha. He was a sexual partner to main character who was demisexual demiromantic and the main fell in love in an allo gay. There was a situation that main character told to his sexual friend that he fell in love with other guy and this friend wasn’t annoyed with it or whatever, he accepted this fact. They ended up living together and being happy with each other, no jealousy.
  11. One part of nonbinary persons doesn’t change their name and the second one changes. It really depends on you if you want to change it, there’s no ’should’ or ’shouldn’t’. And there’s nothing wrong if you would like to change your name but aren’t sure which one fits you. The one thing I can recommend to you is to check lists of gender neutral names, some of them can be a surprise. I’m neutrois and I’ve already used many names. Danilo, Dani, Danilo Henrique, Bruno Danilo and now I’m using Rony/Rony Danilo.
  12. When I was already aware about aromanticism, the very first aro character I created to my story was an allosexual aromantic man. Aromantic and asexual men deserve more love.
  13. I find romantic relationships in stories annoying in other way. For me the biggest part of stories with romantic relationships is simply very bad-written and it makes me to avoid reading them. They’re full of stereotypes with no space for diversity.
  14. Shipping is a part of my hobby which is writting fanfictions. Fun fact is when I say to a person who read my story I’m aro they’re surprised. Well, I’m probably so using the things I’ve noticed in stories of others because I simply don’t understand these things but I like to see how relations between characters are evolving and these things. But I don’t know if I can call myself ’aegoromantic’. A part of me says I’m aego and other says I’m not.
  15. Brazilian society is still erasing Transgender Day of Remembrance. I’ve seen only one post about TDoR and only on page of transgender persons. Celebrating one holiday and erasing other is like: you have two friends and both have birthday on the same day and you’re ignoring bday of one of them. It’s not cool.

  16. I’m not sure about it, to be honest. But the fun fact is that before I made a demiromantic character without knowing the term ’demiromanticism’. It was when I’ve decided to move my stories to Wattpad and it was the very first fanfiction I published on Watt.
  17. I’m from Poland. There’s a stereotype saying Polish people are drinking a lot of alcohol, especially vodka. I personally don’t like alcohol in any type. Other stereotype is Poland being full of people who tolerate diversity. The fact is many people here are xenophobic, rasist and queerphobic. I think a part of you already heard what is happening since last year. I’m living in a small city and I was working in a shop where one black woman was frequently doing shopping with her daughter and every time she entered I was worried about them or something like this.
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