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Everything posted by roboticanary

  1. roboticanary


    One from me on a recent trip which I'm quite proud of: we pass an SUV upside-down in a verge 'its an off road car, its off the road, whats that guy looking so grumpy for' in a similar vein, although i cant remember who this quote is from: 'the titanic was built to be in the ocean, its in the ocean, what more could you possibly want'
  2. Good Next person wins a large boulder the size of a small boulder
  3. thank you although i will admit, it went a long way back because i made a few cock ups when i took over the site. A lot of the fixes were recovering things that @Momo had done but I had messed up.
  4. I got Pogued on the 3rd December. Absolute rubbish run this year.

    And wham on the same car ride. So that was a poor show this year

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Balfrog


      I assume pogued means Fairytale in New York, and presumably wham had a Christmas song. Don't like the songs or just trying to avoid Christmas music?

    3. roboticanary


      Yeah. @DeltaAro

      Its a silly game I heard about and have been going along with.

      to try and get as far into December as possible without hearing fairytale of new york, which is played absolutely everywhere in the UK. And without hearing last Christmas by Wham!. Again, played absolutely everywhere.


    4. DeltaAro


      Oh, ok. And I was already worried.

  5. roboticanary

    Dad Jokes

    saw a note on my car saying 'parking fine' its so nice to be complimented
  6. this is useful. if you are stuck on a problem of some sort one trick i remember being taught was to explain the probem to a rubber duck. i think the idea was started to help wiith programming but if what you are studying requires following some logical sequence of steps, e.g. mathematics, this can help here as well.
  7. trying to will the world to let me be allowed to call, e.g. my electricity company outside 9-5 mon-fri. or to have various people, e.g. estate agents contact me by email or outside 9-5. pretty please, i do actually have a job. I cant just doss off work to answer the phone. 'we tried to contact you'. yes, at half 10 on a tuesday you muppets. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i do not want to take a day of my gods given annual leave to deal with phone calls but it seems like it might come down to that.
  8. fair enough. 50/50 I make it but i dont think any other time would be better
  9. testing this with a comment. If this doesn't turn up in topics then i think this has worked This should now be done.
  10. That seems a good idea, I'll take a look at that.
  11. Honestly I want that. We'd get along great. Next person wins a trip to Egypt (the tiny village west of London though, not the country)
  12. I think i can do next Sunday or the sat/sun after. Everything in the future is a bit of a whirling ball of chaos atm. Topic sounds interesting and to be honest I can't think of anything to say about anything now
  13. I think in the case of my parents it was more a fairly reasonable attitude that a lot of young lads are genuinely nervous about talking about romance and that sort of thing, especially in early teens. so they took a kind of relaxed, almost joking, 'ooh, you like her do you' sort of attitude to in a way normalise that. annoying for reasons at the time i didnt know, but looking back i see what they were getting at. it was an attempt to make me see that those romantic feelings (which i was supposed to be feeling gods damnit) were something that could be joked about. not sure its a very good way of doing that but i think i understand a bit more of what the thought process was. and from what i gather it is very funny for a parent to make a normally boisterous teenage son go all shy and blushing. there does seem to be an attitude where i'm from that it is allmost a right of passage into young adulthood for your parents to try to embarrass you in amusing ways.
  14. wait, you're a computer? anyhow, best computer is a lady who does all the maths for you. cant beat tradition.
  15. something i found by chance a little while back seems like they had a fair crack at trying to understand what they can so i thought i would give it a share and see what other people think.
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