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Everything posted by roboticanary

  1. 'I also think romance should be allowed'
  2. best plants are the ones i can eat or drink* barley and hops are the greatest plants ever as far as i'm concerned. tea plant a close third place. potatoes, top quality plant. boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew (or make surprisingly good vodka out of them) strawberries, raspberries, both fantastic. also have a soft spot for redcurrants, they make great jam. other than the tasty ones, anything that makes me laugh. naked man orchid wins this one hands down. although the sausage tree and a sharp leaved plant known as mother in law's tongue do also make me smile. *more than once
  3. thats very impressive considering its been trained by a goose
  4. On point one, that would be fantastic. I should be able to work out how to have different headers for the modes quite easily. As for point 2. This is correct. They do have a decent interface where you can choose colours for each type of item (texts, backgrounds, etc) the limiting factor is my artistic skill rather than tech skill unfortunately. But what people could do is point to a particular piece of text/ background on a screenshot and say, e.g. that text is too dark, that background is too light, that might be better green etc and I can make those changes.
  5. hide means admin and mods can still see the content, i think the justification is that if someone posts something against TOS, they cant delete and call fake if someone screenshots. it is very easy for a mod to see what was said. for a forum with only a small number of mods who wont always be around it could be helpful. i could change it if people are unhappy with that, or at least i will update the site guide to make it clear what the difference is. this is a more difficult problem. i'm no good at artistic design but could make some changes. is there any part of the dark theme you really dont like and i can try to see if some simple colour choices improve it a bit.
  6. hi interesting that quite a few people coming here are heading over from trevorspace. congratulations to whoever plugged for us there!
  7. i have no idea if it is true but there is an urban legend that it was invented by a pakistani chef in glasgow. also, yum chips in curry sauce
  8. i think its this idea which has been going round online for a while. talking about the effect of an illness in terms of having an amount of spoons that you need to give in order to do tasks. it seems to be quite useful for a lot of people to explain how, e.g. chronic illness, affects them. https://butyoudontlooksick.com/articles/written-by-christine/the-spoon-theory/ health
  9. yum and while we're on the subject of traditional scottish food... chicken tikka masala
  10. not tried it but seriously ewww why? chilli chocolate
  11. a good little aro joke that has been rolling around reddit for a while. thought i would add it here. any ideas?
  12. thats weird. i can see a list of mods in the sidebar. just checked and under related subreddits there is a space listing the mods, with a button to message them. it hides if you dont have a reddit account but i assume that shouldnt be a problem. i suspect what happened is you had an individual post open, which replaces the normal sidebar with a similar to this post list. close that and you should be able to see it.
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