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On 5/24/2023 at 2:24 PM, LIVI0 said:

pride month is coming. im planning to draw 3 patches of pride related pieces atm; 1 for aspec pride; 1 for trans pride while the last is for agiaspec. im still in exam season but celebrating w fellow queers is a much better deal

the bigots r going to flood the media when june comes tho; our fav bigot aka matt walsh says hes got big plans for pride month when we all know damn well hes just going to find articles of queer ppl being happy and cry abt it bc he has no life of his own. bitches can seethe while we only have to sit back and enjoy ourselves

There is probably going to be another documentary, since he made one last year. But remember: there are plenty of people willing to push back on people like him.

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1 minute ago, Noble-Harvest-Spear said:

There is probably going to be another documentary, since he made one last year. But remember: there are plenty of people willing to push back on people like him.

still unfortunate that none of his vid leaves his target audience tho. not a single popular comment is some1 speaking against him; not like those comments will get popular anyway. i just wish ppl like him will stop bitching and consider shutting tf up

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They do tend to leave his target audience though, most of mine (and others) viewership of him are on videos reacting/responding to him. People who criticize him tend to do it outside of his comment section as to not promote his video in the algorithm. His comment section is more like a tightly-knit echochamber.

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6 minutes ago, Noble-Harvest-Spear said:

They do tend to leave his target audience though, most of mine (and others) viewership of him are on videos reacting/responding to him. People who criticize him tend to do it outside of his comment section as to not promote his video in the algorithm. His comment section is more like a tightly-knit echochamber.

its def bc i dont watch him often then. i distance myself away from such content so i expect this content to stay within the creators target audience since when i do watch him i dont see any top comments criticizing him for being bigoted

but outside of bigotry; matt is also a terrible parental figure that does not give a shit abt how children feel and thinks consent doesnt matter when it concerns children iirc. hes just a terrible person in gen

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Oh yeah his consent video was horrendous. He seemed to think the word 'consent' was inherently sexual, and he genuinely did not seem to care about the discomfort of children being touched.

Also he has some uhhhhh suspicious views on 16 year olds being pregnant [Hint: he thinks it is perfectly ok because 'that's when they are most fertile' and that the problem with teen pregnancies is not that a literal teenager is pregnant but because they aren't married, which goes against his religious beliefs. It's disgusting.]

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5 minutes ago, Noble-Harvest-Spear said:

Oh yeah his consent video was horrendous. He seemed to think the word 'consent' was inherently sexual, and he genuinely did not seem to care about the discomfort of children being touched.

i think i remember that vid. its abt a childrens book right? that u have to ask before u physically int w a person in any way; including hugging and holding hands. i cant believe he has a problem w that lmao; its literally just a harmless book teaching children abt moral decency and respect for others

6 minutes ago, Noble-Harvest-Spear said:

Also he has some uhhhhh suspicious views on 16 year olds being pregnant [Hint: he thinks it is perfectly ok because 'that's when they are most fertile' and that the problem with teen pregnancies is not that a literal teenager is pregnant but because they aren't married, which goes against his religious beliefs. It's disgusting.]


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34 minutes ago, Noble-Harvest-Spear said:

Oh yeah his consent video was horrendous. He seemed to think the word 'consent' was inherently sexual, and he genuinely did not seem to care about the discomfort of children being touched.

Also he has some uhhhhh suspicious views on 16 year olds being pregnant [Hint: he thinks it is perfectly ok because 'that's when they are most fertile' and that the problem with teen pregnancies is not that a literal teenager is pregnant but because they aren't married, which goes against his religious beliefs. It's disgusting.]

Wow, marriage is seriously the only issue in the docket for him? Not that having kids in high school can literally ruin your life?

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3 hours ago, HelloThere said:

Wow, marriage is seriously the only issue in the docket for him? Not that having kids in high school can literally ruin your life?

Sometimes people can have really dumb opinions...

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reminding every1 that humans evolved for 6mil yrs to develop a high level of intelligence in every aspect yet there r still ppl like this today. if we live like fellow wild animals these ppl wouldve been wiped out by natural selection; a shame that we have to keep them alive for ethical reasons when they deserve 0 space in our society w shitty opinions like this

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37 minutes ago, LIVI0 said:

reminding every1 that humans evolved for 6mil yrs to develop a high level of intelligence in every aspect yet there r still ppl like this today. if we live like fellow wild animals these ppl wouldve been wiped out by natural selection; a shame that we have to keep them alive for ethical reasons when they deserve 0 space in our society w shitty opinions like this

no matter how advanced our society gets, there will always be people like this... i don't get how people can think like this

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2 hours ago, Anaim said:

no matter how advanced our society gets, there will always be people like this... i don't get how people can think like this

Yeah, the only thing we can do is raise the next generation better and societally push back against hate.

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8 hours ago, Anaim said:

no matter how advanced our society gets, there will always be people like this... i don't get how people can think like this

why r we the only animals that suffers from such stupidity; sometimes i really have to wonder. other intelligent animals like whales; ravens and primates dont struggle w members of their community believing in dumb shit so why do we have these kinds of ppl?

thats 1 thing that separate us from other animals; is that despite being highly intelligent we still have ppl thatre extremely stupid. not that were smarter than the rest

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1 hour ago, LIVI0 said:

why r we the only animals that suffers from such stupidity; sometimes i really have to wonder. other intelligent animals like whales; ravens and primates dont struggle w members of their community believing in dumb shit so why do we have these kinds of ppl?

thats 1 thing that separate us from other animals; is that despite being highly intelligent we still have ppl thatre extremely stupid. not that were smarter than the rest

We have dumb people, animals probably have dumb people as well, they just aren’t as damaging because the only damage they cause is to themselves.

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8 hours ago, HelloThere said:

We have dumb people, animals probably have dumb people as well, they just aren’t as damaging because the only damage they cause is to themselves.

tbf; cases where mature wild animals does stupid shit is really rare and when it happens its mostly bc they simply dont have that level of intelligence to do smarter stuff in our opinion. while the majority of dumb animals r just curious juveniles

humans can be exceedingly stupid even when theyve fully matured is due to the complexity of our politics and philosophy; which leads ppl into believing in shit they think is objectively correct but its just plain imbecilic. as unfortunate as it is they dug themselves this grave so theyve got to go

yes; having complex politics and philosophy draws 1 of the lines between humans and other wild animals but the connotation is overall negative. really ironic that ppl put themselves above animals when were not even that much better

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17 hours ago, HelloThere said:

We have dumb people, animals probably have dumb people as well, they just aren’t as damaging because the only damage they cause is to themselves.

The more complex human society gets, the more that the actions of one person can impact the actions of others. "Stupidity" in the animal kingdom is just an action that an animal takes that harms itself, however stupidity can have such a greater impact within human society, which sucks because we arguably make more bad decisions. 

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On 5/24/2023 at 5:12 PM, HelloThere said:

I mean I'm excited but I wouldn't be one of those people at parades, those things turn toxic fast.

parades are loud and noisy so even if i was out i doubt id willingly go to one unless i can chill in a corner with swag items and food nearby

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Just now, A User said:

parades are loud and noisy so even if i was out i doubt id willingly go to one unless i can chill in a corner with swag items and food nearby

Oh yeah, I’d go for food, friends, and maybe to find my people irl.

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