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How do you feel about being called "single"?

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Does anyone else not like being called "single"? For me, the word single makes it seem like I'm incomplete. Not being in a relationship doesn't mean I'm missing some part of me. Whether I was in a romantic relationship or not, I am just as much an individual. Does anybody relate? Or disagree?

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I mean I personally consider myself single but I also think I have a different relationship with the word than most of society. Some people see it as being sad or isolating but I don't really find it to be that way. Maybe if I were looking for a romantic relationship being single would be a bigger deal to me, I don't know. 

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6 hours ago, nonmerci said:

I never think about it, also the word in not the same in French so it may be why I don't mind and think as it just as a status (aka not in couple).

celibataire, right?  i actually dislike that more, because it's like the english celibate, which describes abstinence from sex, usually for life, usually but not necessarily for religious reasons.  and that's not the same thing as being single at all.  i don't have big problems with single, the only thing is it seems to describe a temporary status, like not dating anyone right now, not married yet, etc.  like the fact that i'm currently single is seen as no big deal but the fact that i've been single for almost 4 years and will be for long periods for the rest of my life would surprise many.  but whatever.  



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8 hours ago, aro_elise said:

i actually dislike that more, because it's like the english celibate, which describes abstinence from sex, usually for life, usually but not necessarily for religious reasons.  and that's not the same thing as being single at all.

I had no idea it means that in English!

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On 8/24/2019 at 7:20 AM, Cake-Loving Dragon said:

Does anyone else not like being called "single"? For me, the word single makes it seem like I'm incomplete

Usually, I don't think about it but when I have a conversation with someone and e.g. they ask me if I'm single, I feel a bit weird every time. For the exact same reason as you; somehow implies I'm not complete on my own or that I'm alone (which isn't the case). Speaking of different languages, a German word for single is "ledig" (often used in offical documents). It just means being unmarried and I like that a bit more than single, although it's probably nitpicky :D

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On 8/25/2019 at 1:21 PM, NotHeartless said:

Speaking of different languages, a German word for single is "ledig" (often used in offical documents). It just means being unmarried and I like that a bit more than single, although it's probably nitpicky :D

"ledig" means available in Swedish ?

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The phrasing does bother me a little. I often clarify and say "I'm not looking." Which often elimates people from asking further, except perchance they roll their eyes and do the whole "you say that now...." schpeal.

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