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Everything posted by HelloThere

  1. That’s completely your choice. Might I ask why? I just wanna know the story if you’re comfortable, I’m curious. XD
  2. I’d take that anyday. A million dollars but a random person you know personally dies.
  3. I mean I can see myself in a qpr far easier than a normal relationship. Every time I think of a “normal” relationship I’m sorta there in the third person and I see two faceless people together. When I imagine a qpr I imagine a house with a couch and a tv set where I’m there in the first person, just enjoying life, playing video games with a nonromantic and nonsexual relationship.
  4. I haven’t learned too much about other religions so seeing the diversity is kinda a breath of fresh air. :D
  5. Yeah I think so, making their interests and loves more diverse would represent pretty well. :D
  6. Yeah it’s weird, it’s much easier to be sure of one’s sexuality but romance is a WHOLE different story. You’re always paranoid, wondering if it’s a crush or a squish, always doubting yourself, or wondering if it’ll last. At least that’s my experience so far but at this point I’m just biding my time.
  7. I’d just eat one meal because the term “meal” is kinda flexible so I could just have a large amount of food groups in one meal.
  8. That’s a pretty rare thing. I’ve never heard of someone getting dreams that have hidden morals in them. I’d say you got a heck of a nice subconscious. :D
  9. Huh that’s pretty interesting. I sorta understand and I can agree, it’s kinda hard to sum up religious beliefs/practices in a single comment. It sounds interesting and I kinda understand. Basically what I caught onto was that it’s sorta combinations of different religions and beliefs? I’m sorry my 15 year old brain is having a hard time fully comprehending but it sounds interesting. Thanks for telling me! :D
  10. Exactly! We keep trying to replace people when in reality the best idea is to accompany ai, to be species that share and live in harmony. Our fear of it destroying us will be what causes it. It has massive ethical and moral implications but I hope that we learn to be what we would want an alien species to be, kind, benevolent, and accepting.
  11. I’d love to get them when I have the ability. I’m pretty sure I’m aegosexual (under the umbrella of ace) and I might be aromantic, things lined up pretty well and it feels right. I just don’t want to date and I’ve never felt romantic attraction. But yeah, if I had the ability to I’d wear those rings with pride! :D
  12. I mean it depends your intent, and how you think/feel about this person. Do you want to date that person. You said no before so we can check that off. Is there any obsession on that person (do you constantly think of them?) It may be something you need to compare to other peoples actual crushes, there’s people around here who’ve asked the same question, and I think you might be able to find some extra info from them. :D
  13. Q: What is the best dessert? A: Officer the perp ran in the other direction! He’s wearing a glowing clown suit it’s hard to miss!
  14. I’ve never actually learned much about pagan religions and I guess just learning more about other people would be nice. (If you’re willing to talk about it could you sorta summarize in a way?) I’m glad that you accept yourself for who you are, it saddens me how often you see people trying to conceal their own identities because they’re scared of how others would react. I am sorry to hear about the adversity you’ve had to face though. I am glad you are here because we could all do with some emotional support now and again. 💚
  15. I’d leave the money, I mean that sounds cool until you realize the horrible pain you could experience inside of that job. I mean unless I had the superpowers of god then there’s be no competition because I could fix humanity! :D
  16. I wouldn’t get that drastic, I mean I’d hate it but it wouldn’t be physically scaring. I’d rather always have have my farts 3 times as loud than marry. (This is random as heck but I couldn’t think of much else.)
  17. The two amazing foods! I’d miss them. :( I’m not really against me marrying it’s kinda a “whatever floats your boat” type thing. I just would do a lot not to be forced into a romantic and sexual relationship, for that I’d take drastic measures. I’d give up cheesecake (the biggest gigachad in the dessert world) than get married.
  18. I’d love to see a picture when possible, perhaps making it like the idea of romance but not want it itself? That’s be a a pretty darn refreshing way to represent because there’s a sorta stigma that aroace’s are always disgusted by love. Maybe you could make it a very emotional animal as well considering that people sometimes think that aroace’s are just hollow robots (even though that really doesn’t correlate). I guess just make it debunk stereotypes? I dunno I have very few ideas. XD
  19. It just frustrates me the lack of tolerance that society has for others and their own, very personal, business. It doesn’t matter how a family is structured (societally) or if one has a family at all, as long as everyone’s in a happy, stable relationship why does it matter? In some ways I can see diversity as a strength, learning to tolerate others for who they are and what their backgrounds are is one of the biggest steps towards lasting peace. So the continued negligence for those that feel differently just drives me up the wall. People can believe what they will about aro/aces but that doesn’t excuse hating anyone for it, they’re still human and at the end of the day our similarities are what we should focus on. I’m sorry that was a bit of a rant but all I really want from the world is for people to be accepted, if they have questions on how others feel, ask them. If they don’t agree with being aro/ace, that’s fine you don’t have to be friends with someone but don’t end a friendship or hate someone because of it.
  20. Thanks! I’m just BEGGING for summer to start at this point, I need sleep so bad. XD
  21. I’m not truly sure how my parents would react, I still have a level of self doubt but at this point the whirlwind in my head is FINALLY calming down because I’ve just acknowledged that at least FOR NOW I am going to identify as aroace. It may change in the future and I’m still going to wait but if I feel prompted to tell my friends about it, yeah sure I’ll tell, I just may have to ask them not to tell my parents. I will come out eventually (if I’m right about my suspicions) probably in two years. Oof, I can’t say I’ve been there yet but I can imagine it’s awful. There’s not many love obsessed people in my school (thank goodness for that) but it will probably change since I’m only a freshman (1/4 years in high school done)
  22. Your a fricking genius. I got the “joy” of reading Romeo and Juliet in class today, it’s honestly disgusting, not even two lines in and it’s basically just two families fighting by saying they’re going to “do the deed” with the other families maids. It just disgusts me to no end, and then there’s the fact that Romeo is just so incredibly obsessed with Juliet (a 13 year old) that he can’t stop thinking about her at all!
  23. I honestly don’t see how it’s supposed to be offensive at all.
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