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Everything posted by unromanceable_npc

  1. True, at least by my standards. TPBM has read The Count of Monte Cristo.
  2. “Only child” (I have an older half-sister) Said sister is bisexual.
  3. I've had the pleasure of playing DND once or twice before, but I'm certainly no expert. Playing it again could be fun!
  4. That's so cool! Is it your first time DMing or do you already have some experience?
  5. I also really loved The Emperor's Soul! In my opinion, it's one of the best novellas ever written.
  6. I've been playing Genshin Impact religiously almost since its release 💀 (Also, a while ago I played a round of the newest Monster Prom installment with a friend of mine—we had a blast!)
  7. Oh No! by Marina and the Diamonds is my overall go-to aro song. Alone and Sublime by Mother Mother is great for when I’m in the mood for something slower.
  8. I've got a new pair of glasses :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AroAcedragon15
    3. the more the merrier

      the more the merrier

      Sweet! How do they feel? Are they a new style for you? 👓

    4. unromanceable_npc


      @the more the merrier

       They’re more or less a mix of my first glasses and the previous ones I had, so nothing too different in terms of aesthetics. I’m pretty happy with them 😊
  9. I couldn't care less. Thankfully, my country isn’t really all that crazy about Valentine's Day, so it’s not a big deal.
  10. 1. Loveless aro 2. Actually aromantic 3. Wands 4. Aromantic
  11. Honestly, most of them aren't particularly appealing to me because I prefer to use two separate flags, but the @ravioliet one is simply stunning!
  12. I’ve wanted to read Jane Eyre for so long now, but I never manage to get around to it… Have you read The Six of Crows duology by the same author? While I personally didn’t enjoy any of her books, from what I’ve seen, Bardugo’s later works in the same universe are generally well-liked, so they might be worth checking out.
  13. My mother is probably coming from a place of worry, too. I’m not sure whether I want to broach the topic again given her previous reaction, but nonetheless thanks for the kind words and resources!
  14. Delightful! next person gets an expired gift card
  15. I don't crave touch. A simple hug from a friend or close family member is fine, but things that require prolonged skin contact (holding hands, cuddling, etc.) aren't really for me. I guess I'm mostly indifferent to it unless it's initiated by a touchy-feely stranger.
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