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Everything posted by Storm_leopardcat

  1. Thank you so much, for responding so quickly, and informing us! I am glad to hear the survey is still going to happen, and much earlier (relatively) than I thought it would be! Which languages is it being translated in? Perhaps you could ask for volunteers for AUREA, or for (translating) the survey, over here?
  2. Try thinking about bein in a QPR? With someone who has the same values as you? Exactly what I think too! I went through something similar, and kind of still am/do. What are the reasons some people pull back, though?
  3. And wow, you have such interesting interests (sorry for the repetition lol)! Btw, there's this really cool YT channel that made a bunch of really interesting videos about astronomy, Vsauce; you ever heard of it? They deal with all sorts of topics too, but they have a specific playlist called "Space"; you can check it out if you want. Yes, those are awfully interesting interests, I agree! Have you guys heard of the youtube channel, Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell? They have videos on a variety of topics, such as science (mainly physics, especially astronomy), nature, philosophy, history, and psychology! I like that channel. Why did they name him that? Also, who here has read the novel on which Coraline is based?
  4. Thank you. If so, where is this year's census?
  5. Definitely walking. I do not know how to swim, and even if I did, I wouldn't want to. Would you rather ice-cream cone, or ice-cream waffle?
  6. Same! I also loved Coraline, especially the cat :D!
  7. How would aroallos be depicted, especially in movies/series which aren’t for adults, maybe teen or children novels/movies/series? Not every form of media wants to depict sexually explicit scenes, so I’m wondering how it would be depicted? How would asexuality and sexual attraction be explained to younger audiences (I don’t necessarily mean kids, could be pre-teens or teens). I, personally, would rather prefer if movies/books had no sexually explicit scenes. Maybe if you want to show it, it could be implied. (I don’t mean to offend anyone, by those statements, of course).
  8. Haha! I did want to discuss it here, and considered making a post about it, (though somewhat half-heartedly)! You beat me to it. I’m surprised I didn’t see this post earlier. I’ve heard people say Question...? is queer/coded/gay, but honestly, I don’t/can’t see it. I liked Anti-hero, Midnight Rain, Lavender Haze, Maroon, and Vigilante S**t. Not to mention, I liked The Great War and Bigger Than The Whole Sky.
  9. Ah, thank you. I recall seeing an option called that, mist have forgotten about it. Yes, well, an excellent point. I agree.
  10. Likewise. Assalam o alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, that halo nerd. You aren’t new, but I haven’t seen you around, either! First time I’m encountering you, pleased to make you acquaintance!
  11. Well, honestly, the Qur’an and the Sunnah/Hadith do not mention that humans have to have attractions to the opposite sex, and it doesn’t say that we have to be. All it says that marriage is to be between a man and a woman. So those people who say Muslims, or human beings cannot be gay, that they are born straight and have to be, don’t make sense. Islam doesn’t have a concept of sexual orientations, or romantic orientations. It never says that any attraction is wrong. It only talks about actions and behaviour. So, yeah, Aromanticism as a concept does not exist in Islam, but neither does the concept of human beings having to be straight, or being attracted to the opposite sex. Please don’t come at me with arguments for this and saying that it’s wrong or something, I know everyone here isn’t a Muslim, most aren’t. I’m not expecting any of you to have the same views. I’m simply stating what Islam says about this.
  12. I believe attractions are a combination of genetic, biological, and environmental factors, and have no single cause. They are complex matters, and are not as simple as, oh, so my attractions are this way because of X? And my sister is like this because of Y? I’ve heard about theories which may or may not have lead to people being attracted to the same gender, which I suppose might be true, if you don’t take them as the only factor or cause, because not everyone who is attracted to the same gender necessarily had those factors. They make good theories, though. I know nothing about the theory of psychology, nor am I studying it or have studied it. I, for one, am perfectly content with not exploring the cause of, or possible causes of my attractions. If some people are curious, and want to know, so that maybe they have some peace, they can if it works for them. I don’t consider it necessary to know the cause of attractions or explore them, or find them particularly important to make peace with one’s attractions.
  13. Thank you, and JazakAllah khairan kaseera! How does one make a poll, by the way? I didn’t know it was an option before seeing this post! It’s a cool idea.
  14. Muslim here! I love my religion, and love being a Muslim. By the way, Islamic isn’t a word, at least, not to describe people who follow Islam. That would be a Muslim. Islamic is more like an adjective? Oh, and thank you for making this thread, @AromanticAardvark ! I can’t believe I didn’t see this post before, how did I miss it? I’m quite surprised to see such a number of Christians here! To my knowledge, most people in the LGBTQIA+ community aren’t religious, or most of them are atheists or agnostic. So this is a pleasant surprise.
  15. I am offended that everyone in this thread only exists! including myself.
  16. Depends on what kind of closeness. Physical, non-sexual closeness? That is, if you're attracted to a specific person and want to have non-sexual touch with them, that is sensual attraction. But alterous attraction is emotional closeness without romantic attraction being involved, but it goes beyond platonic attraction.
  17. Mmm, yes, you can be. But wait, I thought you experienced sexual attraction, no? Or am I confusing it with something else. Kind of? It depends. Some people consider them both to be same; others, not so much. I think omni is like you don’t have a preference for a specific gender, while being attracted to all genders, while pan is having preferences for specific genders, while being attracted to all of the genders.
  18. You’re welcome, on both accounts! I am glad I could help someone out! Mhmm, I see. I’m not entirely sure, either, as to what makes alterous attraction and such a relationship different from queerplatonic attraction/relationship.
  19. Reviving this, because hey, why not? Also, (the concept of) scrishes sound awesome.
  20. Five Nights At Freddy's. Was this response, by any chance, inspired by Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)?
  21. Just attach prefixes to them, which you use for other attractions. Like demi-platonic, gray-anaesthetic (for alterous and aesthetic attractions, put 'an', instead of 'a', to indicate lack of, or a near lack of the attraction).
  22. Hello, and welcome to this forum, @Storm369! We're name buddies! Yay. I hope you find* this server a great place to be, and meet many new people and make friends!
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