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    Aro-spec Union for Recognition, Education, and Advocacy
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    International Non-Profit Organization

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  1. Thank you so much for your engagement with the Aro Census! We're working on translating the survey into 21 different languages and are fortunate enough to have most of the volunteers we need already. For anyone who's interested in volunteering we are still looking for additional support in translating Catalan, Mandarin, French, Greek, Italian, Norwegian, Philippine languages, Portuguese, Russian, Malay, Ukrainian and Bahasa Indonesian. You can apply to help with translation here. If you're interested in volunteering with AUREA, but don't speak any of these languages you can see updates about our volunteer needs by following our social media or checking our volunteer page!
  2. @Storm_leopardcat @Jigen Thank you for taking so much interest in the Aro Census! The next census is currently in the process of being translated into different languages. We are hoping to have the survey out by either December 2022 or January 2023, but because AUREA is an all volunteer organization it may take a little longer than planned. We appreciate everyone's patience and understanding as we complete the survey. If you want to follow the progress of the census you can check our website or follow our newsletter and social media for updates and the release of the next survey.
  3. This is actually decent start to a collection of resources, and a wonderful idea for an addition to AUREA's resources! Thank you so much for the suggestion! We are currently looking into the resources you've shared, as well as possible others we can add to our website that might be able to help single aros looking to be parents. If anyone has such resources they'd like to share, please feel free to message us with them.
  4. Here's the round-up for our Aromantics Create Pride event. Take a look at all the wonderful entries! https://www.aromanticism.org/en/news-feed/aromantics-created-pride
  5. Submissions for Aros Create Pride are now closed! We'll send out e-mails to participants within this week.
  6. The event is meant to connect participants (i.e., all participants must submit something and give feedback), but we will be posting a full list of the pieces at the end of the event for everyone to view and comment on. We also want to mention that any kind of original work can count as creative - baking, flower arranging, pen doodling, etc. We have space in the submission form for those things, so long as they fit in the general length requirements. You don't have to be a creator in the sense that you create works regularly to participate in this event, and you can create something new between now and the submission deadline as well.
  7. Submission for Aromantics Create Pride are now open! We will be accepting works until the 6th of July.
  8. AUREA is hosting a creative works event also: Aromantics Create Pride. It is our intention to boost the work of aromantics while also ensuring people get a positive comments and attention for their work. Just a simple: create a thing, praise a few things, and get some praise for your thing in return.
  9. For AUREA's one year anniversary we are launching Aromantics Create Pride! Submit your creation, leave a few comments on others' work, and in return have your work shared around the community and receive comments of your own. Learn more about the event and how you can take part here: https://www.aromanticism.org/en/news-feed/aromantics-create-pride
  10. Thank you @Coyote @LauraG and @Mark for your feedback. We'll try to straighten it out logically, though we wanted the option for an answer for people who do feel that way. We'll define those terms in the next edition - intellectual disability, neurodivergence and mental illnesses. Noted, we'll include some middle ground options. First was meant to ask about the entirety of sexual history - all partners in relation to the participant, the second is meant to capture more common patterns in the person's sexual life. Those are based on the participant's relationships with the people they have sex with. The last one asks how many people participants usually have sex with at a time. We'll add that. This may prove impossible to correct in a survey that's meant to be international. There are names assigned to each category, such as village or big city, but almost all categories also have objective, numerical brackets. Village (less than 999 people) covers single dwellings. We'll add that.
  11. Please do choose village still, because it is the smallest option we have
  12. This year, AUREA is leading the new Aro Census: a community-wide survey of people on the aromantic spectrum. The purpose of the census is to gain knowledge and through this, a better understanding of the aromantic community. Participation is limited to persons identifying on the aromantic spectrum. If you are interested in potentially participating, follow this link for more information: https://forms.gle/zvit4Yvjfy6N1gGW7. We'd like to reach aromantic people who aren't in touch with aro communities through social media, so please share with others who may be interested.
  13. We have also previously suggested another option. @Momo has agreed to handling the technical end of things, while finances would be covered by several people. @Lokiana and @Magni have offered to be moderators indefinitely, although ideally we'd like to take on dedicated mods who could devote their time more fully to the forums, as both Lokiana and Magni are committed to other projects. The downside of this plan is that this team would have less experience running a forum specifically. The upside is that we're in touch with aro communities and our members have been active on the forums. It would also stay unaffiliated with AVEN, it's culture, and asexual communities in general by keeping the forums separate. There were originally hesitancies over whether we should take over as AUREA, as we don't wish to monopolize the aro communities, or let our offer be just be a few members lending a hand. In light of the developments however, it is possible for the AUREA team to take over maintaining the forums. We'd like to know what other offers are on the table eventually, too, as maybe there is one that would be more beneficial to the community.
  14. AUREA was founded independently of the forums and combining them isn't possible right now. We're however talking to other groups about how to save the forums if no one takes over the responsibilities of Phoenix by March 29th.
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