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Jot-Aro Kujo

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Everything posted by Jot-Aro Kujo

  1. Depends on how you view "coming out". I've never done a big announcement to anyone, but I'm open about my identity. If it comes up, I'll mention that I'm aromantic and/or bisexual. Sometimes I get pushback, sometimes people are accepting, most of the time they're just kind of confused. Either way I'm secure in who I am, and usually people come to accept that after a while. But to be fair, I live in a very liberal area and I'm not Christian, so ymmv.
  2. Oh ok, sorry about that. It's hard to tell tone online sometimes and I know a lot of kids aren't aware of the history of these things, so I took it the wrong way, lol.
  3. They're just homophobic, then. You should just ignore them.
  4. I have an aro pin on my bag: It will definitely prompt questions from friends and family if you’re not out, but when it comes to the general public, I’ve found people don’t comment on it unless they already know what it is. Which is pretty rare. Then again, I’m 25, so… I have no idea what the situation in high school is.
  5. I like ‘em. Everyone can be babe to me and that don’t have to mean anything. If someone gets all no homo about it then they’re not someone I’d want as a friend anyway lol. Of course, if someone’s genuinely uncomfortable with pet names, I’ll respect that. But just because I call someone something doesn’t mean I’m interested in them, especially since I’m Latina and queer so I’m just inclined towards pet names anyway
  6. Gay-Straight Alliance is a name that's been used by LGBTQ+ activism and social clubs in schools since the 80s. Some schools call it something else (Genders & Sexualities Alliance is pretty common these days), but there's historical precedent for Gay-Straight Alliance because it emphasizes the goal of supporting one another, especially in the days of things like no legalized gay marriage and the AIDS crisis.
  7. If they ask in good faith, just tell them no. If they harass you, they're probably homophobic and you should ignore them.
  8. Loss of appetite is a symptom of depression, so I’d guess that’s what it is, but I’m no doctor. Definitely talk to a doctor and probably your therapist about it.
  9. Idk, are you depressed? Otherwise you should probably see a doctor
  10. That’s just a low sex drive. I mean maybe there’s a label for it, but like… It varies from person to person even for allosexuals, and plenty of people don’t really have much of a sex drive until like, their 20s. It’s really not something anyone needs to worry about, especially when you’re young. Of course, if you find it helpful to use such a label, all the power to you. But I feel like society these days pushes people (especially kids!) to constantly overthink and compartmentalize everything about their relationship to sex, which I don’t think is really healthy. It doesn’t have to be a big deal. You don’t need to think about sex if you don’t want to, and how you feel about it doesn’t need to be anyone’s business but your own.
  11. Not at all. Plenty of people don't, myself included. I know younger aros tend to hype up QPRs because they get defensive and try to go for identity politics, but they're not a requirement. Which of course isn't to say that QPRs are bad, or that they're amatonormative or anything- Just that they're a personal choice that's not right for everyone, and not something that needs to be constantly brought up as some weird gotcha.
  12. SIMPLE AND CLEAN BABYYYYYYY Also lately I've been into Just Like Heaven by the Cure. It's my favorite Cure song, I think. My mom plays it in the car a lot.
  13. To me, you're new people, lol. But I hope all the newer people are doing well.
  14. That's not a very nice thing to say. English is a difficult language that not everyone is inclined towards, and telling them they're doing poorly doesn't serve to do anything other than make people feel bad about themselves, regardless of if you put "no offense" in front of it.
  15. I'm confused, is this like an RP thread or..?
  16. Oh he’s gonna have a hell of a time when he learns about my eating disorder lol
  17. Aside from acting as a beard, has he said anything about what you would get out of this relationship? Or does he just want you to perform something you don’t experience, for the sake of his own desires? Frankly, I think if you really love someone you should love them for who they are, not how they could pretend to be what you’d like them to be. I don’t think this is a good idea. Maybe with someone else it would work out fine, but this guy sounds pretty selfish.
  18. Excuse me? Nightcore goes hard as fuck. I'm 25 and I love nightcore. Kill your inner music snob and listen to things that go fast.
  19. Probably not a very safe idea to put your full name and face out in public online.
  20. Here’s the thing: Whether you like Tiktok or not, if they’re genuinely banning it because of association with China, that sets an extremely dangerous precedent. Because now it’s seen as ok to ban apps/media platforms based on association with whatever foreign countries get deemed our political enemies. Sure, maybe for now that means banning Tiktok. But what could it become? Maybe banning harmless games because they happen to be made by innocent game developers in China. Maybe it could mean preventing Americans from chatting with their foreign exchange student friend from China. Maybe it could mean banning media in Spanish because something something evil Mexicans stealing our jobs. Maybe it could mean keeping Middle Eastern refugees from communicating with their family back home who are relying on their help to escape a war zone. Maybe it could mean banning any media that tries to educate people on anything other than The Great American Way of Life. You see what I mean? I don’t like Tiktok. I don’t use Tiktok, and I’ve seen the harm that it can do. But I can’t, especially as a Hispanic American, feel good about it getting banned when I know that its ban has nothing to do with its actual content, and everything to do with xenophobia and the prevention of global information exchange.
  21. Right. So it’s ok for American citizen’s data to be collected and sold by American companies, but we can’t have it go to China, because then people who aren’t white- I mean, our political enemies might see it! Nevermind all the underpaid tech workers in Asia, Africa, and South America who do moderation for American social media, we’re just going to pretend they don’t exist. All our good American data is totally bought and sold behind your back exclusively in America. Can’t have any of them chai-knees looking at our good American data! We only allow AMERICAN panopticons! God I hate this country.
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