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Everything posted by dewy

  1. Hi I'm gray aro and I'm highly sensitive though I'd rather not go into the why as it's mental health issues that I'm still working on a diagnosis for.
  2. Hi I'm a trans guy who's been binding for a while. I would stay away from gc2b because the quality has become very hit or miss. I have several newer binders that have fallen apart easily, are uncomfortable, or don't fit right despite being the correct size. I like Underworks a lot - I only have this binder but it's good quality and I haven't noticed wear and tear despite swimming in it a lot. For reference I am a large in their size so it's hard to find binders that work for me. I like it better than others because it fits quite well - I feel like it actually tries to shape my chest to look more masculine with less compression while others just compress too much. This particular one is also good for me because it's meant to be done with activity and the zipper is helpful to take off/put on easier as well as take quick breaks in the bathroom or something like that. Some other brands I like if you can afford it are Spectrum and Shapeshifters. They're more on the expensive side but it can be worth the investment. Make sure with Shapeshifters to enter measurements and desired alterations correctly according to your needs as it is custom made so that's especially important. If money is a problem then Underworks is still good while being affordable and you can always buy them second hand. That is how I got mine, just make sure you're getting it from somewhere trustworthy. I hope this helps you, if you have any more questions about good binders or binding in general feel free to ask.
  3. dewy

    homophobes in my head

    It's more common than you think, lots of people have experiences like this. Internalization of stuff like this is very much a thing but it's not a fun subject so you don't see it talked about a lot. As a trans guy who's existed on the internet for a while I internalized a lot of transphobia from the things I would see and would have thoughts like I'm making this up for attention, I'm just trying to be special, etc and feel bad about it, but that's par for the course for internalized transphobia. It helps to learn how to curate your online experience so you don't see things like that. The internet makes it VERY easy to see a bunch of negativity and nastiness that's disproportionate to what the general public actually thinks. Over the years I have seen a LOT of infighting within the LGBT+ community which is quite upsetting. After stepping back, talking to my friends, and seeing how it's much more common for people to be like "I don't care how other LGBT+ people identify/express themselves as long as they're not hurting anyone" it helped. I am not very well versed in Instagram so I'm just going to give some general advice for the internet - don't be afraid to use buttons like block, unfollow, not interested, and leave chat. I used to have the "block button is only for horrible people" attitude then I realized I could just... block someone if seeing their stuff annoys or otherwise upsets me and it helped a lot. If you don't like someone's posts, you can block them, and if a group chat/forum is upsetting, you can leave. It will make your experience a lot better not engaging with things like this - I know it has for me. TL;DR: It's more common than you think. Learn how to curate your internet experience so you aren't seeing things that upset you often. Take a break from social media or the internet as a whole if you need to. Also for your posts I recommend looking into the privacy and security settings for wherever you post or spend a lot of time on. For me turning on "moderate comments" for my fics has given me peace of mind as I feel that people who may want to leave a nasty comment will be easily deterred by the "The creator has chosen to moderate comments and they will appear publicly after approval" message.
  4. dewy

    Quick question

    Yeah neglect is a form of abuse and can be traumatic if that's what you're asking. I feel like I need more context to give a better answer though. Neglect and abusive behavior comes in a lot of forms, with some being more known/visible to the general public than others.
  5. Welcome Hannah! We have similar interests, any kind of stories you like in particular? I think you'll find a lot of people also love stories, arts stuff, and animals. Enjoy your stay.
  6. https://www.arocalypse.com/ lol i expected a youtube link or something but totally forgot i had shared this forum with a friend (also why i'm on right now)
  7. I'm offended because you get a cool green name and I don't.
  8. Birdemic? I never watched but I saw a YouTube video about it a while back. Heres my movie: πŸ—ΌπŸˆβ€β¬›πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§ πŸ•΅οΈπŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈπŸš“
  9. dewy


    It can be. And sometimes gender envy isn't really obvious - it's more of a feeling for me. Before I had the language to describe what I was feeling as dysphoria I was really idolizing this one male celebrity. I thought he was so handsome and wished I could be like him but was sad I couldn't. At the time I thought it was a typical "celebrity crush" type thing, and just me wanting to be charismatic and funny like him instead of awkward and lame (I was around 13 and the puberty and dysphoria combo was hitting) but looking back, it was definitely a gender thing. Really only you can answer that question. There can be a lot of different reasons for gender envy adjacent feelings, that's just my experience as a trans guy.
  10. I mean just because you're allo/dating someone doesn't mean you have to do all the romantic things. It's all about setting boundaries and doing what feels good. I'm cool with a lot of things so I can't really think of any things I personally wouldn't want to do in a relationship, but someone may have different reasons for not wanting to do "typical" affectionate stuff. Maybe they just don't like the feeling of kissing or they're touch averse. I agree with Ghostflower that there is not one allo experience just like there is not one aro or ace experience.
  11. I'm bi and trans so if you have those that would be great, also maybe the mlm and rainbow flags?
  12. I don't ID as aspec these days but I love these designs, will share with others :) do you have any designs for other pride flags? This design is very pretty.
  13. Presented without context. Anyone remember this? I didn't catch it live because I was busy but I was following this as it happened so I guess I could say I was there when the bombs dropped. https://youtu.be/CFUguR_alhc
  14. I'm the CEO of supressing emotions so probably the worst person to ask but I think it was 5th grade (around age 10-12) for crushes on people I knew personally. Then the puberty induced issues (πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ) began and most of my crushes became fictional/celebrity crushes because intimacy scared me and I pushed down attraction I felt for people in my personal life, felt safer to just be making heart eyes at fictional characters than even think about having a serious relationship.
  15. Hi, I'm dewy! Been here before, used to hang out in the discord a lot. I've been taking a bit of a break from the internet because it's stressful but I'm back now. You may have seen me around here before, used to question my identity a lot and stress about using the right labels which is why I took a break. Since then I've been adapting to being out as trans IRL and now I've been on T which really helped my emotions including around my identity stabilize. Anyways I'm back because I always found this place really chill and welcoming not just for aromanticism related topics. I'd also like to get a better understanding of it for both myself and others. May not be the most active but I like lurking so you may see me crawling around sometimes and talking about random stuff.
  16. Whenever I think of "love is love" I just think of it also being about how my love for friends, hobbies, etc, is still love and just as important as romantic love.
  17. Well of course you should talk about how lots of people, even within queer/aro communities assume aro = ace and how that leads to people just forgetting about us aroallos. I think you should also show our pride flag, it's very pretty.
  18. Same as Alex, I tend to be attracted to blonde and/or muscular people. I'm not really picky though, everyone's pretty hot.
  19. yum! salt and vinegar chips?
  20. I wish they called it sexual *and* romantic orientation since that's what it seems to be but that's just a nitpick from me since I don't like when people treat them as the same thing. Otherwise, I think it's pretty cool. I'd love to play an aro sim but I'm a Sims 3 person, so hopefully someone makes a mod like this if there's not already one out there. I'm not counting on it though, seems like a lot of people just play Sims 4 now. Anyways, it's awesome to be recognized and included in such a popular game series. Looks like it should allow for romo aro sims too, maybe with the "my sim is exploring romantically" option, which I appreciate.
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