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Everything posted by dewy

  1. so true! TPBM likes video games
  2. true! its next to me right now and i've been meaning to play it this evening but havent yet TPBM plays an instrument (if you do, tell me which one!)
  3. I did not find out exactly that way, as I thought I was aroace at first. But I did start questioning my aroness because I realized that romantic attraction really didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I knew you could experience sexual attraction without romantic attraction, but it just didn't click, because the "default" was experiencing romantic attraction and I didn't question that for a while.
  4. As the definition of aro is little to no romantic attraction, and there are many arospec identities, some of which experience romantic attraction, I was wondering how the experience of romantic attraction is for those of us that do have it. As for me, what I experience it is hardly there. I'm not even sure I could call it romantic attraction. It's just "hmm this person might be fun to date", but I don't feel strongly about it. I would be equally as happy to remain friends. Before finding out I was aro I would also have fantasies about doing romantic things with them. I haven't dated or had a strong crush after finding out I was aro though, so I'm not sure how the experience would be.
  5. love how 69% of people answering the poll have fantasies. nice.
  6. I actually really enjoy games where you can romance characters. I like it because it's not real, more like roleplaying for me. I can have my little fictional romance then close the game and not think about it until next time I play. I just really like fictional romance in general, so long as it's done well.
  7. Anne Faulkner from Paradox Live. They have several songs where they sing about their experiences with gender.
  8. true, it's my favorite color! though this is an aro forum sooo... (/lh) the person below me likes fire emblem
  9. jules, janus, jordan, julius...
  10. I've noticed that I have certain people that I would not mind dating to get closer to them without being romantically attracted to them. This may also be the case for my past "crushes", as I remember with one of them I was happy being friends with when I learned dating him wasn't really a possibility. Any other aros experience this? Have you ever pursued a romantic relationship for this purpose?
  11. False, never heard of it It's evening time for TPBM
  12. I still enjoy my fair share of romantic fiction, as long as it's done well and not just shoved into the plot for the sake of having romance.
  13. One of the many joys of being aro is discovering queerplatonic ships. So, what are some queerplatonic ships you like? I personally love Denji and Power from Chainsaw man and Hilda and Claude from FE3H as queerplatonic partners. I headcanon them all as aro besides Denji but I could definitely see an aro headcanon.
  14. You end up with undetected health issues because you don't feel the pain they produce. Any time I sing or play an instrument it's the right note and in tune.
  15. Some aros want a romantic relationship, some don't, some are indifferent. None of those experiences make them any less aro. You might also find the term cupioromantic fitting.
  16. You're definitely not alone, that's why the demi label exists. Don't lose hope,I'm sure you can find a romantic partner if that's what you want. Plenty of other people want the same, after all.
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