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Apathetic Echidna

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Everything posted by Apathetic Echidna

  1. Rather than try to give advice on how to reject, I will try to answer your first question. I guess the most effective way to avoid being asked out would be to develop a reputation for not dating and not wanting to date. So reject and friendzone as much as you can, though you seem to mention that the ones asking you out are generally threatening personalities? Stay safe! maybe if you physically run away that will be enough to get them to leave you alone?
  2. NSFW: Swearing in the song and well.......it is a Mad Max Fury Road fanvid I recently found so lots of explosions n' stuff, but it is just so perfect together. To think the song was written two or more years before the movie...and it is so angry catchy. I also have a certain fondness for women who make overt masculine-sexual curses, so if I sing along I become one of those women at the 5th line of vocals. Yeah NSFW.
  3. Rainier from Anne Bishop's Black Jewels series ( @Star Girl 'The Price' puts him more into aro perspective for me) also Surreal! her happily ever after is affectionate platonic - fight me. You defintely have something there @Eklinaar Someone recently pointed out to me that Petyr Baelish is/could very well be ace-spectrum, and I was like: he so could well be quite aro-spectrum too! It wasn't a head cannon for me before, but now I think it is.
  4. I have now come out to 3 more people and they seriously went like this: 1st reaction: I'm gonna google that 2nd reaction: lol aromatic 3rd reaction: cool, I'm demi....so is AVEN as drama as it used to be? so sort of a mixed bag, but at least I am not winning at aromantic bingo, so yay!
  5. Ignorance is seriously the best place to be. But if you must know.... (it is basically a dictionary definition page) Warning: weird kinky sex words are found in the link. https://fanlore.org/wiki/Alpha/Beta/Omega
  6. Would these be romances though, if they don't even like each other? I guess if their feelings move to a neutral or something maybe. I think I understand what you are saying though (what you are saying basically describes all of the Alpha/Beta/Omega stuff I have ever read, angsty relationships with some weird sexual stuff).
  7. Just because I like bringing her name into every book conversation I find, I really like Anne Bishop's portrayals of romance. In her many books there are many sorts of love and romance woven into the stories but there are a few that really stuck with me like in the second Tir Alainn book Shadows and Light one married couple have a very soft and practical love for each other, and I really connected with the scene where she plants more beans than peas, because her husband loves beans while she prefers peas. I really love that example of conscious unasked for compromise in favour of another person. I generally like my romance angsty, but the Tir Alainn trilogy has quite a few examples of quietly sweet loves (romantic or not). I did quite enjoy Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion, and if I ever want a laugh I pull out my copy of Twilight.
  8. I am feeling good about things right now. Like I am sitting on a little bubble of calm positivity. 

  9. ground, definitely. I really don't like the sea. WYR have every cat you meet hate you on sight or everything you eat taste like cardboard (I really hope a person who doesn't dislike cats has to answer)
  10. never have to pay for food!!!!! (why are prawn cutlets always so expensive anyway?) Would you rather.... Be 3 metres/10 feet tall? or Have ducks watch you constantly, wherever you go and whatever you do?
  11. see, that is really bad. I read that as 'No Toilet Paper'. What did you mean for it to stand for?
  12. I would call that lack of imagination...or should I say too much imagination? She imagines you as a fundamentally different person experiencing relationships the exact same way she idealises relationships (the lack of imagination part). I guess lots of stuff can influence how parents perceive us coming out.....but now that she knows the word she can do her own research if she wants to and you should just stay firm if she tries setting you up with anyone, but I guess much of this all depends on your two different personalities and what sort of bond you have. Personally I really like the explanation here http://www.arocalypse.com/forums/topic/1154-mustard-pickles-or-trying-to-explain-to-alloromantic-friend-why-romantic-behavior-is-confusing/ but you might find something you like better somewhere else in the forums.
  13. Does this all mean we should watch movies about terrible people and relationships so we don't have the possibility of getting these feelings? Basically only watching The Room for the rest of our lives.....I think that would actually make all of us worse. That would break even the most stable of us.
  14. I saw Phantom Thread (2018) and it may have a place on this list. I certainly came away from that movie thinking romance is bad and unhealthy as the two main characters are surprisingly twisted. I have read reviews of the movie and one particular reviewer read a ridiculous amount of sexual tension into the story and another seemed to think it was just a drama about an intense beginning of a romantic relationship so I guess the ambiguity over some of the scenes allows the watcher to see what they want. So basically it is a drama about people getting to know each other, there is very little recognisable stereotyped romance and things start getting messy when (non-familial) love is introduced into the story. I certainly left the cinema thinking that romance had made the characters mentally unstable.......not that they were probably that stable to begin with.
  15. I can relate. I think it is some sort of emotionally self destructive envy. There was a period of time when I couldn't walk and I got really obsessed with snowboarding, especially one movie that I would watch literally play-rewind-play-rewind-play (in the good old days of VHS). There have been other times in my life where I wanted a movie to be real and I wanted to be a certain character and as soon as the movie ends I get all melancholic. It was very much a feeling of "I want but it is never going to happen" sadness. I think the point is to change the part about 'never going to happen' to if it can happen I will make it happen or blow the whole thing off as 100% fantasy. I don't know how I got to this stage, I think it may have been my apathy kicking in around my 17th birthday when I started thinking about a whole heap of things as pure fiction and never gonna happen so why worry? and if it does happen I will be very happy to be proven wrong! (yeah I am totally not the type to focus on a social target and work to make stuff happen)
  16. oh my goodness, when did all the 15-20 year olds show up!? so many....
  17. A service to assemble your flatpack furniture for you (Only available in store. No delivery)
  18. So I was supervising little kids over the holidays and they ended up watching some trash movie that has a romantic love power ballad every 2 minutes in the last half of the movie, it was sickening and made no sense. Talk about seeding unrealistic ideation into under 10 year olds minds. ~ most of the plot (if you can call it that) was all about love potions and true love.......not even Shrek 2 was that bad. Most parents approved of this movie for their kids, so does this mean they think it is okay or normal? or maybe that they just had too many post-New Year's BBQ social lubrication drinks... Also I'll just say it is the most funnest thing to do with your best buddies! Especially movie previews and special screenings. There is a certain self-fulfilment factor that can be tapped into when you see premiers with friends as the session isn't tainted as a 'date' or tarnished in the veil of memories by a bad break up.
  19. I was severely disappointed in the soundtrack in TFA (like how much regurgitation of A New Hope do they need?) So is this new one along the lines of the subtle beauty of Attack of the Clones? (~I'm just assuming the plot isn't dark enough for the moody minor key glory of Revenge of the Sith). Not that either way I really care that much to go see it or pay any sort of money to see it ever. And by visually I assume you are talking about everything visual in the movie? 'cause as for costumes beating The Phantom Menace is a tall order.
  20. I am just generally feeling super good this morning, plus I'm wearing my new dress
  21. Native English speaker here. For some reason I always think of singular 'they' as having a location component. sort of like 'they (over there) wont like that'. But fundamentally it is treated as a plural, like who says they is? it is they are. So it is not a clean gender neutral pronoun, in the sense you can't use find and replace to change it in a text and still have all the sentences as grammatical. I don't have a problem using it though. I use it quite a lot.
  22. @ladyasym it is horror stories like yours and my own experience with creepers that has made me never even want to try a substantial partner relationship
  23. @ladyasym @techno-trashcan @ApeironStella I am surprised Haruhi hadn't been mentioned on this topic. Ouran and the disappointing ending had been mentioned on the Anime/Manga topic http://www.arocalypse.com/forums/topic/1025-favourite-animemangas/ Some things I mentioned there were Skip Beat and Perfect Girl Evolution (The Wallflower). Kyoko Mogami (Skip Beat) certainly starts out by being romance repulsed/romance oblivious but the manga (I haven't seen the anime) degrades into weird mini-arc episodic things. I am not up to the most recent chapters but it seems Kyoko is 'rediscovering' her romantic side, however the early chapters, you get about 120 chapters of fun and aggressively aromantic Kyoko. Sunako Nakahara (Perfect Girl Evolution) is another aro girl leading a reverse harem. I also haven't finished the manga but the anime only covers the first 10 volumes or so (plus the anime was done by the same group who did Excel Saga, so it is weird in a good way). Sunako is not affectionate like Haruhi but she gets into the same sort of potentially intimate situations and keeps it all aromantic. Well at least up until whatever volume I last read somewhere in the high 20s.
  24. so......this is a little thing I have discovered via these forums, the discord, AVEN and Reddit...... ...so you might be aro if you delay getting your driver's licence. Maybe some of us don't see the point because we don't have weird attractions to people who live in awkwardly distant places? though it might be more of an ace-spectrum thing - I do know a person who specifically got a car at the earliest point possible to have somewhere away from parents to have sex.
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