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Everything posted by Holmbo

  1. I've been listening to this podcast and it has some great episodes. Like E65 Dating remarkable friends, where one of the guests is clearly aro.
  2. Which periodic element is the most aro? Maybe one of the gases on the right (don't know what the group is called in English). That doesn't react with other elements.
  3. Yeah I think it makes sense to talk about aromanticism as a scale and in that case @Mark numbers are interesting to reflect on where the middle of that scale is and how many are in the outer side. Although that makes me wonder, what is the opposite of aromantic on that scale? Would it be someone who's in a super committed relationship or someone who falls in love lots but with new people?
  4. I feel like there's probably a lot of aromantics who doesn't id as such. I know at least two people who could describe themselves as aromantic but they don't use the term because they want to be in monogamous committed relationships.
  5. I think frog is a good symbol. Bird could work too but it should be some specific species. With frogs we can just use the common cartoon frog.
  6. I kinda feel like overalls or hoodies are more asexually themed. Not sure what would be aromantic clothes though, since clothes are so much more tied to sex than romance most of the time. Maybe it could be something super practical, which I suppose overalls would technically be if they're more of the working kind. But they're not particularly practical for women as it's hard to pee with them on. Maybe hiking pants could be an aromantic piece of clothing.
  7. The aromantic country would be great Britain, since it's the "enemy" of France which is the Romantic country.
  8. Yeah it's very strange. I don't think I've ever experienced it in real life. Seems to me like it's often tied to sexist and toxic masculinity. Like that a real man doesn't want to commit or have any expectations on them
  9. In Sweden it's also common idea that leftist politics is tied together with labeling of identities. I think it's because left leaning ideologies are more concerned with inclusion than right leaning ones and so will bring these concepts out more. There's also a connection where people who work with words and discourse are more often left leaning.
  10. Single friends might like more like you but if they're very focused on finding a romantic relationship you might feel more kinship to those friends who are coupled and thus not searching.
  11. I understand it must be hard to feel sad about this as many people don't accept it in the first place and would likely console you with a "you'll find someone"
  12. I'm guessing this feeling is pretty common. There are ways to be a part of raising the next generation without being a parent. Like having a job that involves children or teens. Or being involved in some volunteer work like coaching a sports team. Or helping a friend or family member raise their kids. As for the original question, raising children is essential for humans continued existence so it makes sense to me that many people see this as very meaningful and fulfilling.
  13. I feel like there should be more options between daily or once a week.
  14. Wanting a romantic relationship is not really what defines one as aro or not. The question is if you fall in love? If you fall in love you're not aro (unless it's seldom in which you could describe yourself as gray aro). If you are allo (not aro) you could choose to describe yourself as for example single at heart or solo.
  15. Do you want to be in a romantic relationship with them?
  16. This is cool. Would you consider posting it directly on the webpage as well? Cause I think it can be more accessible than only as a separate document.
  17. I feel like many of these problems could be solved by living with flatmates in a more involved way. Like sharing groceries and agreeing to cook for each other out share a car. I suppose the insecurity that the situation could change is still there but that's the same with a romantic partner. I live with a friend right now and it's nice. Sure there are lots of things he does that I don't like, but I think that's in some way a good thing as it keeps me used to dealing with the small annoyances of other people and encourages tolerance.
  18. Interesting. Maybe I'll give it a read for nostalgia. But what happened to the love interest from book five? Is she not in the later books?
  19. A few years ago a guy had romantic interest in me. He was much younger than me and very inexperienced, from strict religious upbringing. I said right from the start I don't date but he wanted to keep talking to me, essentially to convince me I was wrong. I kinda enjoyed arguing with him so I talked to him a few times. The one time I laugh at thinking back to it was when he told me that god had made us to love romantically. I asked him if that so how come god doesn't have a romantic partner and then said I'm single like god.
  20. I loved Artemis Fowl as a child. Especially book two. But I lost interest after book five. Which book is your favorite?
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