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Everything posted by Dodgypotato

  1. Punching? I don't know why I thought of that, I guess I'm a violent person?
  2. "When Bri brings home a boy..." "I wonder what kind of boy Bri'll bring through the door..." "So, how many boys you got chasing you around uni??? ; ) ; )"

    ---___--- staaaaaaahp :stopapo::nopapo::stopapo:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Philbo Wiseroot

      Philbo Wiseroot

      I get that too. :( :icecream:

    3. aihpen


      Same and I hate it for many reasons -_-


    4. aussiekirkland


      Same @Zemaddog people stopped doing that to me once I came out

  3. When anything even remotely related to space comes on TV:

    Dad: "Bri!!!! There's something about SPACE on!!!!! Come look, quick!"


    (I study astrophysics)

  4. "He's a fairy asexual character." -David Tennant talking about Doctor Who. I'LL TAKE IT. I'LL TAKE IT. Even though they've given him a romantic relationship which I think is very odd for the Doctor, I'LL TAKE THAT AT LEAST.

    1. Philbo Wiseroot

      Philbo Wiseroot

      Yeah I don't understand the Doctor and Rose's relationship. All of the unnecessary.

    2. Dodecahedron314


      Well, it was awesome and QP-ish with Nine...and then Ten happened. No I'm not still bitter about that at all why in the world would I be bitter about the Best Doctor being replaced with a soggy weasel who just makes things awkward with the closest friend he's had in so long with the result of completely unnecessary shoehorned awkward half-attempts at a departure from their previous dynamic that I'm very much not comfortable with, nope, that's all totally fine by me


      Anyway. Seconded on both vigorously defending any hint of asexuality associated with the Doctor and romantic relationships being Extremely Weird on principle for him.

    3. Dodgypotato


      We got Donna at least with 10! ;~;


      I insist that The Doctor has always been aro-ace except for the 10th and 11th regenerations. Which sucks, but... At least 12th seems aro-ace again..

  5. I really hate when there's a picture of a man with makeup or whatever, and everyone comments things like "love wins" and "gay people are awesome" and all the other usual stuff. Since when does a man wearing make-up make them gay? What does that have to do with anything? That would mean that pretty much any man on any TV show or theatrical production is gay.  

    1. Zema


      Because people are ignorant and think that a man who is femme must be gay. Funnily enough, while I was browsing the internet I found this and I think it somes up this issue quite well:


      I think the only reason this stereotype exists is because gay men tend to feel more comfortable embracing the feminine aspect of their personality more than straight men. I'm willing to bet that the proportion of feminine men is the same amongst all sexualities.

    2. aihpen


      Same. I was watching Germanys Next Topmodel with a bunch of people earlier this year (because I knew one of the contestants, I wouldn't watch it otherwise. Way too many commercials and I don't think those commercials were targeting aro aces... ) and basically everyone who I watched it with commented on how that one guy in the jury is "totally gay". At some point I asked why they think so and if he mentioned it because I didn't remember that, but all they answered with were comments on the way he acted or spoke etc. :facepalm: Whenever people jump to conclusions about someones orientation I just never want to talk to people again...

    3. Louis On Air

      Louis On Air

      We've come a long way since "don't turn your back on a p**f because they'll have a go," (I saw that on It Was Alright In The 70s) and even the sitcom Extras from 10 years ago feels like the most close minded and dated thing with cheap predictable jokes saying "aren't gays funny but don't worry; we're aware we're ripping on a marginalised group so these cheap jokes are OK" but we can only move on from this exasperating bollocks when we stop assuming dumb shit. I wear makeup like once every 3 months and I cocking dare you to dissuade me.

  6. I thought dating was for finding a partner? I thought it was exclusively a romantic action?
  7. Hahaha I can't believe a team of reseachers actually bothered to do a study about this! It must have been an extra thing they just noticed with some random other study... Right?? Anyway I'm AFAB with a longer ring finger. Guess I'm actually gay!
  8. I'm allergic to cats AND dogs... :'( :sadpapo:


    ... And dust.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zema


      How did you survive at my house then?

    3. Tal Shi'ar
    4. Dodgypotato


      @omitef Then that person would be the epitome of all that is evil in this world!


      @Zemaddog Haha it's not a deadly allergy! My house is filled with cats and dust. ):

  9. I gave dad my phone to look at a bunch of pics I took at the botanic gardens.. And when I looked over... He was in my browser history, looking at every website I'd been to one by one... Super thankful this website doesn't have 'aromantic' in the title now!

    1. Zae


      True, it'd be bad if it did :3

      Mean of your dad, btw~

  10. I put other. 25 C to ~32 C for warm. 25 C is not hot!
  11. Hello? Is there anyone in the 'I failed a maths course' club that would care to welcome me in? Please? I'm lonely.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. omitef


      Not exactly the same thing, but I've failed an Advanced Placement Physics exam...and it was Physics level 1, too.

    3. aussiekirkland


      I remember starting the next maths course in year 12 and after getting 12.5%, studying really hard and 44% I decided to repeat the previous course haha

    4. omitef


      @aussiekirkland Congratulations! That's a huge improvement.

  12. I don't mind a quick hug, but I wouldn't initiate it. I cannot stand cuddling.
  13. Banned for having fun. Be serious or get out.
  14. Banned for speaking ill of science.
  15. Banned because ALL RISE FOR DATLOF!
  16. I think it's natural to assume someone is aromantic if they tell you they are asexual. When someone tells you that they are bisexual, or heterosexual, you assume that they are also biromantic or heteroromantic respectively. It doesn't mean that it's right, but I definitely don't blame people for assuming so. Especially if they are unfamiliar with the aro/ace communities.
  17. In my dad's very eloquent words, asexuality is 'bullshit'. I coordinated with agent zemaddog to gauge his reaction to asexuality. I didn't even mention aromanticism. Mum doesn't know. Unless dad mentioned it to her. My sister is very accepting of it, however.
  18. Dodgypotato


  19. Dodgypotato


  20. I really love obscure jokes. Like the shirt that says, 'You can't see me!' (in aromantic flag colours.)
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