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Status Updates posted by DannyFenton123

  1. I just realised I accidentally signed off on an email as 'Danny' to one of my English friends.

    I realised this when they emailed me back 'Hi, Danny...' like the awesome friend they are :arolovepapo:

  2. I showed my oldest sister 'The Amazing World of Gumball today'. She didn't like it in the end, but it's cool that she gave it a chance :)


    Meanwhile I'm going to sit here and wonder if she would have thought differently if I'd showed her a different episode. One day I'll have somebody to watch cartoons with! xD

  3. My dad walked in on me singing this song:



    1. Will


      XD.  Come back to discord!

    2. Louis On Air

      Louis On Air

      Not too shanty, I mean shabby!

  4. Oh my god. OH MY GOD! Two more episodes of Steven Universe are actually out and on Kisscartoon! I think they were out all day, but I kept thinking they were spoilers when they were actually episodes! Somebody even mentioned to me there are two more episodes out and I didn't realise.

    But whatever, whatever. I'm watching it now at 3:14 (pi) in the morning and I'm honestly so excited!! :Da

  5. Person on a game starts calling me a 'fake boy' because I play a male character and heard me complaining about my grandfather wanting me to be ladylike. So he starts going off on me because wow, he feels so betrayed that this person he thought was a guy wasn't a guy, and annoyingly enough I crash before I can say much or block him or whatever.


    When I log back on I see a bunch of other people in the chat arguing with him about how backwards he's being. So that was some holiday niceness. Merry Christmas!

    1. Philbo Wiseroot

      Philbo Wiseroot

      Happy Christmas Danny! That was a nice turn.


      Christmas: Half way out of the dark


    2. Untamed Heart
    3. omitef


      That's amazing--I'm glad that other people actively supported you!

  6. So I went to the cinema today, and as we were walking in the door I noticed my shirt was on backwards.

    Whoops :facepalm:

    1. aussiekirkland


      I do this way too often. Just last week I had put my pyjama pants on backwards and didn't notice for a day that the tassels were at the back

  7. Today I got a message from another forum, requesting I change my username. Reason? 'DannyFenton123 is not allowed as it breaks the forum rules of no full names'


    I am now Danny Fenton xD

    1. Bee


      Yaaassss! I knew it.

  8. Tried to show my oldest sister Town of Salem today. She got the Jester, playing on a server with people who don't know how to do their roles and keep throwing slurs around. And then they died really early on.


    1. Dodgypotato


      Eugh, I hate it when you try to introduce ToS to someone and everyone is being shitty or your luck is just all of a sudden 0. xD

    2. RedNeko


      I feel fortunate that when I was introducing people to the game people still knew how to play

    3. DannyFenton123


      Yeah, there isn't really a lot you can do when people are being jerks. And the Jester is fun, but really not a great first choice xD

  9. What was Beethoven's favorite fruit?

    the ba-nana-na! XDXD

  10. Yay: I got a new chair to replace my broken old one for my birthday. It's a swivelly chair! :D

    Uh oh: I had to put it together myself. The back has already fallen off and I can't get it to stay on.

    1. breaddd


      Swivel chairs are my favorite! xD Although it's not a good idea for me to have one because I broke my arm from standing on one once.

    2. DannyFenton123


      Oh no! But I love them too (even more when they're properly put together ;))

  11. :paprofile:

    1. Zema


      To papo or not to papo? That's not the question! Who could possibly think that's a question! The answer is to papo of course! 13 so far.



    2. owl


      Those are adorable :D

  12. Schooooool's out for Summer! This means I get to play Town of Salem way more than should be allowed xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DannyFenton123
    3. peridotty


      freedom friends!!! todays my last day :D

    4. Spud


      I have school for another month lol

  13. 495 posts! I wonder what I should do for my 500th post xD 

    1. Zema


      Oh wow, you might even overtake spud for most posts soon. I have no clue how you should celebrate though.

    2. paporomantic


      Post 'potato porn' xD

    3. DeMorgan


      Spud would be pleased.

  14. Can anybody please check something mathsy for the book I'm writing? Would it take (very) roughly 78 hours for a space ship travelling 700,000 kilometres per hour to travel 55.8 million kilometres?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dodgypotato


      Haha, a bit of a dodgy method but I suppose it works! xD


      Let me know if you need any other physicsy help. Or mathsy. What's the book about? Sounds interesting if you have this in it! haha

    3. DannyFenton123


      Well, my protagonists need to intercept a space ship headed towards Mars, and I needed to figure out the number of days they have to construct something. Three days seems dramatic enough ;)


      Thanks again!

    4. Dodgypotato


      Sounds awesome! You're welcome : P

  15. Does anybody remember a game called Ceasar III? It was this Roman city building game where everything caught on fire... at least for me it did xD

    1. Philbo Wiseroot

      Philbo Wiseroot

      So like Roman sims? That's what I do in sims if I'm angry. Make a sim and BURN HIM!

    2. DannyFenton123


      It wasn't so much like Sims... More like a level in between Civ and Sims. Great game, but I wasn't very good at it as a kid so everything burned. Or collapsed. Or starved. Or rioted. Or was eaten by wolves.

    3. Tal Shi'ar

      Tal Shi'ar

      I never saw Caesar 3, but I think i do have a copy of Caesar 2 somewhere.

  16. For the second time I can remember, I had a dream last night where I was about to get married, but I felt uncomfortable and the two of us discussed it and politely broke it off. Even my dreams are aro xD

    1. breaddd


      I remember having a dream (I don't remember the details) and I thought the same exact thing when I woke up.

    2. DannyFenton123


      Nice. I dunno how I managed to nearly get married twice though.

  17. Found my old copy of Dynasty Warriors 3. Goodbye, free time! xD 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. owl


      I LOVE DYNASTY WARRIORS! Don't think I ever played 3, though...

    3. DannyFenton123


      3's the best in my totally unbiased opinion ;)

    4. omitef


      I love all dynasty warriors indiscriminately

  18. Going to some teen job application class thing tomorrow. Not entirely sure what to expect xD 

    1. aussiekirkland


      They'll probably mention the tendency of employers to underpay teens and to be aware of minimum wage. I think they mentioned that to us at some point while I was at school.

      Also how to write a good resume and cv

  19. Good news: my sister helped me fix my chair right after school! Bad news: I didn't realise she was home, so I came in singing a French song at the top of my lungs while she was taking a phone call :ph34r:

  20. Guess what? These forums are so new they're not blocked on my school wifi yet ;)

    1. owl


      Omg that's great... Hopefully they're not blocked on my school wifi yet, won't find out till next week though

  21. Guys, are the last few episodes of Gravity Falls good? I stopped watching after I think episode 19 of Season 2 because there was an awful episode about picking up girls on holiday that I just did not get, and then I never got into it again :P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DannyFenton123


      Oh good, thanks. They just made my two favourite characters extremely unlikable in that episode, I'm gonna have to delete that from my mind xD 

    3. Kojote


      @shotinthehand Uuuh yeah, new Hirsch stuff! I'm so exited =D @DannyFenton123 If anything, I thing he actually even redeems himself for that x3

    4. shotinthehand


      @DennyFenton123 I think characters without dislikable qualities are unrealistic and boring, but yes, it was a little bit too saddening to see him behave that way.

  22. Heating up in Arizona means that walking home is no longer fun ¬¬

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DannyFenton123


      Walk too fast = get sweaty and exhausted

      Walk to slow = get sweaty and exhausted

      There is no middle ground xD

    3. owl


      Walk too slow = sweaty and exhausted AND late

      Best solution.... don't walk and stay at home? :D

    4. DannyFenton123


      And get heat exhaustion, and collapse, and get carried off to the hospital... leaving me no time for homework :ph34r:


      Homeschool, bingo!

  23. Hey, I stumbled across my AVEN thread history today. *MEGACRINGE*

    1. Zema
    2. paporomantic


      Doh, I'm yet to edit out my own cringeworthy AVEN content :facepalm:

      (the part of it that hasn't been quoted for truth) 

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