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Simply Kenna comes out as aromantic

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I still can't believe I'm even making this post, or that I made a post just like this yesterday. All these YouTubers coming out as aro/ace is doing wonders for visibility and awareness.


Here's the video where she comes out as aromantic asexual. It's a wonderful video and even better is all the support she receives in the comments. What I love is all these people discovering their sexuality because of Kenna's video. All these coming out videos really are amazing.


Whoever made that tumblr post about 2016 being the year of the aros (2016 backwards literally says aros) wasn't wrong!

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Nice find, again! I think her explanation is really good. She's very similar to me, except she actually still likes boys specifically in some way. I really liked how she mentioned about being 'straight by default', since that will be good to explain to people who have known me a long time and probably still think I'm just straight and confused/picky.

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6 hours ago, SoulWolf said:

She's very similar to me, except she actually still likes boys specifically in some way.

She elaborated on this in another video since a lot of people were asking about it. The idea was that she already has plenty of girl friends that she's close to, so she'd like to get closer to a guy as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've actually been subscribed to simply kenna for a few months now, and her video is the first thing I saw out of curiosity on the subject, and once I saw it, I had an oh damn that might be me moment and that's what really made me look into it. It's pretty cool that other people have seen this video because honestly she's one of my favorite channels on YouTube as of right now and I totally recommend watching some of her other stuff ✌

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  • 3 weeks later...

hehe it's made me feel a lot better about myself watching her video. I guess I'm a little more intimate about my cuddling than she is. I wanna lay my head on/against my friends and nap. they can pet my hair if they want. meow! :3 


but yeah like. I totally sort of, just assumed that I was normal, that when others talked about crushes and soul mates and whatnot. that the platonic connection i'd dream up where the same kind of thing they'd dream up too. heh..





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