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3 hours ago, EGGHEAD said:

and trying to be funny by making it just like a shitty meme or something isn't funny
be original
or at the very least make it be an actual joke instead of just "thing bad"

sorry i dont know why im so hung up on that part of this

Nah, shit wasn’t funny. You have every right to be hung up on it. The sad part is that I love low quality memes, but it wasn’t a meme, it was just a picture with no punchline. No joke could be found anywhere, I am not sure who stole this guys sense of humor, but they should give it back, its clear that he needs it. Barbie or not, a movie is a movie, and it’s not okay to shit on something dumb like this. 

But for real? I am not sure what @SwiftySpeedy expected us to say here, “omg you are sooooooo right Swifty, guardians of the galaxy three was soooooo much better than this stupid pink movie, I hate pink, it’s for stinky girls, pee yew!” Like no, bro wtf, use critical thinking skills. It may seem like we are over reacting, but we cannot have a community where shaming people’s interests is okay in any regard, and if we don’t snip this in the bud here then we have opened the floodgates for stuff like this in the future. 

Its okay to fuck up on the internet, that’s the lovely part about it, we are not mad at you (at least not me) but know that shaming ANYONE on here is not acceptable. We can pretend like this never happened, K?

Edited by Rackson
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2 hours ago, Rackson said:

But for real? I am not sure what @SwiftySpeedy expected us to say here, “omg you are sooooooo right Swifty, guardians of the galaxy three was soooooo much better than this stupid pink movie, I hate pink, it’s for stinky girls, pee yew!” Like no, bro wtf, use critical thinking skills.

it looked like a bot post to me tbh. it wouldve been so funny if they got hacked and the hacker thought it was funny to fuck around like that

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4 hours ago, TheEvergreen said:

I'm kinda annoyed rn because i changed my username on here, but now i want it slightly different and i have to wait thirty days, idk how long it's been already... 

i made a typo in my name once and had to wait a month. i feel u

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I wanna watch heartstopper s2 so bad. i haven't had enough time yet and its killing me. i literally can't look at my yt homepage or my pinterest feed because its literally covered in spoilers. 

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42 minutes ago, AroAcedragon13 said:

I wanna watch heartstopper s2 so bad. i haven't had enough time yet and its killing me. i literally can't look at my yt homepage or my pinterest feed because its literally covered in spoilers. 

Oh boy, it’s like wanting to play a new video game and then YouTube is just begging you to watch content about it. XD

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im making a good omens 2 edit i am crying laughing at this one scene it's just peak funny to edit and peak funny in general

(spoilers for GO2 ep3)

this is the scene I'm talking about


he goes so mad here and you cannot say "you have sinned very bigly" without laughing i don't know how David tenant did this

"killing yourself is NOT ON!!!" i am gonna cry


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2 hours ago, AroAcedragon13 said:

School starts in 1 month for me. It starts on the 7th. I don't want to go back. I'm excited about it too though. I get to take art every day now so that's fun i guess. 

I agree. I don't like school that much. It's kind of exciting?

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8 hours ago, AroAcedragon13 said:

School starts in 1 month for me. It starts on the 7th. I don't want to go back. I'm excited about it too though. I get to take art every day now so that's fun i guess. 

i have to go back on the 16th this month. i want to kms

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ive started watching young royals and there's like sex scenes and it's bizzare like??? people think like this????this can't be normal???? yall are lying? people actuallly look at a picture of essentially a stranger and are like in fucking love???? bewildering and confusing. 

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6 hours ago, AroAcedragon13 said:

Ive started watching young royals and there's like sex scenes and it's bizzare like??? people think like this????this can't be normal???? yall are lying? people actuallly look at a picture of essentially a stranger and are like in fucking love???? bewildering and confusing. 

understandable. i dislike sex scenes when its unnecessary. but when its used to add depth n symbolism to the story idm it; such as the 1 done in arcane which is used to create contrast between the 2 charas theyre comparing

romantic n sexual scenes in horror movies is 1 of my biggest pet peeves 

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6 hours ago, NVLL said:

understandable. i dislike sex scenes when its unnecessary. but when its used to add depth n symbolism to the story idm it; such as the 1 done in arcane which is used to create contrast between the 2 charas theyre comparing

romantic n sexual scenes in horror movies is 1 of my biggest pet peeves 

ive never seen a horror movie but a sex scene in one seems really weird and like out of place? like aren't they about to die or smth and they're doing that instead? idk seems weird.

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On 7/25/2023 at 6:20 AM, Rackson said:

I mean, people will enjoy what they want to enjoy, and I don't like to trash on peoples opinions. I listen to AJR, and many people hate AJR, doesn't mean that I don't like it still. Other people may just not like the same things as me. 

I think that we should give people a bit of leeway about the things that they enjoy.

Oooh I also love AJR! I was very confused why so many people hated it, so I looked it up on a thread and the reply was 'because it's music for teenage girls' and I thought, well, I'm a teenage girl! 🤷‍♀️

On 8/29/2023 at 3:53 AM, AroAcedragon13 said:

ive never seen a horror movie but a sex scene in one seems really weird and like out of place? like aren't they about to die or smth and they're doing that instead? idk seems weird.

I can answer this one. 

Sex can be a a very emotional, tense or intimate moment, so when in a horror movie it can serve as a) a distraction b) a last chance for certain characters to bond before they are killed off or c) in some cases the horror and sexual aspect are connected, eg it relates to the character's personal fears around sex. 

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