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Everything posted by Deltalorian

  1. Hello! Enjoy your time on here!
  2. I personally think that the video works really well as a crash course introduction to asexuality and aromanticism. I personally really liked it, and while I can see the point of it excluding loveless aros, I don't think it was her intention to do that.
  3. I feel like for sexuality, anything pre-puberty is too young (this age will vary slightly person to person). For romantic orientation, you should be able to know when it's acceptable for your age to be dating.
  4. No I put some cereal in a bowl and then eat that cereal, milkless, from the bowl.
  5. My sexual orientation. Romance and romantic attraction are much less tangible and less definable things than what comes in the territory of sexuality.
  6. At the inconvenience store, they don't actually sell anything you need. But they do have a rotting old rope you can buy for £15.99! Cash only, and you either get no change, or fraudulent pennies instead of legitimate change.
  7. I'm not gonna be able to resist the new lego AT-TE releasing August 1st. I love the design of the AT-TE in general, it looks really cool 


    1. Ikarus


      Pretty nice! Im also a fan of AT-TEs, when I was a kid I wanted one but I somehow got a clone turbo tank (not lego). 

  8. I read that as bussy as I scrolled past, I think I need to get of the internet... ...tired.
  9. You have a pet frog that joins you in your quest to fight crime, being excellent with a bow and arrows. However, one day, your froggy pal is tricked, and they end up shooting you in the chest fatally, putting an end to both your quest and your life. My power is I can get anyone to talk truthfully about anything.
  10. Yo this is so cool! Really impressive, awesome art.
  11. It sounds like something I've heard before, but definitely haven't. It's pretty decent, it's not trying to do too much at once, the melody works fairly well. I'd say a fair 7/10. Here's my new choice (it is a bit longer than the others, be warned): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqnU_sJ8V-E
  12. Well, this is quite the loaded discussion. Do I take pride in things that I just am ie being aromantic, asexual, autistic etc? No. Do I try to celebrate those parts of myself? Absolutely, though I'm not good at it yet. Basically, I don't take pride in things that I just am because there's no achievement to be proud of, but that doesn't mean it's not something you can celebrate.
  13. I feel like comparing the "privileges" (if you can even call it that) of alloaros and aceallos is like trying to compare apples to oranges, let alone when comparing them to the experiences of aroaces. Sex and romance are both heavily glorified in media, often together as well, which makes life harder to navigate when one isn't drawn to others in one or both of those ways. I'd say it's pointless trying to say one has it worse than the other, since both heteronormativity and amatonormativity hit anyone of any variation of acespec or arospec quite harshly in life.
  14. You can hear really well, to the point where you can hear things that you shouldn't be able to otherwise - like the sound of the sun, which is like a constant chainsaw sound everywhere you go, except much, MUCH louder. There is nothing you can do to drown out the noise. My power is I have the power to think of a power not already mentioned here.
  15. Cat. I have cats and I love them dearly, I'd rather get to have them or different cats if it came down to it, than a large sum of money. Money or an accepting family and friend group.
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