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Everything posted by Deltalorian

  1. What gave you the impression that I was okay to begin with
  2. How do you taste sour shit and go "ah this this is a sensation I like, my body desires more of this" Ah okay, fizzy drinks are not my thing. Not sure how to explain it tbh.
  3. Not me because I am not a masochist I have not had lemon tea, try again (is it a fizzy drink or not, fizzy stuff does not sit right with me)
  4. Wait it has something to do with Nestle so I can pass automatic judgement haha my biases are correct
  5. I don't know where you live, but over here we say squash for that sort of thing. Anyway, never heard of Nestea but is sounds like a Nestle product and oh it isn't huh so I can't pass automatic judgement on it
  6. Vimto is way better than either
  7. You are definitely not catching up in terms of the "top posters in this thread" count. For the general post count, well, you just might.
  8. You'll never beat me, though I think you mean ✨magic✨
  9. It's certainly worth a try
  10. The amount of posts I have is a skill We are all magical
  11. As a child, I wanted a more traditional marriage. A small part of me still wants that, but I would nowadays prefer a "FWB" (don't like that term) style of relationship, a kind of relationship that I so elegantly call fuck buddies
  12. Ooooooo cute I honestly have no idea if my chronic internet connection directly correlates to the improvement in my irl social skills
  13. So long as your irl social skill aren't hampered by being online, then it's fine (if your irl social skills were not there before, then it doesn't matter). Strangely, my irl social skills improved by being terminally online so
  14. I don't like the fact that the panel on the right calls me out for being the most terminally online. On the other hand, that is a title I wear with some pride so I guess it's good. I got the 100th reply hehe
  15. I would absolutely go at least once, maybe go as an ally on the first time to test the waters.
  16. Oh dear, that sounds horrible, hopefully your teachers have collective amnesia and forget that class presentations exist.
  17. It's what time and you only just got back? 👁️👄👁️
  18. Enjoy your time! If that is even possible
  19. You could call it that
  20. I threw a table as a student
  21. The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. That's great! Well that's not at all troublesome. Hi!
  22. I knew of an English teacher who would tell his 14 year old students about an erotic novel he wrote because a different student found it available on Amazon.
  23. You can either look for a thread on here with a working invite link or ask on here for a new one
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