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Everything posted by Deltalorian

  1. I'm offended because you consistency is inconsistent.
  2. All the downsides of your previous powers are gone, only since you no longer have what you wished for. I wish that I was motivated to do daily tasks.
  3. If we count pixar, Wall-E. If not, possibly the Emperors New Groove or something similar.
  4. "...the moment you teleport over, you get crushed by gravity..."
  5. I think at about 10 years old is when I started to notice others getting crushes.
  6. I don't think I really have an aesthetic, beyond just the colour green lol.
  7. Not me using Chrome canvas to do maths homework

  8. I used to think that I would but well, you know. So probably not unless it's for a QPR.
  9. My fashion is literally just whatever clean in my wardrobe right now, and I daren't think too deeply about my gender and gender expression, as I simply do not have the energy to deal with a potential gender crisis right now.
  10. The question: is this how I spread the aro agenda? New answer: mint ice cream
  11. Been on here for about a month now. idk, just interesting

  12. I thought you only knew me online, and had never met me irl? How did you know I do this?!
  13. ...how on Earth do you corrupt a wish thats such a mood? Hmm... you no longer feel empty, because your lungs are filled with water and you're drowning. I wish that whenever I wanted to, I could teleport into a universe where everything is Minecraft and live in the game-like world (being able to touch and feel everything because it was real there) and be able to teleport back to this world at command.
  14. NO it's mine you can't have it
  15. Is there a prize for being the newest comment? If so, do I have to give it to whoever comments after me?
  16. Both of my current A-Level physics tecahers are really nice people! They care about the subject, and they clearly care about us. It's a tad bit of a shame that one of them won't be able to teach year 2 physics, becauss she's pregnant and will be having her second child with her wife very shortly. I also really appreciate my german teacher, who stood as a fill in for my actual german teacher for two years (the actual teacher was on maternity leave, on both times) since we had a really great rapport, where I could banter with her in lessons. At times, it felt like she was the only staff member who cared about me and my health
  17. Back when I had my only crush, I had told my friend that I had asked her out and the first words out of his mouth were "she's way out of your league, dude" like wtf? Not only was she perfectly happy to date me, as far as I know, he had only spoken to her once. Why would you say that right out of the gate?
  18. It's easy to feel alone when few others feel the way that you do. It's just the nature of living on Earth; such a large surface area for people to be spread thinly across. Luckily for us, the internet has given us the ability to connect with each other from across tremendous distances, because we're not alone. I certainly feel like this at times, and while the feeling can be quite crushing and suffocating, I just need to remember that the people who can support me and love me for who I am exist somewhere. Sending you some platonic love and hugs!
  19. Another teen ace, coming at a fresh 17 years old.
  20. Good luck, I'm sure you'll be great!
  21. I've had a similar experience. I had asked a girl I liked out on a date, but it had to be a while after my asking, since the both of us had exams coming up. For the first few days after, my feelings hadn't changed - I thought she was really pretty, and I was excited by the prospect of dating her. After 4-5 days, however, my feelings had begun to disappear. The more and more realistic a romantic relationship with her seemed to me, the less and less I was interested that way in her. After a few more days, I had become completely disinterested in dating her. I let her know this and she's been absolutely fab about it, we're still good friends. Anyway, I think this experience, while not universal across the community, is not all too uncommon for aros to feel. You could be frayromantic or something similar to that, I'm not sure of the exact terms.
  22. I don't have an aro ring yet but when I went to buy my ace ring, it was literally just whatever they had available that fit my finger as well as vaguely fitting the criteria. I did end up going through multiple stores though, so yeah. That's only if you're not looking for anything too specific.
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