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Everything posted by DeltaAro

  1. Translation of "squeak, squeak...": "I'm a proud aro frog warrior and the strongest of my tribe, protesting against amatonormativity. So show me your respect!"
  2. @roboticanary this is just soooo cute, I watched this video ten times
  3. Sims really is not my type of game. Also isn't Sims 4 like eight years old now? Anyway, I'm happy that aros are de-facto playable and a major publisher literally acknowledges aros in their release notes (it seems the term does not occur in the game itself, but still). That must be a first. 🎆🎇 Yeah, Paradox would've certainly done that.
  4. The "as we know from the asexual flag" alone would be nonsensical, I agree. But this remark was meant to be understood in connection with the original explanation for the aro flag, which stated that grey/black represent the sexual spectrum. So obviously black means asexuality here, and gray graysexuality - while allosexuality is missing a color. We should assume that much shared symbolism between the asexual and aromantic flag. You can't know this. Perhaps a few feel excluded? Also the intent of the flag designer could have been aplatonic exclusion. I don't think so, but it's theoretically possible. I'm a bit surprised that you think this highly subjective issue can be tackled with simple logic, or that there are clear-cut "right" and "wrong" positions here. The rainbow flag is the ultimate and original pride flag, going back to the 1970s, and it covers the broadest range possible, since it's for the whole LGBTQ+ community. When it was designed, people didn't knew what would all fall under this umbrella in the future. To be "excluded" here in some way is not even surprising, and it would be far-fetched to suspect an intent. The aro-flag is comparatively new and very specifically meant for one special group, aros. So you cannot really compare those two. Btw, all your arguments could be similarly applied to defend extremely bad aro flags. Like the US-flag in shades of green: "Just because you're not from the US, you're not excluded". That does not work. So there's something wrong with your general approach, it's too broad. I'm not so sure about this. The rainbow flag represents diversity. What it stands for cannot be explained easily in a single word (or two, or three), since it groups together a wide and complex spectrum of very different sexual orientations, gender and so on. The US flag obviously represents its federal organization and also its long and varied history from the first thirteen original colonies (stripes) to all the 50 states (stars). Politically the US is complex because of its federalism. I mean it even has a state with a fundamentally different approach to law (Louisiana). And the lesbian flag... it evolved from the lipstick lesbian flag, which perhaps was meant to look extravagant, colorful and "complex". But the newest iteration has been simplified and the number of stripes was reduced. Oh dear, I already regret posting this. Especially since there are way more important issues right now than complaining about the aro flag 🐸 - which feels like an "The People's Front of Judea" vs. "Judean People's Front" endeavor in contrast. I most certainly didn't try to be "right" here or put forward a watertight argument. But just express my highly subjective opinion and hopefully say something interesting and enlightening. If you don't like it, just discard it. Of course you can explain where I go wrong, but then better use the same feuilleton style. This really is not amenable to fisking.
  5. "Dark Souls" ... don't forget the space! 😀 Now which Dark Souls? Did you play and enjoy ALL of 'em - Dark Souls I, II, III? While I enjoyed DS I, IMHO Dark Souls II was the very low point of the series. I tried to play as a female character, but uh... oh she didn't even look human!
  6. When I visited Prague a few years ago, I also witnessed this extremely dumb and inexcusable tradition of putting on "love padlocks", mainly on the Charles' Bridge. Sorry, but ... I just hate this soooooo much... We make fun of it, but OTOH there really is no excuse for this inanity. Those locks actually cause long-term structural damage to historical buildings. And for what?? As if the stability of those romantic relationships would in any way depend on those ridiculous and harmful theatrics.
  7. No, sadly I don't have an aro flag.. 😔😔😔 I would like to create one myself. But I can barely sew on a button. Ok, perhaps I just buy one from some obscure Amazon shop / Etsy etc. maybe they aren't that bad. Any suggestions? Though this is pride parade, I'm still happy that you can just buy an aro flag there. Never thought it would be that "mainstream".
  8. Classic Czech meal. Very simple ... yes, frugal. Still I like it. I just know it as "dragon fruit smoothie" where I'd say: yum yum yum Potato pancakes?
  9. yum again. What is it with this Pho, seems to pop up regularly... Houbovy Kuba? (a kind of barley "risotto" with mushrooms and onions)
  10. Type: Loveless Aro Representation: Appearance Headcanon Fodder Aro Flag: Frayromanic [LOLWUT] Tarot: Pentacles
  11. I don't think this holds water; according to the original explanation for the aromantic flag, white represents platonic love and friendship. Black and grey are for sexuality. But black (as we know from the asexual flag) represents asexuality, and gray obviously graysexuality. So allosexuality is actually not even represented in the flag. And allo-aros are a big, though often forgotten, chunk of aros. Don't get me wrong - of course, I don't want to change the flag. Or make a big deal about these issues. Aro unity is way more important. 💚 I'm very happy that we have this well-established flag. A flag that has become truly ICONIC. That's worth a lot. So overall I LOVE the flag. But still we don't need to resort to rationalizations here: the aro flag is what it is for historic reasons. And it's certainly not perfect. If you ever created a real flag, different shades of the same color are always bad. At least the aro flag only contains two shades of green; there are much worse flags. The Aroflux flag above is a nightmare to produce as a real flag.
  12. Yes, of course, I sympathize with this reasoning, to some degree ... but does the flag really help in this regard? All the colors have to be explained nonetheless in detail. E. g. it's not at all obvious what white / gray / black should mean. So perhaps it would be better to just clarify that aromanticism is unrelated / orthogonal to asexuality - but not put the SAM into the flag. "There is no second chance for a first impression" - and so the aro flag IMHO should be simple, because aromanticism is conceptually simple and straightforward. I don't mean any individual's orientation, which might be rather complex. But that aromanticism is simple in the sense that, if you're not badly confused by amatonormativity, it's not that difficult to understand in its general meaning. I mean, aromanticism is not fundamentally different from asexuality regarding any difficulties in understanding.
  13. I vaguely remember the traditional, original paella.... AFAICR it contained chicken, shrimps and mussels. Yum yum. Now I eat vegan paella, all the chicken meat & seafood replaced by various types of tofu, but yum yum yum... give it a try. Ratatouille?
  14. PS: I don't know what's more cute: the skink, or your reaction to it: "they look so cute and happy!" 🙂
  15. I understand your reasoning, but what to do? The flag has its "venerable" history (for Aro circumstances) and is now well-established. Yes, in the Aro art that I created (don't you know, I'm a very well-known artist - my paintings are exhibited in the Louvre in the Aro section ... in my fantasy), I always felt that representing all those five Aro flag colors (of which three are boring and very not catchy for the eye) is quite difficult, so I focus on the green shades. Some suggestions: If you identify more with an aro-sub-label or aro-related label (grayromantic, aroflux, ...) you could use its specific flag instead. Most don't entail any references to the sexual spectrum. Grayromantic Flag (the gray here obviously refers to grayromanticism, not graysexuality) Aroflux Flag The problem of course is: few people know them. I mean, even though I know pretty obscure sub-sub-sub-labels, I don't know their flags. I guess if you remove the gray and black stripes and instead mirror the green shades, it would still be recognizable as quite aro-related by anyone who knows the original flag. And remove any association with the sexual spectrum: Alternative Aromantic Flag (created by @DeltaV, license: CC0) My main issue isn't even the inclusion of the sexual spectrum in the original aro flag. Though I agree with you that this is quite bad and inconsistent, e. g. if you include sexuality you might as well include gender, right? But that the aro flag has FIVE stripes while the asexuality flag has FOUR. Aros suffer from the persistent myth that aromanticism is artificial, constructed, overly complicated, newfangled and far-fetched. Basically, that aromanticism is regarded as fad. While asexuality OTOH is respected as obvious, plain, elementary, easy and simple. OK, maybe I'm overreacting, but I witnessed this attitude a bit too much. For that reason we shouldn't WANT more stripes. Aromanticism is not more complex than asexuality, no no no no! So here's another straightforward aro flag: Alternative Aromantic Flag 2 (created by @DeltaV, license: CC0) As uncreative as it is, to be honest, I like this one. Really - for its extreme simplicity.
  16. That was such an extremely weird anime... yeah, it did not help that I binged the whole series in May - the Halloween aesthetics felt a bit out of place. Of course there are overall much weirder anime. But this one mostly still tries to be a normal shonen with mainstream appeal, I guess. My favorite character is Blair: "I'm not a witch, meow!" Other anime that I like: Re:Zero – Starting Life in Another World Overlord The Rising Of The Shield Hero (yeah, controversial... still I like it) GATE (very silly) That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime and of course Attack on Titan (who doesn't). It seems my tastes shifted from Sci-Fi to Dark Fantasy / Isekai.
  17. Yeah, but now I've seen Spock and T'Pring in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. To me that seemed more like... two high functioning aspies in love. And not aro.
  18. uhm... I don't know ... never watched the movie, don't know the "male version". I mean, it's not bad. But not that exciting without context... uhm ... 6/10, sorry just not my taste. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1EOkFeD3Ho
  19. The venerable Aro Necromancer says: "After four years, I will bring this thread back to life!" 🧛‍♀️🧛‍♂️ Ok, I'm now watching Vinland Saga. This series is just GREAT. Very recommended, if you can stomach the violence. Now at episode 15/24. It's more historically accurate than Vikings or The Last Kingdom. This anime also seems to be strictly aro. Until now I basically did not encounter ANY display of romantic love. Kind of funny, there were multiple obvious hints & opportunities where romance should've happened - but it did not!
  20. Angels of Death, the RPG. I watched the Netflix anime, now I play the game. Oh yeah, did I mention that I have a GeForce RTX™ 3090 Ti... that I bought it at the height of the semiconductor shortage. What a WASTE. 😉 Ok, seriously, aside from its "technical limitations", this game is great.
  21. we just recently had potato salad... anyways... yum! Potato Sauerkraut Casserole?
  22. There's nothing right now this world needs more than PEACE ☮️🕊️🏳️‍🌈. PS: Yeah, I'm not naive. I still blame Putin and his lackeys for the war 150%.
  23. very "classic": Peter Pan (1953) it's just the greatest IMHO, unsurpassed
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