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Everything posted by DeltaAro

  1. So anyone else watched Jeff Bezos's billion dollar experiment "The Rings of Power" ๐Ÿ’ here... opinions?

  2. Yes, but please still have the audience in mind. I'm interested in the concept of steelmanning (which is sadly often confused with concern trolling). Now my attempt: It seems the appreciation of the sex appeal and beauty of the genders varied over the different ages and cultures. The obvious example would be Ancient Roman and Greek culture. It would be absurd to just solely look at these cultures and conclude that biologically and in general all men are bisexual or have strong homosexual desires. And maybe something similar is going on in this era, but revolves around women. Or rather not "maybe". Not all European languages go so far but in English "beautiful" is as a word nearly reserved for women. And female bisexuality is, for whatever reason, like in your face portrayed as everything exciting, attractive, hot, ... I don't mean this in the "oh, it's a fad" sense. It could be rather deeply rooted in modern cultures. TruthSeeker on the other hand makes the claim that fixed biology finally breaks its way after all the cultural shackles have been released. I interpreted his PR stunt as an attempt to ridicule trans people. But if it's him who is the butt of jokes, that's all the better. ๐Ÿ˜€
  3. Straight women are straight. This is a logical truth, right? Your point is based on a feature of self-concepts (like sexual orientation): that "errors" or "lies" are nearly impossible to define. So the idea "most women who claim to be straight are in fact not" becomes self-contradictory. Self-concepts are simply constructed in this way. That's also why they're either regarded as Orwellian or the butt of jokes by more conservative types. Of course, the evidence TruthSeeker posted here is very low quality. And to register on an aro forum and instantly post this off-topic stuff: Not good. But I wonder if the best way to deal with such topics is this barrage of snark and rather general skepticism? The University of Essex paper you can find here. Or I guess that's it. In the news release the link is broken and the study is not fully cited. Maybe I read it, if I find the time... for now I just skimmed it. The idea of "erotic plasticity" (resulting in more flexibility to engage in same-gender sexual activities) comes from Roy Baumeister. And also the claim that women have it, while men do not. He's one of those academics who make wild claims and then prefer to publish them in popular science books. In the past he also misinterpreted genetic research in a very absurd manner to push his theory about (extreme) polygyny in pre-historic humans.
  4. oh dear... how does one even come up with such an idea? Freekeh "meatballs" in tomato sauce?
  5. DeltaAro

    Art Thread

    Very nice!!! I can do the vectorization!
  6. Oh yes... regarding actions and behaviors I'm attracted to alternative / artsy / indie / ... people. Like if I see someone in an Art Nouveau exhibition, they get loads of bonus points for attractiveness. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Also if they like Sartre.
  7. Ok, thanks for this info... I seriously didn't know this. I hope we are allowed to appropriate it, because there are already existing aro masterpieces ([1], [2]) that incorporate garlic. ๐Ÿ™ƒ Unknowingly I even egged people on... So, now since only ice cream is original aro food, a dessert, we urgently need our own savory aro food, too. I propose: onion cake!
  8. Are you maybe a Kreetassan? The Kreetassans considered eating a taboo to be performed privately, in the same manner as mating. As a hobby evolutionary psychologist (aka "this is totally made up") I can explain this peculiar human preference: in the Paleolithic people had to be very transparent about the food distribution. They ate together so that everyone knew that they got their fair share.
  9. College-educated people who are strongly committed to very fringe beliefs. They should know better because they got all the education.
  10. Hello and welcome! I never felt alterous attraction. I don't even understand this concept myself, but I imagine it must be difficult to distinguish from romantic attraction.
  11. This is great! And... ... finally, finally there's someone here to whom we can award an aro scout badge and who truly deserves it.
  12. You can't know. Scary thought, maybe there's a universe with romantic love as a fundamental force. "Love is the one thing that transcends time and space. Maybe we should trust that, even if we cannot understand it." - Amelia Brand, 'Interstellar'. ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ Gravity is romantic, for sure. But there's also entropy: the aro โžณ of time.
  13. I believe that a high-powered study might find some correlations between Myers-Briggs type and life choices. Probably also true for the Hogwarts Houses personality type. ๐Ÿ™‚
  14. This is completely normal. Of course, most elephants graze in the Swedish countryside but a few of them live in the cities (in parks, public green spaces). Those are called "stadens elefanter" (urban elephants).
  15. So America is the most aro continent. And Australia the most romantic. It is strange how red Australia looks, like it does not belong on this planet. Unfortunately, although the red soil provides a good setting for post-apocalyptic movies, it is not of much use otherwise because it is very poor in nutrients.
  16. Even the leaves from a rose bush? ๐Ÿคจ
  17. Sadly this is beyond my expertise. Contacting Discord is better than nothing (does the staff there really have the time to read FB posts and corroborate their authenticity?). But this is very likely going to continue until new charges are brought against her. Sorry, for this useless post. But I didn't want to just quietly go away from this thread.
  18. If I read about you in a book, I would think the character was a bit too far-fetched. So pretty unicorn-ish indeed. We need MOAR aro art1!!
  19. Hello and welcome! I like your avatar!
  20. No charges were pressed, so obviously there won't be a trial. I understand negative attitude towards law enforcement. But if perps are not even charged ever, they will feel totally emboldened.
  21. No!!๐Ÿคจ Read it again. Of course being toxic alone doesn't work. Think about all those Tsundere, most aren't cute but abusive as hell. They're still one the biggest otaku fantasies. My strategy is far more refined. For more details buy my books "Off! - The Love Repellent" and "The Aro Artist: The New and Improved Art of not Being Asked Out". But if you really want to delve into this, enroll in one of my seminars. โ‚ฌ 1000 / hour it's a steal. Special discount for Arocalypse users of 1%. ๐Ÿค‘
  22. Reached Leyndell, Royal Capital, yet?
  23. To add further aro stones: Peridot / chrysolite Actually, this is the semi-official aro gemstone.
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