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Everything posted by DeltaAro

  1. DeltaAro

    Art Thread

    yes, your drawings are really professional!
  2. DeltaAro

    Art Thread

    I can’t really draw myself. And have even hit a plateau regarding my very restricted capabilities… But we are seriously lacking in Aro Art. And I guess that even my attempts are better than nothing! So if you create something aro-themed , it would be nice if you could post it here.
  3. DeltaAro

    Art Thread

    on this subject, you should draw an aromantic vegan vampire … vampires in fictions are always super-romantic.
  4. DeltaAro

    Art Thread

    An Arocopter Barely Escaping from Dangerous Romantic Fauna
  5. I now play ELDEN RING on PS5. PSX? To me that’s like reading Latin poetry.
  6. It obviously caters to very special tastes. But I like Grimes’ early albums so…
  7. DeltaAro


    not a forum for jaded romantics!
  8. I guess that I’m living in Hell World now anyway. There’s still a pandemic raging. And ~1000 km from where I live, there’s heavy fighting. A mad megalomaniac pushes the world to WW3 (what an irony that Soviet leaders – except the worst of the worst, i. e. Stalin – were more sane)… oh God … But all this is still pretty abstract. I never even knowingly contracted COVID-19. And it’s still peace here, aside from a few Ukrainian refugees, completely normal. So Iran is perhaps one of the inner circles of Hell of this Hell World now …
  9. Wouldn’t have guessed there was anyone in Iran who knows obscure micro-labels like “soft-romo”. I like the Iranian domes, they’re nice…
  10. Allos are so weird. If I just try to be nice to an opposite gender person they accuse me of flirting. I guess you have to be stoic or positively rude for that not to happen. I like the idea of aro flirting, but only as an insider joke between two aros. Don’t pull allos into it, even if you tell them it’s just a joke they think it’s pretending.
  11. Where did you look? What does Google Scholar say? Some of the articles you find there are freely accessible and those that aren’t can usually be found on that one site, that “science hub site from Kazakhstan”, which shall not be named. Now don’t tell me you’re like writing a thesis about it or the like. Then I would feel stupid telling you such stuff.
  12. took him a long time to learn… all the insane pain he goes through to get the memory disk for the Cherry 2000 robot…
  13. Yes. I guess my analogy fails in the sense that many aspects of romance are not that far removed from other human interactions. But sex OTOH is very, very, VERY peculiar. So I can understand why people may find it disgusting (100%, no matter the circumstances). Now I don’t like romance directed at me. I find it very uncomfortable. Always, ever, no exceptions. Even from people I’m very close to. But I’d still 100x times more prefer having romance directed at me than some truly "barf barf" stuff like being a crime scene cleaner. Also I don’t find romance aesthetically beautiful ever. More like something between neutral and annoying/uncomfortable.
  14. If I’m sure about one thing, then it’s that I’m aro, 100% aro. And even though I do not like romance at all (if it would just vanish from this planet I would rejoice), I do not find it disgusting / horrifying / barf barf barf. Do have asexuals “higher standards”? I sometimes (rarely) have real sex, and enjoy it. But then I go a long time without it. I do feel sexual attraction towards other people. But often it happens that I just cannot feel sexual attraction, cannot get aroused, in very sexual (very, very explicitly sexual, nothing left to the imagination) situations. OTOH I easily achieve arousal in situations when reality just subtly hints at something sexual and the rest is supplied by my fantasy. While I’m not asexual, I guess that I have strong aegosexual tendencies… it’s 90% fantasy and 10% reality for me… this CANNOT be representative of the average allosexual. In the end I don’t care about belonging to the asexual community. As odd as I am in this regard, I don’t identify with this label…
  15. Why do you give in to romantic attraction? Why don’t you resist it? Does it ever happen that you resist it, or is this impossible??
  16. A very important question, that I was always too afraid to ask:
  17. I suspect that alloromantics are way more guilty of such behavior but just (usually) don’t care. ?
  18. I don’t find this so strange. I mean you now understand how you differ from the majority. I’m perhaps in a somewhat similar situation. There was a time when I thought I was aro and simply heterosexual. But honestly, I was just in denial. I’m pan. I had sex with same gender (male) and nonbinary persons, and I liked it. I was – no doubt – attracted to them. But I also have a VERY pronounced aegosexual tendency. It took me a loooong time to figure that out. So sex is really just a nice-to-have in reality. It’s better than a mere fantasy, but not fundamentally better. I now ALLOW myself to be repulsed by certain sexual stuff. I usually find the scenarios that lead up to two people having sex, as portrayed in various media, very off-putting and awkward. Not the actual act, I’m fine with that. But if that ridiculous “mating season behavior” is really representative to how the majority of people “get it going”, I still don’t know anything, I’m a total outsider. It is like from a different planet compared to my experiences.
  19. Does clicking the dots "…" on the right work?
  20. Chinese Folk Religion is also missing, though it is relatively large. Shintoism and Taoism are missing, too.
  21. I’d really, really like a BTC donation option! PS: I also would like it if there was a Patreon account. I would donate $ 120 / year if one of those option would be available (I only know Patreon as a donor not as a donatee… but creating an account cannot be that difficult)
  22. Oh dear, AFAICR girls that age had like 2 – 3 of crushes per year. Boys attempted to hide this more, but it must have been 1 – 2 / year on average, at least. But: I’m aro, and really completely, totally clueless (back then and still now) and probably only recognized the obvious ones. So maybe I underestimate it. Personally I never crushed on anyone. The drama started in early teens or earlier, like 12 or 13 years old when they started to crush.
  23. Maybe. But is it scientifically proven? I’d like to see that study… Cause studies about aromanticism… you can count on one hand…
  24. Well does it? Greek culture is the one major influence on Western culture that was aro-friendly and LGBTQ-friendly (at least compared to the other main influence: the Judeo-Christian tradition): Platonic Love, The Symposium, Alexander the Gay Great, Sappho, Lesbos, etc. I also like that they had an Aphrodite Pandemos: Aphrodite for all people, who was the goddess of physical desire, not of romantic love. While this is ace-exclusive, it is still less weird from my perspective than the modern assumption that romanticism is “for all people”. But… Greeks had slaves. And were misogynistic, even measured by the very low standards of the 1st millennium BC. I mean the typical Athenian “free” woman was basically illiterate and excluded from public life. Except for Sparta, where women had more freedoms than anywhere in the Greek world. But Spartans ritually slaughtered the Helots every year and seem “a bit” fascist to me.
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