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Everything posted by Holmbo

  1. So if monagamy is having one partner and polygamy is having many then if you have none could it be called agamy? ? If so I'm agamus
  2. There are so many activities that are simple yet lots of people find fun. Like dancing, singing, various games or sports. But it's like all those activities people enjoy has to be boxed up and only be done at very specific circumstances. I wish that everyday there was invitations to play and just enjoy ourselves. It's like to be an adult one has to be so subdued and passive.
  3. Since I don't have a filter I used googled and took the first results. Step #1. Listen to Yourself How to Make Your Voice Deeper The very first thing you want to do is see what you have to work with, since, if you don’t pay attention to your voice, you won’t be able to know what you need to fix to make it perfect. Start talking and record your voice with your phone’s audio recording app. Listen to your voice carefully. Chances are your voice will be completely different from what you thought because you’re now experiencing it as an external listener. Don’t freak out, it happens to everybody, and the truth is that recorders don’t lie. Embrace the fact that this is exactly how you sound and start taking notes. Listen carefully as words are coming out of your mouth, study your pitch, and keep your recording in a safe place so you can compare it later after you’ve completed your exercises. By the way, click here to learn how to improve audio recorded on your phone. Step #2: Fix Your Posture Now, stand in front of a mirror and watch yourself as you’re talking. This might be an article on how to change your voice while shooting a video or make your voice deeper, but what you need to understand is that you basically want to control it. And to ensure absolute control of your voice, you need to mind your posture, and the best way to do so is to align your spine and stand straight. This will remove any extra pressure on your muscles around your larynx, and it will allow you to control your breath fully. Study your current posture to see what you’re doing wrong. Stand tall, keep your chin up, and read a passage from a book. Practice your vowels as you’re changing your spine positioning to see how it affects your voice’s pitch. After a while, you will have found the perfect spine position that will help you talk with a deeper voice. To fix your body posture, though, you need to make it a habit. Keep your spine straight when you’re working on a computer, sitting in a meeting, walking, and running. Step #3: Relax Those Muscles How to Make Your Voice Deeper Our muscles are drowning in tension: stress, bad body posture, wrong working out exercises. Every single thing we do by using our bodies has a direct effect on our muscles and usually adds a lot of tension. To make your voice deeper, you need to release it from four key areas Tongue: Start with the organ that plays an ultra-essential part in controlling your voice, but we all forget to keep an eye on. The human tongue consists of eight different muscles, but it needs only a straightforward exercise to relax. Stick the tip of your tongue behind your bottom front teeth. Leave it there for ten seconds and repeat for a couple of times. This will relax the whole area and release unwanted tension from your mouth. Jaw: Next, to get more control of the way you speak and deepen your voice, you need to relax your jaw. Start by massaging your masseter muscles (they lie right in front of your ears) for a minute or two. This will relax your whole face, essentially. Then, find a bone called pisiform right next to your masseter muscles and massage them in a circular motion while keeping your mouth open. Throat: Have you ever noticed when you’re yawning, your throat is at its most relaxed state? Also, ironically, in that state, if you try to talk, your voice will sound deeper, fuller, and lower-pitched. So, yawn. And as you’re yawning, drop each ear towards your shoulder, forward, and back. Feel a small stretch at the back of your throat, relax your jaw, and when you feel your throat relaxing and gently stretching, you’re good to go. Neck: Humans are not perfectly designed and the human neck is one of these flaws on our bodies. Pillows, desk work, long hours in front of a computer, weightlifting, and abs workout are just a few factors that put a lot of tension in the neck muscles. So, stretch it. Roll it over to one side, then to the other side, then bring it back to the center, drop it forward, and breathe. Feel the tension releasing, and even though it might feel like a face yoga exercise, it’s the perfect way to start your deep voice training. Step #4: Use Your Diaphragm How to Make Your Voice Deeper We hate to be the bearers of bad news, but you’re most likely breathing wrong. Most people use their chest for breathing when we have a whole respiration muscle to control and can make tons of difference if you’re wondering how to make your voice deeper. The diaphragm allows you to position control where the air you inhale will go, and, according to the rule of thumb, the deeper it goes, the deeper your voice will sound. Breathe slowly through your nose and bring the air deep down into the lower depths of your belly without pushing your chest forward. Now, exhale slowly, and as you’re exhaling, try to say your full name. If you feel a vibration as you're speaking, congratulations! You’ve learned how to use your diaphragm, and you have achieved a deeper voice effect now. Diaphragmatic breathing is the most popular technique used by professional singers all over the world. It allows them to control their voice, position it exactly as they want, and produce deep, low-pitched (or even high-pitched sounds). At first, it doesn’t come naturally, but with practice, you’ll be able to do it without even thinking about it. Step #5: Mind Your Airflow How to Make Your Voice Deeper Vocal cords tend to work better when they have the right amount of airflow. To learn how to control it, you can do a popular exercise that requires just a straw. To deepen your voice in just a minute, you need to: Take a regular straw. Take a deep diaphragmatic breath. Put the straw in your mouth and release the air through it. But wait! Don’t tighten your stomach muscles and make sure you’re releasing the air at a steady, slow pace. Take a second breath. As you’re exhaling, make a sound as you're letting your voice drop lower. Repeat. This simple exercise will allow you to practice how to use your breath as a tool to make your voice sound deeper and more “vibratory.” The more you exercise, the more familiar you’ll be with controlling your airflow, and your voice pitch. Get our best content on audio clean-up and content creation in your inbox Step #6: Understand the Different Types of Voice We, humans, are such complex creatures that we have at least three types of voices, based on where we position it. Identifying them will allow you to understand what you might be doing wrong and why you’re looking for an answer to your “how to make your voice deeper” question. Because it might be just a matter of wrong positioning. Head Voice In general, the head voice is associated with higher pitches and notes. By using your head voice, you’re releasing strong, steady high-pitched qualities which, of course, make your voice sound anything but deep. So, how do you understand whether you use your head voice? Start talking and try to see if you feel some sort of vibration around your face and head area. Are you listening to your voice as if there was a speaker inside your head? If you answered “yes” to all of the above, then you’re using your head voice, but you need to stop. To make your voice sound deeper, you need to start using your chest voice. Chest Voice Talking from your chest is, indeed, one of the most common ways of voice manipulation that people use without even noticing it. Put your hand on your chest, and emphatically say, “hey.” You will most likely feel a small vibration. This is your chest voice. A steady, low-pitched tone usually in the same range as your speaking voice that you can control through breathing. However, a chest voice isn’t always deep and it needs some practice which we’re going to talk about a little later. Mixed Voice With “mixed voice” we usually refer to the combination of head and chest voice, and it lies exactly on the spot where your voice shifts from your lower to upper range. This is great for signing (musical performers love it), but it has nothing to do with talking. Now that you know the different places where your voice is produced, you need to practice the one that really matters and can get you a deeper voice. And this is no other than your chest voice. Step #7: Practice Your Chest Voice Your chest voice is where the magic happens. You can control it, make it sound deeper, less nasal, and stronger. And since you’re looking for ways to make your voice deeper, this is the area that the following exercises zoom in on. Voice deepening. First, talk normally by engaging your throat. If you usually speak through your nose, your voice will sound much lighter and less confident, which is not a quality for a deep voice. Now, take a deep diaphragmatic breath and make a hissing sound while exhaling. This will open up your chest and allow you to control your voice right in there. Start talking. Feel your voice being transferred via your breath from the bottom of your belly up to your chest and out of your mouth. You’ve officially found your chest voice. Step #8: Hum Like You Mean It How to Make Your Voice Deeper Humming allows you to warm up your voice so you can control it. At the same time, it unleashes feelings of relaxation in your whole system which allow you to relax your muscles. Hum, and you’ll be able to lower your voice pitch, talk deeper, and even make your voice sound deeper on mic or video. Take a really deep breath and start humming for as long as you can while holding it. This will stretch your vocal cords — and stretched vocal cords always make a voice sound significantly deeper. After you’ve done that, take another deep breath but point your chin down toward your chest. Start humming and slowly raise your chin. Now speak. Your voice will feel deep and intense. Step #9: Your Inflection Matters You asked for tips on how to make your voice deeper. And in our attempt to deliver, we’ve included a small cheat. It’s not about breathing, positioning, or voice deepening exercises. It’s about how you end your sentences, also known as inflection. Generally, there are three types of inflection: neutral, upward, and downward. Neutral inflection happens when your voice remains the same pitch, no matter how you end your sentences and talk. This can lead to a robotic end-result without any attitude and voice shifts. Upwards is what you should avoid since it makes the voice sound higher, and it feels a lot like a question. Downward inflection, on the other hand, is what makes the voice deeper because it means that you finish a sentence at a lower pitch. Practice it, and you will slowly notice that you will feel much more confident as you’re perfecting it. Step #10: Own It How to Make Your Voice Deeper Sometimes, you simply have to fake it until you make it. While practicing at home, be pretentious. Think of yourself as someone with a deeper voice who uses their chest voice, and feel more powerful since science has proven that it can make a huge difference — actually this is why women’s voices are deeper today. Experiment with pitches, tones, inflections, and come up with tricks that will boom your voice and make it deeper. Just, overdo it. Conclusion: The Problem It all sounded too good to be true, right? Well, the truth is that no matter how many exercises you might be doing and how hard you might be practicing, no one will ever be able to make their voice deeper permanently. Of course, some techniques and exercises will help you lower your pitch or feel confident about your voice while speaking on mic, for example. But, first, those exercises are hard to master without an expert vocal coach, and, second, they don’t stick to your DNA. No one can change the core qualities of their natural sound, but they can pretend that they have a deeper voice when they need it. However, at times of shock, regular conversations, or when they simply break character, their normal voice always comes out. Luckily technology can help. If you’re looking for ways to make your voice sound deeper on video or audio, for example, there are software tools and apps that will add that deep element you’re looking for. And since multimedia come with no expiration date, your voice will remain deeper forever. At least on record. Get our best content on audio clean-up and content creation in your inbox July 17, 2020 Tutorial Voice Deepener Aris Apostolopoulos More articles from Aris Apostolopoulos Related articles Video Production What Are the Qualities of a Voice? Get to know what makes a voice sound unique and the main vocal qualities and characteristics that make you sound like... you. Video Production Why Does My Voice Sound Different on Video Do you feel that you don’t sound like you? Have you wondered why we sound different to ourselves? Let’s talk about science and human hearing ability. Video Production How To Make Your Voice Sound Better Make your voice sound better with these voice exercises for speaking. Learn how top-notch speakers achieve high-status vocal tonality and get a new, smooth voice.
  4. What's the distinction of solo poly compared to poly in general?
  5. Yes you can be in any kind of relationship you want regardless of your romantic orientation. If you like the relationship you're currently having I'd say just keep going. But if you'd like for something to be different talk to your partner about it.
  6. What are the advantages and disadvantages for an aromantic in the country you live in? You can also write about your home country if that's a different one. Or culture within your family or neighborhood.
  7. Holmbo


    It feels like so many people are still demanding to slot everyone into the category of man or woman. I suppose so they can assign all sorts of generalization to everyone and limit the need for communication or thought. I'm sorry your friend seem to be taking this lazy approach. If you're up to it maybe you could ask him why he feels it's important to distinguish between men and women and to view you as a woman. Maybe you will learn something about how some people relate to gender roles.
  8. I know this is hard to say cause we don't have a survey from a representative sample of aros (especially since not everyone who fits definition of aro identifies as such) but if you were to take a guess.
  9. We often look for aromantic characters but since those are pretty rare a good substitute might be characters who are not coupled up or looking to be so. Do you have any favorite single characters in media?
  10. There are some advantages to hanging out with couples, for example that you don't have to worry about being flirted with like you might with a friend who's single. Or that your friend doesn't have to choose between you or their partner. But it can also be akward if you feel like a fifth wheel or get uncomfortable with their display of affection. How do you feel about hanging out with couples? In which instances do you enjoy it or not.
  11. There was one like that a short while ago. Something like "which romantic movie do you like"
  12. Good luck! Did you realize this because you were researching your book character?
  13. I don't think this has anything to do with romance. We all need people who comfort us and it can be very useful to imagine it. I often imagine being comforted to calm myself, but I don't have a specific person on mind, it's more the sensation of a warm smile and touch.
  14. Yeah I could have included the of topic ones too
  15. Maybe you can start by asking her to not pressure you to get married or have kids. Tell her it's making you uncomfortable and that this decision is up to you and not something for her to demand of you. If she doesn't comply with that I don't think there's much use coming out to her.
  16. I feel like it's good to get as much description into the name as possible. So if people search for it they'll see the name. So maybe call it something like aromantic asexuality journey.
  17. @Quinn_ i don't feel like you have to break it to them, unless you want to. It's not your fault they've made assumptions.
  18. @Skittles87 I agree about he's just not that into you. The weirdest thing about that movie to me is that it doesn't seem to matter for the protagonist woman what her feelings are. She realizes that a guy has feelings for her and apparently that automatically means she wants to be with him. I do like the story line with the other woman who dumps her cheating husband though. Maybe I'll make a cut with only that part ?
  19. Holmbo

    I'm scared

    My advice is to take some time on this forum. Read and write in the different posts and maybe that will help you feel better. You don't have to come out if you feel like you're not ready for others reactions.
  20. When I used to be in romantic relationships the guy would always want to cuddle and I'd find it super boring. You don't even do anything, just lay there. But in recent years after being solo for a long time I've started to feel like I'd enjoy cuddling. I do a kind of meditation sometime where I imagine the sensation of physical touch and it's very calming. Of anyone would be interested in reading about that let me know.
  21. The name is "sounds fake but ok" Just give them a try. It cost nothing and if you don't like their delivery you can just stop listening.
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