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Everything posted by AromanticAardvark

  1. Maybe it's something like queerplatonicism? Or just getting flustered at close contact
  2. I think it's mostly pretty good, although I would change A2 to "I enjoy sex, and though I'm not actively seeking to date someone, I would be favourable to that."
  3. Our story thus far: Once there was a dog that liked to eat hamburgers and his owner. Then the dog was not straight. He was tall, however he wanted to eat french fries and french fries cannot frolic through fields of flowers so he decided to cry and died, due to dehydration. So then she killed your friends. Afterwards the police yelled at his friend for loitering. But Butt the big butt tried to run for president but couldn't because of his species. So, enraged he started to eat humans. The dog ate President Pie, who wasn't in the mood and he didn't consent to being eaten, so the president went to the White House to persecute the dog's aunt, then asked why the dog was eating people. The dog replied that her butt was also banned from the White House because the president ate it. Loved the explanation, so he (I wrote out the whole thing before realizing I couldn't send it yet because the story wasn't finished 🥲)
  4. You have figured it out, but have forgotten how to figure out your queerplatonic and aesthetic attraction, as well as all the other types of attraction, instead. I wish I had my art binder with me so I could work on my assignment, or that my school wasn't locked so I could go grab it
  5. No you don't. It just doesn't happen. You tell him about your favourite kinds of soup instead. Necklaces go around your neck
  6. Hey Andy! Welcome to Arocalypse, I hope you have an excellent time
  7. Depends, right now (as in for the last few days) it's been a cross between rice pudding and cheesecake
  8. Don't get so hung up about particulars. You don't need to find the right microlabel, being aro is enough, even if you don't relate to ALL of the aro experiences
  9. Good luck, I hope the worst that happens is your school gets cancelled
  10. Jewish Virtual Library, Staff. “Baghdad.” Jewish Virtual Library, www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/baghdad. Accessed 17 Dec. 2022. Miri, Adhid. “The Jewish Community of Iraq- History, Influence, and Memories.” Chaldean News, 28 May 2021, www.chaldeannews.com/features-1/2021/5/26/the-jewish-community-of-iraq-history-influence-and-memories. Accessed 17 Dec. 2022. Urowitz, Rachel, editor. Jewish History Grade Ten: From Medieval to Modernity. 2017.
  11. But do these sound any less hilarious with "and"? South Dakota and Fifteen Impounded Cats United States and 11 1/4 Dozen Packages of Articles Labeled in Part Mrs. Moffat's Shoo-Fly Powders for Drunkenness United States and Article Consisting of 50,000 Cardboard Boxes More or Less, Each Containing One Pair of Clacker Balls And as for random things that interest me... I was interested in learning Middle English for a while, and while I'm no longer genuinely trying to learn it, it's still a fascinating language to me
  12. Same, and then I had to walk home (from the bus anyway) in freezing rain and a ton of slush
  13. I like the name Stav, it's pretty unisex and it means autumn. Or Elizabeth, just for the amount of nicknames that can come from it. Liza! Eliza! Liz! Beth! Lizzie! Betty! Eli! Even Bea!
  14. I'm not really part of any denomination, since I barely go to shul, but if I had to pick one I'd probably say Reform or even maybe Conservative Judaism. And I'm like.... meh religious. I don't go to shul with any regularity (I go once every year during the High Holidays to hear the shofar, but other than that I basically never go), but I do celebrate most of the major holidays and fasts, and I do keep (mostly) kosher (aka, packaged food doesn't have to have a kashrut symbol, but I won't eat pork or a cheeseburger). What about you, how religiously Muslim are you?
  15. Unfortunately since I keep kosher (Jewish dietary laws, basically I can't have most meat that isn't prepared specially, and nothing that lives in the ocean that doesn't have fins and scales), there's not many options for me to pick from, so I usually have veggies and (ocasionally) tempura. What about you?
  16. To me, a QPR is just a relationship between two or more people that isn't a classic romantic one. So for some people, their QPR might be just "friends who cuddle". For others, it might be "friends who sometimes have sex" or "people with a deep emotional connection who do a lot of the same things people in romantic relationships do, but not romantically or "people in an open relationship that might seem like close friendship to an outsider, but it's not that for them" or even "people who aren't platonically attracted to each other at all, but they're attracted to each other at least one other (nonromantic) way". There's no standard way to have a QPR, and the terms are defined only by the people in it
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