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Everything posted by AromanticAardvark

  1. Of course the ONE time I talk to my friend's cool aroace friend (who I may or may not have a squish on), it's when I've forgotten my aro ring at home, AND I only had 10 minutes to talk. I wanted to hear their thoughts about climate fear :(

  2. Yes I do, all I have to do now is the second point (I did the first one already, I said there would be a lot more climate refugees because of floods, droughts, and wildfires). Thanks, I'll need it Oh shit I'm so sorry, that's awful
  3. It's on the effects of climate change on Peru unfortunately, which I know basically nothing about. I've finished the first half though, so all I have to do is the second part, which is about how agriculture in Peru is affected. (This is the specifics: Research one activity in that region that has been impacted by the effects of climate change. (Examples: tourism, recreation, agriculture, manufacturing, fishing, resource availability) Explain how and why your activity has been changed. Use three supporting details. 6. What are two ways life might be different in your lifetime if climate change continues at the current rate? Explain your reasoning.
  4. It's too bright and you can't look for long or risk getting blinded You can't change back, you're stuck as whatever it is you decide to change into I can finish assignments lightning-fast, and they are flawless and perfect
  5. Well it turns out my science project, which is due mid-March, is in fact NOT due mid-March, it's due tomorrow. And I haven't started
  6. Those look so good!! I got a an aro book (Common Bonds: A Speculative Aromantic Anthology) and my aro friend and I are reading it throughout the week. I also got Loveless at Indigo and I plan to read it for aro week
  7. Oh thank you! The next person gets a really pretty earring, but the back came off so now it's just a pretty tchotchke (no idea how to spell it)
  8. You cannot control where or how they float, and you can't bring them back down to earth I can remember things I've read or watched perfectly
  9. Some advice: be ready with a definition on hand, and answers for any question they ask (and they WILL ask questions), but don't be afraid to refer them to the internet for anything you don't know/don't really want to say. And be patient! They won't have heard of aromanticism before, but hopefully they'll want to understand and support you. Good luck!
  10. "I think you're getting mixed up between a hotel and Ant-Man." -My dad
  11. Amazing article, and thank you so much for being willing to write about these things! We as a community def need more visibility about amatonormativity so people can stop perpetuating it (and the example you showed in the first part of the article had me seeing red. Your friendships shouldn't define your relationships, and vice versa
  12. Definitely my romantic attraction, I know I'm aro but my sexual attraction? Who knows! I'm ID'ing as bi right now, but tomorrow I could wake up and realize I'm a lesbian, or ace, or pan, or straight, or literally anything else
  13. It's a friend of mine's birthday on the 14th, but I have no idea what to get her (it's also the birthday of another friend who I don't know well (since she's sort of a new addition to the friend group) on Saturday and I have NO IDEA what to get her either, I'm probably going to get her fun stationary and make a bracelet or something). So... anxious?
  14. King Juan II imposes an unpopular tax, and the tax collectors are conversos/Jews, so they riot against the conversos
  15. Same, seriously hoping it's not lol
  16. Don't put important scenes behind big pieces of furniture.
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