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Everything posted by AromanticAardvark

  1. You get so much spaghetti that it uses up all of the world's supply of wheat. Now you have too much spaghetti and no one has any bread. I wish I had more time to eat my lunch
  2. They talk so much on the server that you can't keep up. No one can keep up. Eventually, @Bumble_Bee_ talks so much that the server crashes, and then they take on the larger AVEN forums (and end up crashing those too). I wish I was better at French
  3. I'm offended by you assuming that their profile pic is no effort
  4. You have so much orange juice you drown in it and flood the world. I wish I wasn't such a picky eater
  5. They let you listen, but now you can't hear your teachers and you fail school. I wish I could stop time and do my assignments while time is stopped.
  6. I think I'm probably something like homoplatonic, or homoflexibleplatonic, since I hardly ever have squishes on anyone other than girls. And I don't think about it like close friendships, but as who you have squishes on, and imo it's more for yourself, to label your own attraction, than a label you tell people about
  7. Original I Miss Having Sex But At Least I Don't Wanna Die Anymore lyrics: Google Translated to Romanian, Afrikaans, Hawaiian, and Hungarian:
  8. Banned for not capitalizing the first letter
  9. It is Friday, which means you didn't wish for it to be Friday because it already was, so your wish can't have been granted. Congrats, you've created a paradox and collapsed the space-time continuum I wish I had everything I need to do done
  10. The new hope... of happiness.
  11. Banned for not having a cool enough profile picture
  12. Selling Underpants Perfectly Encapsulates Realistic Catapults, And Life Itself Finds Rhinos Attacking Gay Idle Ladybugs Inexcusable. Stop The Interesting Canadians' Entire Xylophone Performance In African Lake If Decorous Octogonal Creatures Intend On Using Speed (to attend) HOMOSEXUALITY
  13. Definitely, I'd just spend the million on painkillers. You get a million dollars, but every time you want to spend it, you have to take a 200-question exam on whatever you want to spend it on.
  14. You do: saving the world at great personal cost (and trauma) to yourself I wish I had all of my volunteer hours done
  15. Talking John Answers Louise's Mailman HFJEQ
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