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Everything posted by Collie

  1. I'm late to the party, but these are all so wonderful
  2. For me, most of my OCs are aroace, like me. But I have a few that are different This is Ari the mutt, she is biromantic and ace Fineku the cat is gay Teddy the Collie is bi Paprika the red panda is a lesbian And finally, Kaji the Arcanine is a demiromantic lesbian and Skit the Pomeranian mix is bi, and they are in a relationship
  3. My newest OC, Paprika the red panda. With the aro flag in the background, because that's my identity. That saidddd, Paprikia is a lesbian :)
  4. I've come to the conclusion that I'm technically grey-homoromantic. With a leaning towards aromantic, so I'll mostly go by that tbh. But aside from that, I came across the term "bambi lesbian", and if I identified more with the lesbian label, tbh, I'd LOVE to claim that term. It means a lesbian that doesn't desire sexual stuff and it was used in the 80s. So, essentially an asexual lesbian.
  5. I headcanon Goku from Dragon Ball as demiromantic. I kinda bounce back and forth over whether I want Izuku Mydoria (Deku) to be aromantic or alloromantic. So far as canon stuff goes, Saiki from Saiki K is the only one I can think of. If he's not fully aromantic, he's definitely on the spectrum.
  6. A romantic relationship, I was always taught, is supposed to have selflessness as one of the qualities to aspire to. But at the same time, both partners have to put effort in or it's just gonna feel one-sided. So I don't really view it as transactional.
  7. So I don't really have much in the way of an answer as..... I was homeschooled during high school. But I remember being like "I haven't had a crush yet.... huh". My mom actually had told me as a child that "some people don't get crushes", and that stuck with me. So I was like "maybe I'm one of those people". I did notice that other people my age were far more interested in dating, while I was like "I'll wait until I'm 22 to date". Of course, I'm 28 now and have never dated and there's only one person I would potentially want to date and she's taken. So.
  8. I've actually been kinda lonely lately due to a lack of close close close friendship.
  9. Maybe cupioromantic? It's where you don't experience romantic attraction but do want a romantic relationship
  10. My squish has the opposite view to me, too. It bugs me a little, but I know she is a lovely and wonderful person who only wants the best for others.
  11. Not friends, but have lost mutuals and been bullied a bit. It's sad, because I rarely separate myself from others over politics unless they're seriously extremists. (Like if they are actually supportive of stuff like white supremacy or if I see them bullying people who aren't hurting anyone.)
  12. Hi! Also a furry. Love the pfp
  13. For me, I rarely experience romantic attraction. I have had two definite instances of it. I have one person I have felt feelings for for a few years now, and I used to ID as demiromantic because of it. I still consider myself to have feelings for her, but I don't really desire a romantic relationship with her, or at least not anymore. I have had that feeling of "this person might be fun to date" on rare occasions, too, but with no desire to actually date.
  14. Lithromantic sounds like a fit Frayromantic might be something to look into, too
  15. I have many interests. I love video games, specifically JRPGs like Persona. Drawing, painting, art in general. I watch a lot of anime.
  16. Here's what I'm listening to
  17. Collie


    Be like "hey, that's a really shitty thing to say to/about people who struggle with this stuff". Let them know it's not okay. If they're willing to listen further, you can explain that mental health is just as real as physical health and that people who suffer from mental illness cannot "just cheer up" because it doesn't work like that. Speaking up may be all you can do. But it can be powerful. You never know, someone listening may be struggling and feel better that you stood up for what's right.
  18. I second lithromantic as a possibility.
  19. For me: mini 12 can fridge, and Ghost in the Shell the series on bluray
  20. I stim too! I often make noises or movements that are probably just a little odd to others. Personally it doesn't bother me, but I can see where it might create some nervousness or anxiety for you if you're worried how others think.
  21. Collie

    The music thread

    I love Relient K, even their newer stuff.
  22. Persona 5 Royal and Persona Q2 are the ones I'm trying to mostly focus on at the moment.
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