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frutiger aro

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Everything posted by frutiger aro

  1. while i personally don't like romantic media (with some rare exceptions), lots of other aros do enjoy it and that doesn't make them any less aro.
  2. not a stupid question! and yeah that would be a queerplatonic relationship, or QPR (though sometimes they can involve sex, every QPR is different).
  3. i've had some times when i thought someone was cool and i'd think about them a lot and want to hang out with them and i figured that was what a crush was... except whenever my thoughts veered toward things like kissing or going on dates or whatever i would inexplicably cringe. then i eventually found out what a squish was and it all finally made sense: i liked them but didn't like like them.
  4. oo these are always fun. first: voidpunk aro. never knew what that meant but it sounds dope so hell yeah i'll embrace it. second: non-human, also pretty rad. third: wands, pretty accurate. fourth: aroallo flag. that's me except i wouldn't exactly say i'm "sunny, bright, strong, and confident" lmao.
  5. frutiger aero (obviously), weirdcore, liminal spaces, and dark academia.
  6. i'm not kidding when i say that i think the closest thing i've ever felt to romantic attraction is my love for leon kennedy

    1. CanadianBird


      No actually that's so valid

    2. frutiger aro

      frutiger aro

      i tend to get pretty attached to fictional characters lmao but there's just something about leon in particular, like i'll see him and think "huh, i kinda get it"

  7. mine's either cookie dough or cookies and cream. anything with cookie/cake bites is gourmet in my book.
  8. i've been obsessed with resident evil lately and now i'm on RE2make (just started the claire B run). awesome game but i really hate getting chased by mr. x lol.
  9. in my opinion it's absolutely not. i think of art as a uniquely human activity involving human talent, thought, and emotion. meanwhile all AI art bots really do is get fed a database of real art stolen from real artists and mindlessly puke out a product based on it. they're literally just glorified art theft machines.
  10. glad i'm not alone lol, babies can be cute but my god are they weird too. what actually weirds me out the most about them is whole pregnancy thing. i have tokophobia (fear of pregnancy) and the thought of a tiny shrimpy human slowly growing and developing inside of me like a parasite makes me feel kinda sick.
  11. no worries about the graph lol, it makes sense. yeah i'd say most of the attraction i feel is purely aesthetic but occasionally it does overlap with the sexual side.
  12. i'm pretty confident in my romantic orientation at this point but my sexual orientation is still a bit murky. i think the closest i could say is bi because i definitely have some sort of attraction to all sorts of people, except i don't have much sexual experience to know if i'm into that aspect of it if that makes sense? like it's hard for me to tell the difference between sexual and simply aesthetic/physical attraction.
  13. my personal favorites are brokeback mountain, her, and the shape of water.
  14. i feel the same way. i've always kinda liked the idea of a partnership of sorts, but loathed the thought of having to deal with romance and all the crap that comes with it. i was super happy when i learned about aromanticism and found out QPRs are an option.
  15. i've been dying to get one since release but over a year later it's still ridiculously hard to find at a reasonable price. and i refuse to spend anywhere near what scalpers are currently charging for it.
  16. i don't get it either. my sister recently had a kid and ever since she and my mom keep asking me when it'll be "my turn" even though they already know full well i'm not having any kids. it's stressful enough to be around the baby when they visit for a day, i couldn't even fathom the stress of having a kid of my own.
  17. absolutely. to me it dismisses friendship as a lesser bond and it bugs the crap out of me. even worse to me is the concept of the "friendzone", as if friendship is some obstacle that needs to be overcome.
  18. at first i just assumed i was straight (i grew up christian so...). then i thought bi/pan because i find people of all genders attractive, but i thought i was weird because these feelings would never really go anywhere beyond looks. then i found out about aromanticism and with that about the many separate forms of attraction that exist including aesthetic (what i was mostly experiencing) and then the light bulb kinda went off in my head. now i'm certain i'm aro but i'm still unsure if i'm bi/pan or maybe ace? i struggle to tell if my feelings have anything sexual or if it's only aesthetic. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  19. i'm pretty much already "out" in that i've made it well known to friends/family that i have no interest in romance of any sort, so explicitly "coming out" as aromantic has never felt necessary to me.
  20. currently i'm replaying the life is strange series, alongside killer is dead and ghost of tsushima.
  21. pretty much true! i've got a decent-sized manga/comic collection and now i'm collecting an ever-growing mountain of horror novels. TPBM is a gamer.
  22. when i was younger i was alright with it to an extent (i even had some ships here and there), but over time i started to grow more indifferent, then annoyed with it. now i'm fully aware that i'm aro and that amatonormativity the reason for all these pointless romances in media, and nowadays i'm just craving some more platonic love in media, lol.
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