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Posts posted by omitef

  1. Eat 10 sheets of paper. I used to eat paper for fun. And also, no one said anything about not being able to put other food on the paper to make the paper taste better.


    WYR be a sentient potato, or be able to communicate with potatoes?



  2. Speaking of crushes, I had this crush on a polyamorous person who I lost interest in, after finding out they seemed to be somewhat infatuated with me. I tried to reduce contact with them to more of a "friends" level rather than "crush" level, except they ended up rarely talking to me at all, which pissed me off. It's like, the only reason they wanted to talk to me was to see if they could date me, and they weren't really interested in being friends at all. I unfriended them on Facebook, and blocked them on Steam. We haven't interacted with each other for a couple of weeks, and after seeing them flirt with other people, I assumed they moved on.


    But then, yesterday, I noticed them staring at me through the window between our classrooms. Like, literally, just standing there staring. 


    I aggressively avoided eye contact with them. I'm so frustrated, both with myself and them. I don't want to date my crushes; I want to be friends with them. But then if my crush ends up liking me back, they start acting all weird and the friendship turns into a terrible performance where they try to do ridiculous things to get my approval. I wish there was a way to approach my crushes without risking this kind of situation happening. Maybe I should just not approach my crushes at all. 


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  3. ...I just came out to two of my friends and both of their reactions were basically, "Oh, well are you sure it's not because you've been surrounded by hot jerks? What if someone better comes along?"


    I mean, IDK, sure. I used to think I was straight until I ran into a sexually attractive guy every other month, and discovered non-binary people. I can change my labels as I learn more about myself. But I'm pretty sure this isn't gonna change.

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  4. 5 hours ago, pengu said:


     I agree. I've seen many people become super sad and confused when they start having feelings for another person while still loving their partner. As long as you don't act on those feelings without your partners ok, it's not cheating right? Usually crushes go away after a while anyway if you don't "pursue" them ( I think) or maybe it works differently if you're polyamory.... 
    This might not have been what you meant?


    I'm not polyamorous, but I am lithromantic, and do experience romantic attraction quite intensely up until the other person reciprocates. For me, not acting on crushes actually intensifies my romantic feelings. It's like, the longer you try to hold onto a secret, the more you want to tell someone about it. I think it really just depends on the person, and less on their orientation.


    5 hours ago, Cassiopeia said:

    Most monogamous couples would consider that a reason to split up ¬¬

    I have just watched my friend break up with a boyfriend because of this issue (the boy did not even really talk to the other girl).


    Uuuuuuugh. That's so sad. I wish people wouldn't think that, just because their partner likes another person in addition to them, means their partner likes them less. I mean, if you get a new dog even though you already own a dog, you're not going to love your old dog less. 




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  5. I also really like shipping, but I find myself looking away whenever people are being romantically affectionate with each other, and especially when people are being sexually affectionate with each other (even though I'm a very sexual person myself). Whenever people start kissing, holding hands, etc. I feel like I'm watching a really cheesy and terrible play that everyone expects me to like and care about but really I just euuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh.

    • Like 4
  6. For me, the line between sexual and romantic is defined by intent. Did you kiss that person because you think they're cute and you're trying to display your affection towards them? Then that kiss was romantic. Did you kiss that person because you want to sleep with them? Then that kiss was sexual. 


    I only feel gross about actions like kissing, when there's a difference between the intent of the giver and receiver. If the person who's kissing me, is kissing me because they want to show how much they're romantically attracted to me, I feel gross. If they're kissing me because they want to f*ck me, or because they want to just as way of expressing intimacy, then I don't mind...I might even like it, depending on the person. 


    • Like 3
  7. 10 hours ago, Natkat said:

    I wish I didn't feel either, feelings are difficult.


    why not just say you are single, instead of this label.


    I'm also confused about my sexuality.


    your not into romantic men? Not at all? But don't you enjoy wine and cheese? (This one were actually hilarious) 



    Appropriate responses:


    That's okay, I can help with that. *breaks the other person's bones* You won't be feeling anything for a couple weeks.


    Why not just shut up


    I'm also confused about why you're still talking


    Have you met men



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  8. @Natkat I do agree that romantic expectations vary from country to country. Like, my parents come from Taiwan, and their idea of how people should be in love completely differs from what I've heard it should be, from my American peers. My parents don't say things like, "I love you." They show their love by taking care of the kids when the other person's busy, and by cooking food for each other and doing each other's laundry. Physical contact is nonexistent in our house. I can't remember the last time my parents hugged each other, or me.




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