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  2. I think that three could work if the flavors fit together, but any more than that is way too many.
  3. Oh that's how it works I am very confused about the leaderboard dynamics because I mostly use this site on my phone lol... Also, a random question to alive the thread, how many flavours of cereal all combined in one bowl would you say are too many?
  4. If I just post enough to pass someone else in top posters, then both of us can be at the top
  5. Ooh do I sense a rivalry coming on? /j
  6. Ok. Who wants a piece of underwear we buried 6 months ago in science
  7. Well I'm the person you need to pass rn, so you really just have to wait until I go on one of my disappearances and then its free for the taking Also Im sad that off topic posts don't count for post counts, I would have over 200 posts otherwise
  8. oh wow now I have a new goal to work towards
  9. Today
  10. Despite lot's of books I end up getting include romance in them, I fairly often don't try to get romance books at all, unless it's queer romance that intrigues me; I usually buy fantasy or fictional graphic novels, with a premise that I like, to where I get jump-scared by a romance that luckily isn't so bad most of the time. With some of these books, I end up loving how things are described and some of the fantasy series I have do this very well - almost to a fault of breaking apart simple dialogue or not getting to the point fast enough (lol). The tropes that often dominate these books, and which ended up being tropes that I like, are friends/enemies-to-lovers, destined-to-be (if written well), and opposites attract (this may be the only trope I'd say is my all time favorite, and doesn't have to be romantic at all, where as other ones are immediately seen as such). Like how you said, the first trope isn't liked by some aros and I completely understand, and in some cases, completely agree with that, but I am also a believer of if you don't see your romantic partner as a best friend, then if the relationship fails - what then? I don't think two, or more, people should stop talking to each other or stop doing stuff together just because a certain relationship dynamic ended; unless it's necessary to cut ties, of course.
  11. Im offended that you wouldn't think that beelzebufo is the ultimate highest rank that there could be
  12. i’m offended that there aren’t more ranks
  13. im offended that you have reached beelzebufo before me (I am so close)
  14. Ive already responded to this but now I have more than one reaction so I'll redo it Best: Someone literally just responded "me too," I was genuinely shocked but stiil the best reaction Worst: I ended up having to explain for like an hour what being aroace meant... so that sucked
  15. banned purely because of your signature
  16. I mean yeah, it is totally possible to be both if that is what you feel you are :) From my experience, being cupioro is much more about the desire to be in a romantic relationship in general, and doesn't have much to do with attraction.
  17. Oh wow I'm finally a top poster in this topic, only took about a year
  18. I don't read a lot of romance novels, though I started reading thru my first one recently -- a story by Ana Huang, her protagonists are of often Asian women of colour -- as she is one herself. It's a typical friends/rivals to lovers with an interracial twist, it's basic, but I find it tolerable. I like how she describes things. As for favourite tropes, I like meet cute, and established relationship. I also like both friends-to-lovers & enemies-to-lovers equally (this statement is apparently controversial in the aro community, with people complaining they're both "unrealistic", like yeah of course it's gonna be unrealistic, it's fictional??). Another 'controversial' one is " fake dating" -- it's like a slow burn to me hence why I like it. I personally would like to see more romance stories with disabled protagonists, as I am disabled myself and feel like this perspective on romance is different to how non-disabled people view it. Obvious bonus if it's LGBTIA±-centered.
  19. Q: How many hours do the cats need to take over the world? A: The concept of foodstuffs
  20. Banned for trying to eat the moon and not inviting me to join >:(
  21. CDs, but they are never the artist that they claim to be. All of them are rickrolls.
  22. Is it possible to be cupioromantic and apothiromantic at the same time, im romance repulsed. I feel uncomfortable when someone directs their romantic interest at me or just the thought of being in a romantic relationship, and intimate. But I don’t feel that way about romance by itself, I love watching romantic movies or reading about it. And I do wish to be with someone in that way as I love being intimate and close but at the same time it makes my skin crawl and feels wrong. Is it possible to be both operations
  23. As far as I'm aware, a lot of aros during adolescent years mistake stuff for crushes. Strong friendship, aesthetic attraction, admiration of their skill, even just feeling comfortable with someone or finding them a nice person. Especially if they don't know they are aros at the moment and think everyone is supposed to have crushes, so they search for those in their life with a magnifying glass.
  24. First of all you should be honest with him and tell him everything, what kind of relationship do you want, basically what you have written here. On both being uncomfortable with romantic things and craving it... I don't know why it happens, but again if you tell him maybe you can figure out together what to do about it. Just don't pressure yourself into doing uncomfortable things (esp to please the other party).
  25. A spoon that is super flat but just curved enough to be a spoon but holds a stupidly small amount of liquid
  26. I’m down PBM, let’s see how much French toast we can order before they tell us to stop.
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