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Why do allos think if you try having a romantic relationship then you'll become straight?


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Yeah, pretty much. They've spent their whole lives taught to believe that everyone experiences romantic attraction, that everyone wants to experience romantic attraction, that everyone has to experience romantic attraction. And, since they do experience it, they've never had any reason to doubt this. They can't comprehend the idea of someone existing outside their prescribed social model, in the same way that a lot of white people are baffled by my culture's multi-generational household structure. 

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Because they don't know how to project themselves onto other peuples experiences. They think "I thought this at this age, or I used to not believe in love, or I was too scared so I said I didn't care even if I did", and think that this is what everyone means instead of believing what you say. Sad but very common.

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They suspect that we experience romantic attraction like them, but just suffer from an anxious and avoidant personality.

If we finally find a partner, we'll experience love and connection and be forever grateful to the people who pushed us out of our comfort zone.

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They really just don't know. For them, they feel certain emotions and can't comprehend how someone couldn't feel the same way. The difference though, between some folks and others, is that some people can listen to others' experiences and realize that hey, not everyone feels the same and that's okay! While for the rest of them? They think their learned and lived experience is the ONLY valid one and there's NO WAY it could be wrong.

They're close-minded, essentially - some can be swayed, others will die on the hill they stand on. 

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