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I've been aware of AUREA for a few months, but only just became aware of this forum. I currently identify as aroace.

I found out about aromanticism firstly through a YouTube series the ABCs of LGBT by Ash Hardell. I was about 15 at the time and had never had a crush, but decided that I needed to be a bit older before I could know for certain. A few years later I start questioning my sexuality again and remember those videos. I got further involved with the asexual community, by following some ace YouTubers and on AVEN. The asexual label fit pretty well for me and I used it internally fairly quickly, but had a lot more trouble trying to figure out my romantic orientation, because I could see myself in traditional romantic situations whereas I couldn't with sexual ones.

It's probably within the past year that I accepted the label of aromantic for myself, going to university where I've been involved in way more conversations about crushes and relationships was very helpful.

I am now the ace/aro rep for my university LGBTQ society which has been interesting in current circumstances, but has connected me with so many people I can relate to. 

Thanks if you've read this whole thing, I'm excited to be here

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Ayyyy, I love Ash! Their videos really helped me as well when I was younger.

I think it's really cool that you're openly aroace at university, it probably makes us visible to a lot of students who had never even heard of aspec people before.

I'm glad you're so positive about it, and we're excited to have you here!

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On 9/4/2020 at 1:38 PM, Pumpkins_and_penguins said:

I found out about aromanticism firstly through a YouTube series the ABCs of LGBT by Ash Hardell.

Haha, same here :P! I discovered by aromanticism (and asexuality) through them as well. Not their videos, but their book. My local library happened to have it (I live in a very pro-LGBT+ area lol). 

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