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Hey, I'm Baam from AVEN!


From when I realised that I was in fact asexual, and not pansexual, I did not realise at the same time that I was aromantic. I thought it was a possibility, but I didn't want to be aromantic. So I identified as panromantic for about a year, and I gave myself many excuses for why I did so. Recently I've come to terms with the fact that yes, I am in fact aromantic. I still haven't fully accepted it, but that's too bad because It's bleeding obvious to myself that I am. I can't change that. So I'm on a journey to accept my aromanticism. : P The almighty fight against the (evil) society who claims that you must have a romantic partner to be happy. I want to be the rebel alliance to that empire. Down with Darth Valentine's.


Just joking, romance is cool and all, but it ain't my game. Looking forwards to getting better acquainted with you all. I haven't met any aromantics in real life (yet, hopefully). It's pretty lonely over here. I'm stationed in Adelaide, South Australia if there's any of you guys out there!!!


I've seen some ice cream going around for all the newbies. So I offer some of my own  :icecream: ; my kind of romantic fantasy:



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Welcome to Arocalypse! :icecream::softserve: Nice to meet you :)

I also had (/having) a tough time accepted being aromantic but it's a lot easier to accept with lots of other aros around!


Also I'm pretty sure there's another user from Adelaide

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Thanks for the welcome guys!!! :icecream:


16 hours ago, Simowl said:

Welcome to Arocalypse! :icecream::softserve: Nice to meet you :)

I also had (/having) a tough time accepted being aromantic but it's a lot easier to accept with lots of other aros around!


Also I'm pretty sure there's another user from Adelaide


Could you please tell me if you remember their username?? : D I would appreciate it a lot. : ) I hope we can both learn to accept ourselves. : )


Ahh it's okay I found him!

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