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Finally taking the time to do this...

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I've been lurking around the site for the past couple of weeks, so I suppose it's time I do one of these things.


Heya, Alexus here, nice to meet you all. :)


I like reading a lot of things, mostly fantasy books though. My favourites are currently the Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks. Yay for assassins with magic? :D The music I listen to most often is metal, but I do love listening to some Two Steps From Hell while I try to work on my novels.


Anyways, onto other things~


I know where I stand on my gender identity and sexuality, it's my romantic orientation that is currently in question, hoping that during my time here I can figure it out.


I've had two relationships, both of which ended rather quickly, but during them I never really felt entirely comfortable, like something was wrong about the whole thing. Of course, this was before I discovered anything much about myself and thought I was a heterosexual, heteromantic female, and believed that it was just me being inexperienced and that if I stuck with it the feeling would go away. Thankfully neither relationship lasted long enough for me to realise that it probably wouldn't work that way.


I was never interested in relationships. I've had several squishes, which during high school I thought were crushes, but other than that I never really saw the hype about dating or getting boyfriends and girlfriends. Any talks of it just made me uncomfortable, a feeling which I still get now when my co-workers discuss those topics. My desire for a romantic relationship has decreased as I've gotten older, though I think that's mostly due to the fact that now I'm out of school and college I don't feel like I have to fit in as much.


Anyways, not sure what else to put. Again, it's nice to meet you all and here, have some cute ice cream :)


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Thanks everyone :)


22 hours ago, omitef said:

Welcome! Love the ice cream dogs. And yay, another metalhead! What are some of your favourite bands?



Some of my favourites are Nightwish, Paradise Lost, Sabaton and Amorphis - all of which I've seen live :D I also like Within Temptation, Epica, Kamelot and loads of others :P

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1 hour ago, AlexusRaevynn said:

Thanks everyone :)


Some of my favourites are Nightwish, Paradise Lost, Sabaton and Amorphis - all of which I've seen live :D I also like Within Temptation, Epica, Kamelot and loads of others :P


Nightwish is awesome. Have you heard Apocalyptica?

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