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The Aro Mando Echo

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Everything posted by The Aro Mando Echo

  1. Hola, y bienvenida. Me alegro de que encontrado este sitio, supongo que es similar a Tinder... Yo también soy Aroace, y me gusta el arte. Definitivamente puedo relacionarme con no saber cómo responder a que otra persona se sienta atraída romántica o sexualmente por ti. ¡Me parece muy incómodo! 😅 Lo siento si mi español está un poco apagado, no es mi primer idioma.
  2. I used to read Wings of Fire too! I've always loved Nightwings, but Icewings and Sandwings are amazing too.
  3. Banned for posting at 1 in the morning
  4. I got a Crested Gecko! He's just a baby, and so cute. I named him Petri. :)

    1. Isa1116


      Thats great! Congrats! :)

    2. PumpkinsLinked


      I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! Crested gecko's are soooo cute!!!

  5. Nice to see you on here! I'm Echo and I'm aromantic asexual. I also love birds and cats! (I've been wanting to keep a pet bird for a while now lol)
  6. I'm glad you figured it out for yourself! Congratulations, it can be so confusing.
  7. As Atypique put perfectly, your label should absolutely be what you feel most comfortable or right identifying as. There are a million different aro- specs, and a million different experiences for each and every person. You know yourself best (Though I know sometimes it doesn't feel like it!), and honestly, if you are questioning exactly where you fit in, that's ok. You don't need to share every experience that other people relate to.
  8. Hello! I'm Echo. I'm AroAce as well! Welcome to the forums! :)
  9. I can relate.. Some people at my school just give me a headache
  10. I had this reaction too! I was confused at first, because I was noticing how everyone around me began to come out and develop crushes, and I didn't feel anything.
  11. ikr! I just end up being disgusted to be honest..
  12. SAME. Sometimes I purposefully look for it just to be like "Hmmm... any attraction here? No? Alright then.." Almost like a test 😅
  13. My bi friend said being AroAce "Doesn't count" as being queer 😕

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Keith


      You shouldn't listen to them!! We are definitely queer (obviously some AroAces don't identify as queer - which is obviously fine - due to their own personal feelings, but it doesn't apply to all of us).

    3. hemogoblin


      My lesbian sister and her lesbian girlfriend would like a word with your "friend".

    4. Harvest-Unity


      that sucks! hope your friend will one day understand

  14. I'm still on the fence. If there were enough benefits I might, just to be financially smart (And also be undercover in society and pretend I am an allo). I'm more of the type to focus on myself, and I don't have many friends in the first place, so I don't know if I will ever feel like marriage is even necessary. Definitely something to think about though. There is a big stigma against being unmarried in society, so I assume many people will "pity" me if I don't get married, which I find strange.
  15. I have a story lol These guys in my Spanish (Idiot, popular cishet guys for context), were pestering me about my orientation bc I made a joke with my pan friend, so after thirty minutes I sighed and told them. Of course, they didn't know what AroAce was, so I tried my best to explain it. We went through the whoooollle cycle man... They asked "You reproduce asexually??" "Have you been, like diagnosed?" "Wait so you see like someone hot and just... nothing? That's so weird!" "So you're a plant??" - (One of them asked when I knew I was aroace, and the other guy asked -as a joke- "Yeah, when did you sprout?💀) it was pretty funny ngl. Like they genuinely didn't understand it. Props to them for trying to tho, I was surprised by how genuine they were at some points. I still shake my head thinking about it.
  16. Yes! The treatment of droids is such a neat moral question that I wonder about a lot! The video brought up lots of great points. Thank you! I drew it myself, with the intent of using these colors. I also have a purple version, that is for ace. I am actually hoping to create my own costume with this design.
  17. Once someone asked me when I told them: "Are you diagnosed??" some other honorable mentions -Are you a plant? (The follow-up question asked by someone else was "When did you know?" And this guy asked, "Yeah, when did you sprout?" ..I'll admit it was funny - So you never want to have sex? -So.. you just saw it on the internet...? - So you'll die a virgin? - So when you see someone that's hot just... nothing?
  18. Same. Also, Jaiden Animations' video was also... uncomfortably relatable. That's honestly around when I started really looking into it. If anyone hasn't seen it I recommend checking it out!
  19. Oh geez, I'm not sure.. Maybe you could try asking in the friends and allies discussions? They might know something. Sorry you have to figure out such a strange situation!
  20. You cannot control when you give the look and force everyone you see into silence. I can get a perfect score in every activity, game, or sport.
  21. Dang, that's a tough one... I love the ships and creatures a lot. I feel like a lot of them are really creative and interesting, like the zillo beast in clone wars, and the krayt dragons in The Mandalorian. I also love how many different species there are like wookies, twileks, togrutas, rodian, etc.. How about you?
  22. But you instead feel their pain yourself. (Essentially trading) I can memorize any book I open.
  23. Man I've been there before..
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