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Everything posted by Harvest-Unity

  1. torch. drink bottle. sunscreen. insect repellent. hat.
  2. I especially relate to the people disrespecting teachers part :(( it doesn't happen as much anymore but like 2 years ago everyone was so mean, its like they didn't even see them as actual human beings.
  3. Attempted to help transport supplies to the front and care for the wounded
  4. I definitely feel more included on these forums than on other sites.
  5. Oh yeah I love the zillo beast, the clone wars arc with it made me so sad as a kid :(( I think the aspect I find most interesting is the hidden 'dystopian' parts of the universe. Like the droids for example: lot are at least clearly a little sapient, and yet they are treated horribly. I love this video in particular on the battle droids:
  6. I actually love learning about people's Big 5 to get to know them. In particular I find knowing people's agreeableness levels very useful because from my experience it impacts social interaction the most. I'm very neurotic myself and most of my friends are so I would probably be unphased 😅
  7. Nice. I have a feeling extroverts will be in the minority lol (and I say this as an extrovert)
  8. A thread like this would definitely work better as a poll, easier for collecting data.
  9. This is true in some ways, but there is another side to this issue: Plenty of men are seeking help, plenty of men are discussing emotions with friends. The problem is that a) therapists and other mental health professionals are not always informed on men's issues, or do not know how to work with men in general because a big part of it was designed for womenand b) peers, including not just other men but women too, will ridicule men when they do express emotions. In other words: there are men who are talking, speaking out, breaking these gender roles, but as a society we're not listening enough. I wish instead of focusing so much on getting men to talk about their feelings and more on us as a society creating an environment where it is safe for men to talk about their feelings. I dislike the individualistic approach some people (not saying you do this btw) have where they say stuff like 'men just need to express themselves more', because it makes it seem like its all the fault of their actions and not also society's reactions. anyways here is a article on the topic of therapy for men: https://www.sbs.com.au/news/the-feed/article/high-therapy-dropout-rates-reveal-failure-to-connect-with-men-study-shows/ytmwmbjke
  10. hey dude whats the most interesting thing to you about the star wars universe?
  11. What does the cutie mark represent?
  12. fellas does anyone else want to get a job for money but feel they still cannot balance it alongside schoolwork
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