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Everything posted by Harvest-Unity

  1. To be fair, people had similar fears regarding the metaverse but that flopped hard. This might be one of those things everyone just ignores
  2. I think you're more likely to meet younger people who identify openly as aro. Also I wouldn't be surprised if that stat was slightly higher, since its still a nieche label that not many people know about, stats like these also change depending on methodology. No shit though, I was at a Drama event thing and I was randomly put in a group with 2 other people, [we're teenagers] and we were talking about random stuff during a break and we both found out we all happened to be aro [and also, unrelated, both really liked The Owl House], it was very surprising! Also one of my childhood friends that I've had for 10+ years is AroAce! and I think another friend of mine might identify as demiromantic?
  3. 4 day weekend lets goooooo how I imagine my teacher as he comments 'good job' and 'nice work' under all my homework from the entire semester so far, mere minutes after I upload/turn it all in on report writing day at the last minute:
  4. Yeah, I think its because we tend to associate the word 'home' with comfort, safety, security, calmness etc but you may not be feeling that so you want to go 'home'
  5. I like to, when I can, wear bright, goofy, 'silly' clothes, or clothes with dork patterns. I have a weird, plastic floral hat with a pink wig attatched to it that I wear with my friends that is kinda signature thing for me, which I impulsively bought from an OP shop.
  6. Heh where I live we don't really have pride parades/festivals in June, we have 'em in February, but corpos still do merch lol
  7. what's the weridest internet argument you've ever witnessed?
  8. A declining population can be a good thing I suppose, but I don't think it should be the solution to climate change. The problem is less that too many people are existing at the moment and more that the people existing right now rely on power sources, food, transportation etc that are harmful to the environment. This video is good at explaining my problems with focusing on overpopulation [although I don't agree with all of it necessarily, like the conclusion is a bit vague, what does it mean specifically about 'redistribution of wealth'? that could mean many different things, some of those things could be good, others could be disasterous]:
  9. I don't really relate to the traditional sibling dynamics people talk about online, maybe because I have a lot of siblings and I grew up with most of them being adults? also the 'oh damn' came from the fact that 3 people in the thread were the eldest
  10. TRUE! [i love spirited away] the person below me does not get cold very easily
  11. Oh yeah his consent video was horrendous. He seemed to think the word 'consent' was inherently sexual, and he genuinely did not seem to care about the discomfort of children being touched. Also he has some uhhhhh suspicious views on 16 year olds being pregnant [Hint: he thinks it is perfectly ok because 'that's when they are most fertile' and that the problem with teen pregnancies is not that a literal teenager is pregnant but because they aren't married, which goes against his religious beliefs. It's disgusting.]
  12. "Lenin has a memorable face...he does not look like [insert name of a friend I have with a very generic white boy face]" -Me, during History class
  13. Hate how people complain about declining population, and then proceed to blame the problem on individuals simply choosing not to have kids instead of focusing on changing society to make raising kids a less expensive and taxing task. If you genuinely want to keep the popuation from declining, then advocate for policies that decrease the cost of living, don't shame people for their choices and preferences.
  14. They do tend to leave his target audience though, most of mine (and others) viewership of him are on videos reacting/responding to him. People who criticize him tend to do it outside of his comment section as to not promote his video in the algorithm. His comment section is more like a tightly-knit echochamber.
  15. There is probably going to be another documentary, since he made one last year. But remember: there are plenty of people willing to push back on people like him.
  16. oof. How did she react?
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