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Everything posted by Harvest-Unity

  1. ok this seems amusing I want context now
  2. I've heard about it from my brother and it sounds pretty good, I've added it to the list of things to do over the school holidays, will update when I get around to watching it.
  3. REAL fans will remember
  4. Already commented in this but I'd definitely add that younger me shouldn've gone to libraries more
  5. The Never Ending Story the scene where the horse died left me horrified and heartbroken :(
  7. Know any good places to get pins? And also have you ever made a pin with the paper inside, so its protected?
  8. I don't hate kids, in fact I honestly wouldn't mind working with them or babysitting for someone. Even when they're being annoying I'm quite chill and non-abrasive with them, and I like hearing them talk about their silly thoughts. its full time that is the issue with me. -Firstly, I'm aro, and I'm not really sure about getting a long-term partner in the future. Maybe I will, but its hard to predict. Being a single parent isn't always bad [if the child is born in a stable community where raising children is more of a collective task, for example, that can work. I've heard of cultures and groups that work like that] but on a practical level where I live its usually better: more income to provide for the child, emotional/physical toll of taking care of a child is shared, and the kid has multiple role models to rely on, learn from, and feel supported by. Basically what I'm saying is if I don't have a partner to parent with me, I wouldn't want kids because I don't think it would be good for the kid. -Secondly kids are expensive lmao. I'm already highly anxious about money, having kids would only accelerate that anxiety and I don't think that would be good for the kid either. -Thirdly, I kind of want to pursue my own goals and ambitions. Obviously you can have those things alongside kids, but I'm not sure if I have the time management and skills for that, I'm the kind of person that can only really do one thing at a time. -Lastly, I don't want to go through childbirth! And while adopting is an option, I don't think its right for me either. It is a difficult process, and there is a lot of added trauma and difficult experiences for adoptees that I don't think I would be suited to handle. The whole system is a mess, honestly, and I would advise anyone interesting in adopting to be cautious and understand what it entails.
  9. I kinda want to make my own pins [not just pride ones but other stuff too] does anyone here no where to start with that?
  10. Hopefully this can become a nonpartisan issue that people will vote on, so that we can push for regulations of these technologies and how addictive they are allowed to make them.
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