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Everything posted by Harvest-Unity

  1. I watched it with my friends yesterday, it was definitely a fun movie to experience, but ngl it could have been better paced Also I brought a giant stuffed toad with me
  2. My high score is 5642, what is yours?
  3. To me, that seems more like a moderation issue than a general community issue, but also that is a valid reason to be alienated from here. If you want to surround yourself with more inclusive aros, I suggest tumblr because 1. You can block certain tags and people 2. Even though in the past the site was rife with exclusionism, it has died down significantly over the years so its much easier to just block everyone 3. You can follow specific tags for your specific labels 4. There are a lot of very inclusive blogs (I can't access tumblr rn but I will add some to this post later if you like)
  4. Don't let jerks like this get you down, the people in that subreddit are a minority. Case in point, most people in this thread aren't siding with the OP.
  6. So are there any specific philosophical topics you are interested in?
  7. i was walking home and saw a sheep

    the sheep looked at me in the eyes and nodded

    i nodded back


    1. Isa1116


      Sheep whisperer

  8. Ooh yeah I used to read Wings of Fire. I liked Sandwings best.
  9. man I love hearing chearing and music from down the street

    idk if its a party or something else but it makes me happy knowing others are happy

    1. Isa1116


      Thats nice of you to say! Usually people would probably get mad. Good for you! :)

  10. i just came back from a school camp :DDD during archery I hit the closest to the bull's eye in my group (like, REALLY close, it would look like I actually got it from a distance) and it was a very weird/funny moment for my friends because I have terrible motor/aiming/spatial skills and we were all joking before about how I was gonna miss so bad I'd shoot at someone else's target but NOPE, very out of character moment for me lol
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