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Everything posted by Arsenic

  1. I am offended that you think you are offended for a more reasonable reason than the post you are offended for.
  2. I am tired of studying, I need to end with the exams.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arsenic


      Good luck with it. I only have one left, and after that I'll be back to university, finally!

    3. MaxIsCosmic


      I'm taking my semester finals this week I feel your pain- 

    4. Bumble_Bee_


      yeah i kinda hate how my school is set up

  3. Wait until there is a sexual or romantic related conversation around you and say that you are not interested in those things because you are aroace. Pd: I love your new profile photo, it is super cute.
  4. People usually talk about sexual kinks, but there are also non-sexual kinks. After doing some research, I've found some definitions of kink, but the best one I've found is "unconventional taste or behaviour". Usually, this is related to a sexual aspect, but it is not necessary. Personally, I like to describe kink as a 'turn on', as something you like a lot, and that gives you some kind of pleasure (physical, mental...) by doing it or watching it.
  5. Cat (just imagine a cat in a space suit, it is so cute)
  6. If their attitude doesn't change, I think the best thing would be to consider kicking them out of your life, because if they don't respect your boundaries, they don't respect you. You could try talking to them and explaining the situation to them one more time, with the addition that if they don't stop you will drive them away from you.
  7. You could be demiromantic. A demiromantic person only develops romantic feelings to the people they are close to.
  8. Mr. Anderson Still Loves Butter. AETNO
  9. I prefer having darts, I would get tired of eating spaghetti. WYR to be the only human in the world or that there were as much humans as now but that they were not able to see you (you are invisible for them).
  10. Having a squish on someone means that you desire to be friends with that person, but I think that it doesn't need to be intense at all. For me, I've had three squishes, and the last one wasn't very intense, I just wanted to talk to her, and to know more about her because I thought she was cool.
  11. False, I am not a fan of coffee. TPBM has or wants piercings.
  12. One question related to this topic... Does any of you like primal? I know no one who likes it:"(
  13. I love skeletons too! They have kind of a relaxing and pure aura, but also a mysterious and dark one. I have a "collection" of skulls made with different materials, my favourite ones are one made of metal and another one made with glass, and this later one has a little ecosystem inside:) Women are goddesses.
  14. I love my personal experience with aesthetic attraction. People are gorgeous, no matter what their age, or gender, or ethnicity, or style. Everywhere I go it feels like being in a museum overflowing with beautiful works of art. This is definitely my favorite type of attraction, it makes me feel great. How is your experience with aesthetic attraction?
  15. I prefer to die burnt, I have claustrophobia. WYR to have a HUGE mushroom growing on your head or a lot of tiny mushrooms on your whole body? Both are permanent.
  16. School dances are not romantic anymore but you get super ill every time there's one, and you can't enjoy it. I wish there were more neopronous in spanish (there is just one and I don't feel comfortable using it).
  17. If I have understood right, you say that you tend to confuse romantic and platonic attraction. Maybe you could take a look on the different kinds of attraction.
  18. The life of a blue cat and his brother the fish. The amazing world of gumball
  19. I don't usually play video games but I like mario kart. If you could be a part of a series or film which one would you choose?
  20. Yes, always. I remember when I was 15 or 16 that I met one guy that was on my class. We were good friend, talked everyday, and I was super nice to him (as well as I was super nice to everyone). I knew in some way that he would develop romantic feelings for me, but the situation keep going... One day he told me to go somewhere to talk we both alone (we were at highschool) and I was like oh no, no, no, fuck, fuck, fuck, he's going to ask me out, I don't want to hurt him, how the hell am I going to tell him that I don't like him back? Well, after rejecting him he started dating my squish:"D Now I am scared to be too much nice to people because I don't want them to think I am flirting or something.
  21. If it is about squishes, I am biplatonic. I usually have a squish on females and non-binary people (or androgynous-presenting people, in general). Never on guys.
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