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Everything posted by PeepsInTheChiliPot

  1. According to Wikipedia, in the US national friendship day is the first Sunday in August. They have a list of the days for other countries. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friendship_Day
  2. I’d love for there to be a friend celebration that’s a bit mainstream. My close group of friends are big on celebrating everything so we’ve sort of had days out in honor of our friendships.
  3. Haha I did the same joke in my intro post! “(Obi-wan kenobi voice) Hello there” Welcome! I am also a lover of bread and dragons ??
  4. I consider myself a hard worker and have been called such. I only have an associates degree so in regards to formal education I’m not an over achiever. I just tend to commit to whatever job I’ve been given.
  5. Hello and welcome! I’m a big reader and like Marvel too! I’ve never tried embroidery before. What type of stuff do you do with it?
  6. Hi! I am aro ace, I was 22 when I figured out my asexuality and 23 for my aromanticism. It was only a couple months between them though.
  7. I figured out I am aro ace around 7 months ago. I’ll get random memories of something that will make so much sense now that I know I’m aro. I feel like I understand my past self so much better.
  8. I don’t think my aroness caused me to miss out on much in my teen years but my health did. I’m still early/mid twenties but I sometimes feel like I should have/be living “fuller.” But I’ve also tried to learn to enjoy everything I can do as much as possible. It has helped but I’ll still have those feelings sometimes.
  9. So I’ve never been super into clothes or fashion but in the last year/year and a half I’ve gotten pretty interested and enjoy looking at outfits and clothes online. I’m interested in vintage/old style clothes, androgynous, cozy, Tom boy, and kawaii styles. I’m a bit all over the place but everything looks so cool! I’d like to add new stuff to my wardrobe and try new things, which I have a bit, but 2020 wasn’t the year to start haha. I don’t really go anywhere besides work and I can’t try things on in stores which isn’t always necessary but nice to do, especially with pants. I’ve started sewing some clothes as well. I’ve made two dresses so far and they’re not bad considering. Anyone else interested in clothes or changed their style before?
  10. Hello Tia, welcome to Arocalypse! I am an aroace cis woman with anxiety. Those are my 3 A’s haha. I’ve known for a little over 6 months now.
  11. I think I’ve had a squish but I didn’t have butterflies or anything. I just thought that person was cool and I wanted to be friends and know them better.
  12. Welcome! Glad to have you! This is a good place to help you figure things out!
  13. This is mainly just to get this off my chest. A few days ago my mom and I were talking and I don’t remember how it came up but I said something like, “ Don’t worry, just because I’ll never get married doesn’t mean I’ll live at home forever. “ She asked, who said I’d never get married and I said me. I was being light hearted with the conversation, kind of testing the waters because I’ve never specifically said anything like this. I said getting married wasn’t my thing and I didn’t want to. She said it’s not like I’ve had a bad example of marriage (her and my dad have been married for 32 years and are a good couple). I just said again I didn’t want to do it myself and I’ve never even had a crush. She brought up a boy from my high school that I remember saying if I dated someone it would be him but I didn’t want to ruin our relationship. I said I didn’t have a crush on him but I don’t think she believed me. We kind of changed the subject after that. It wasn’t a bad conversation or anything but, she thinks I’ll change my mind or something. I know 23 is still young but I feel like I know myself well enough to know what I want. I’m very close with my mom and family but, I know now I’m still not ready to come out to them.
  14. I haven’t told any of my family yet. I have just told my 3 closest friends. No one except my grandma asks me about boyfriends occasionally. I kind of wonder if people think anything about me never dating or whatever but I don’t really care. I understand wanting to tell family/friends but you don’t have to come out to anyone. Do whatever you feel is best.
  15. The tide pod flag ? I love it! I like that flag too, nice beachy colors.
  16. I’m aroace and I have always wanted to have kids. I’m still a little young/not at the right place in my life to have kids but I definitely will. It does seem like most people on here don’t want kids but I’ve seen others that do.
  17. I love the aro ice cream! I eat it all year round. Thanks for the welcomes!
  18. I read mostly YA because there seems to be more adventure stories and not just romance. I love historical fiction and I’ve read some fantasy too. I’m a big fan of the School for Good and Evil Series. I started Girls Save the World in This One yesterday. Its about a group of girls going to a zombie convention and then there are actual zombies.
  19. Welcome! I’m aro ace so I can’t give any advice in regards to “not being completely ace” really. I think covid lockdown also helped start my search for my orientation. I’m in my early 20s and I don’t know why I didn’t figure out this stuff earlier! I am a musical theatre nerd who can’t sing. I also enjoy reading a lot and I’m a pastry chef. What type of books do you read?
  20. I never planned my wedding as a kid. I only started to think about it when I was in college and that was more the party aspect of it like food. I also thought about having kids without giving much thought to a husband. Then I learned I didn’t have to have a husband to have kids! I’ve now been planning on adopting for a while.
  21. Larry boy and the rumor weed was terrifying for me as a kid. The weed lady was too scary lol.
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