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Everything posted by roboticanary

  1. update I have increased the sizes a bit as i said, i dont want to remove the limit completely but the total file size per post is now upgraded to 750kb max honestly for the sort of images we get here that should be absolute overkill, for total storage space that has also been bumped up a bit.
  2. Welcome! THe frogs were designed by @Nix in this thread: I then found out how to work the custom emojis thing so they escaped from just being badges and achievements and took over the site
  3. Interesting. Did it give a link to the article? Would be interesting to see it as it sounds like ultimately some form of survey has been done on peoples attitudes
  4. i have to say cats or my cat will kill me
  5. not a lot of help i can give from what you have told me only advice i could give is just see how things go for a few years, take some time to work out what you want from life, how you want things to go, what sort of relationships you might be comfortable with, then go from there.
  6. nice being in the UK, i would only use seniors as a term for, like, really old people so i just get a class of cackling grannies causing utter mischief, sounds great next person wins a beef wellington boot
  7. I'm going to keep some form of size/upload limit, just because there is a limited amount of storage space from hosting (well, you can up that limit to the point it doesnt matter but that would cost a lot more), so there will still be some form of limit. But over this weekend I will have a look at where we are and what we have used over the lifetime of the site as i suspect at least for individual posts the current limits are quite small. we can probably easily be ok bumping them up a bit
  8. Vaguely heard of it cheers for mentioning it though, sounds like something I would enjoy. Hmm, there's an idea. Trouble is us aros haven't invaded Britain and subdued the local populace yet so I might have to wait a bit
  9. oh wonderful, thank you so much
  10. Hi, Peppermint hot cocoa sounds lovely
  11. mostly just being single for a long time, i needed to be able to feed myself and was surrounded for a year by students eating some really shoddy food, so i just kept trying new things just so i could eat some decent food. after about 8 years of cooking for myself pretty much every day i have things sorted out. Also i moved from a fairly small city to a big city for uni so i got introduced to a lot of food from places outside the UK, so i ended up trying to learn how to work with ingredients i had never heard of just out of interest. as for science bits, not a lot at the moment, currently i have one thing i am getting the bits to do which is making a barn door tracker, now i have a half decent camera i want something so i can take some better photos and that seemed like a simple thing i could do fairly quickly.
  12. It didn't matter what a bunch of deranged romantics thought. Facts were facts. terry pratchett: feet of clay
  13. Im currently reading 'Roman Britain a new history' by Guy de la Bédoyère. Really interesting book, sort of gives a good overview of things i sort of half remember from school or vaguely learned about from tv or visiting places,
  14. search bar is a really weird one, It doesnt look great in black and I havent worked out how to change the text inside it, but if I change the bar to white the searchbar is easy to see but looks really glaring against the background i'll work it out at some point but that one has me stumped for the minute
  15. food Im a bloody good cook now, so its not just me being greedy also physics has kind of grown into a passion, although its nice that its an area of knowledge that can pay the bills i do also do a fair bit of experimental messing around in my spare time, usually astronomy related.
  16. cheers for bumping that up, I'll have a look at it think I've worked it out, should be a pure black background now ive went for plain black what do you think?
  17. welcome also, yes, frogs are best
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