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Everything posted by hemogoblin

  1. Will put it under a link so you have to deliberately want to see it but wanted to share my post top surgery tat for any other Untitled Goose Game fans! It's a joke about the Goose having stolen my nips. :P
  2. Are your parents safe or are his parents safe? Having your parents escalate this up the ladder to the superintendent may net more effective results. (You and him can try reaching out to the superintendent yourselves, but having adults do it tends to be more effective because a lot of adults don't respect that kids are people who deserve to be listened to, unfortunately). Are there any local or local-ish queer groups/orgs that you can find? Also any racial equality or black empowerment groups/orgs? Reach out to them for their support. They should have a good idea of the resources in your area or be able to help advocate for you. I'm sorry you and your boyfriend are going through this really scary situation. It's not at all okay.
  3. Yeah, people can suck. You didn't owe him any of that. He's clearly not safe for anybody to be dating, either. I'm so sorry that happened to you.
  4. Q1 how is anyone sure of anything subjective and personal? They can't be. You can't prove or disprove feelings and opinions. The answer is just...good enough for you. Remember, identity is totally self-defined. It's not diagnosable. No one can or gets to tell you you're wrong. If you say you're aro, then you're aro. Identity isn't about an objective standard of correct. It's just about you. Q2 that's okay. Coming out is difficult and scary! Do it at your own pace, whatever that means. Q3 I would just be straightforward and lay out the facts. I would also have the coming out discussion separately than asking if he wants to have casual sex together/explore a qpr/whatever it is you're thinking, though. Those are two different convos and I know it's nice to just get all the scary stuff done at once, but I would give you both time to process each conversation at separate times. You could also ask him to be friends with benefits without coming out. You're not obligated to come out first or anything. :) Good luck! Feel free to hang out here and ask as many questions as you want.
  5. I'm sorry you're feeling isolated and confused! Growing up can be hard enough without these additional stressors. There is no way you have to feel. You don't even have to understand how you feel. It's okay for your feelings to just exist as they and for you to have whatever feelings about having them. It's okay to be confused. It's okay to not know. There's also nothing in particular that you have to do. If there's something you want to do (such as talk to your parents about getting therapy, joining a GSA or the like, or even just journal about these feelings), then that's a good thing to start with. If you don't know what you want to do, then that's okay. Don't do anything. Take some more time to process your feelings and just be. It's okay. You're doing great. There's no one way you have to go about this.
  6. That sounds rough; I'm so sorry. I hope you're able to get away and get plenty of relaxation often.
  7. Because a lot of people find the feeling exciting and fun, and people are hedonistic.
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