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Everything posted by morallygayro

  1. I feel like most aces don't realize that 90% of the time, sexual attraction isn't thinking "I would bang you" about a total stranger, and it doesn't happen constantly either. I don't feel sexual attraction 24/7, and when I do I'm not going to, like, masturbate in public over it. It's usually just "wow, that person is really hot" and then going about my day. If I have prolonged exposure to someone who I'm sexually attracted to, then sure I might fantasize or more actively want sex with them. But otherwise? No. And it's like that for a lot of people who aren't ace. Also a lot of people have complicated relationships with sex, and sexual attraction doesn't need to involve genitals either. I'm sex repulsed because of dysphoria, trauma, and sensory issues, but I still feel attraction. I just don't like sex. But I think a good chunk of what we call sensual attraction could be considered sexual. And it's not really different except that when I feel sexual attraction, I'm just thinking about the person's body. I don't want to date them. And if I did, it's because the companionship and financial benefits of a relationship appeal to me, not because I like romance. I hope that cleared some things up for people.
  2. I'm sort of both male and female and also neither and it's fluid and weird but lately I'vebeen leaning a toward the male and neutral sides of the spectrum. I like the idea of being a loving boyfriend to a beautiful woman, like the kind of guy that would surprise her with flowers or make her coffee and kiss her awake, or feeling protected and safe with another man. Just being all cute and domestic with someone, even though I've only ever had one crush and would rather do a lot of this with a QPP. Yeah, I think gender dynamics affect how I experience relationships.
  3. I'm two years and four months too young to drink, but I'm not planning to ever drink enough to get drunk.
  4. No fam, I think she's trying to convince herself she's straight, out if self-hatred and compulsory heterosexuality. Because I did the same thing at her age. Also I once read a fic with agender Mabel and loved it, that's where I get it from.
  5. Karma from Faking It is quoiromantic and bisexual. The only character she ever canonically shows interest in is Liam, but she's also definitely attracted to Amy. Dating for her is more about sex than anything and she doesn't really understand romance but she knows she's fallen in love - she just doesn't know or care to define if it's platonic or romantic. Liam only (allegedly) has romantic feelings for Karma throughout the show (what I've seen of it anyway) and prioritizes his relationship with Shane over anything else. He mostly goes after one night stands and FWB relationships because he doesn't want to hurt girls, he knows he doesn't fall in love the same way most of them do and he's also romance-repulsed. He's cishet and arospec but not entirely sure where he is on the spectrum so he doesn't pick a more precise label. His relationship with Karma is quasiplatonic and sexual, they choose to use the labels of boyfriend and girlfriend out of convenience. Mabel from Gravity Falls is an aroace and nonbinary. She only wants relationships with boys in order to feel more "normal" and because she feels like she has to have them. She knows Dipper is a bisexual trans boy and he helped her figure out her feelings on gender. Wendy is grayromantic, bi/pansexual, and gender nonconforming/butch trans girl. She doesn't really care about gender in her partners, only has romantic feelings for Robbie, and loses interest in relationships pretty quickly because she's just not feeling it.
  6. 18, and will be 19 this October.
  7. Here are my results: S.A.G.E. Test Results Your Raw Score is: 550, which indicates that overall you are Feminine Your appearance is Feminine Your brain processes are mostly that of a Female person. You appear to socialize in a androgynous manner. You believe you have major conflicts about your gender identity. You indicated you are physically Intersexed to some degree. ANALYSIS: Since you indicated you were born with an Intersex condition, it is likely that this has caused you some degree of gender conflict because society in general is not accepting or understanding of gender ambiguity. Since it is difficult to live in a purely androgynous gender role, please check the most appropriate analysis below. NOTES: Your answers indicate you have altered your physical appearance to look like the opposite sex. Your Answers indicate your psychological state has likely prevailed since you were quite young. ANALYSIS AS Male: Male to Female Transsexual, either post-operative or in transition NOTES: Your answers indicate you have altered your physical appearance to look like the opposite sex. Your Answers indicate your psychological state has likely prevailed since you were quite young. ANALYSIS AS Female: Female to Male Crossdresser NOTES: Your answers indicate you have altered your physical appearance to look like the opposite sex. Your Answers indicate your psychological state has likely prevailed since you were quite young. Statistically, Homosexual crossdressers have no desire to actually BE the '+thatSex+', but usually engage in such activity as a parody or celebration of the opposite sex, rather than as a means of sexual gratification, enhancement, or stress relief. Many are entertainers in DRAG revues. Some of it is accurate, some isn't. I consider my gender expression androgynous or fluid, not feminine. And I'm muscular, have facial hair, and have broad shoulders so my appearance in general is probably pretty androgynous too. Obviously, I lean toward female - I like the description of "if boys are chocolate milkshakes and girls are strawberry milkshakes, then I'm a vanilla milkshake with strawberries mixed in". And I present masculine a lot, I want to do so more often, but I also don't identify as male. But I'm also not strictly female and I don't think I qualify as a crossdresser for that reason.
  8. In that case, yes. If I'd dated a guy in the past because of compulsory heterosexuality and mistaking platonic attraction for romantic, and he was romantically attracted to me, that would be a romantic relationship because we would both consider it romantic and we would both believe we had romantic feelings for one another.
  9. I've heard the term platoniromantic for that.
  10. When my arospec friends and I were asked about the aromantic spectrum, one of us just eventually said "You gotta have something where you just go 'nah.'" A relationship in which both people are romantically attracted to one another and act on that attraction?
  11. In my experience, a crush involves wanting an exclusive relationship with someone, feeling jittery and nervous around them, daydreaming about them a lot, and feeling jealous when other people act romantically toward them. Beyond that, it's pretty much the same as a squish.
  12. I had my first - and thus far, only - crush at seventeen (I'm almost nineteen now) and it was the scariest time of my life, not only because I was falling for a girl, but because I'd never felt romantic attraction before. In fact, it might have been more the second one since I'd already known I was sapphic and preferred women (even though I thought I was bi at the time), so the gender of my first crush wasn't a surprise. The feelings I had for her were, and it's hard to reconcile how beautiful they were and how much I love her (even though it's platonic now) with how much I love being aro. She was aromantic asexual, repulsed by both sex and romance, and I didn't particularly care about having my attraction reciprocated - I just wanted to spend time with her. When I can relate to love songs, the only person I think of while listening to them is her. (I don't think I'm still romantically in love with her, but I'm so new to this crush thing and have no idea what I'm doing) I have a hard time drawing the line between romantic and platonic love and differentiating them. Before I knew it was possible to be aro without being ace, I thought all romantic relationships were basically friendship with sex. My ideal relationship fits a lot of the criteria for a QPR. Sex, cuddling, and going out for "dates" - but not seeing them as romantic. Maybe eventually living together, maybe adopting a kid together. And even though I'm a lesbian, I wouldn't mind doing that with someone who isn't a girl (except for the sex part). The thought of being in a relationship that's explicitly defined as romantic makes me feel uncomfortable and trapped. I sometimes feel exhausted, uncomfortable, or bored if I'm exposed to romance, whether fictional or real, in large doses. Especially het romance. The following are major factors in why I've considered dating: 1) touch starvation/loneliness/craving for emotional intimacy and 2) as a lesbian - especially an autistic, mentally ill lesbian - it's really hard for me to trust that I have a chance at a happy ending. So I want to try to have one.
  13. That one crush I had? It lasted for about a year and it was really strong. I actually thought about marrying her someday.
  14. I assumed that dating was like when you had a best friend, but you wanted to put on fancy clothes and eat nice food and have sex with them which is still p much what I want in a relationship And I thought having a crush on a guy was when you thought he was aesthetically attractive and wanted to be friends with him
  15. I flirt, I've had one crush, I wouldn't mind a romantic relationship, and I wouldn't mind getting married.
  16. I don't want kids because for me it's either "YES YES YES I'M 1000% SURE I WANT KIDS AND EVERYTHING INVOLVED WITH BEING A PARENT" or nothing. I think you can go from not wanting kids to wanting and having them, or you can decide you want them, get pregnant, and have an abortion, but if you decide you want kids and you have them you can't change your mind without fucking up the kid for life.
  17. That's just disturbing tbh YMBAI your friends were dating for four months and you didn't even know until someone told you YMBAI "Everything I know about m/w relationships comes from romance novels or listening to straight people, so whenever I try to write them it's always really sexualized and awkward (I once picked up the phrase "his stiff manhood" from a book I found at a garage sale for fifty cents when I was eleven and soon proceeded to use it for one of my couples - during a kissing scene). That, or the characters acted just like quasiplatonic partners with the titles of boyfriend and girlfriend because, growing up, that's what I assumed dating was like for everyone." Ron's brother died and his sister almost died in that battle.
  18. Food is a good reason to do anything tbh
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