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omg, this girl hit on me during gym class, I had to let her down that I am aro. shame. She seems pretty cool, wish she wanted to be friends.

Edited by ArrowAce
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31 minutes ago, ArrowAce said:

omg, this girl hit on me during gym class, I had to let her down that I am aro. shame. She seems pretty cool, wish she wanted to be friends.

sad... glad she took it well tho?

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6 minutes ago, ace.cyborg said:

sad... glad she took it well tho?

Not really, she got a little mad. There’s probably gonna be some rumors or something about me. Another reason towards why I don’t make friends.


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Just now, ArrowAce said:

Not really, she got a little mad. There’s probably gonna be some rumors or something about me. Another reason towards why I don’t make friends.


oh, I'm sorry to hear that then

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11 minutes ago, ace.cyborg said:

oh, I'm sorry to hear that then


5 minutes ago, AromanticAardvark said:

I'm sorry, that sucks :(

Yea, I mean honestly it sucks having like no friends. But I’ve had to adapt. 

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56 minutes ago, ArrowAce said:

Not really, she got a little mad. There’s probably gonna be some rumors or something about me. Another reason towards why I don’t make friends.


Sorry to hear that. And yes, it sucks having no friends, yet I'm avoiding people so don't be like me folks. 

But people are unpredictable and can be really unpleasant, so I don't blame you for not making friends. It's quite nice going all by yourself also.

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1 hour ago, ArrowAce said:

Not really, she got a little mad. There’s probably gonna be some rumors or something about me. Another reason towards why I don’t make friends.


Oh dear, that's no good. Hopefully, nothing bad comes from this.

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6 hours ago, sevan said:

reddit is just forums like this but worse

nah reddit is more transphobic in sum areas than u think

(source: i use reddit unironically)

18 hours ago, Whirl said:

I love love love woy, so it always makes me very happy to see your profile pic! Wander and Commander Peepers are some of the few characters I can draw from memory :)


glad to see a fellow fan!!!


@ace.cyborgthe fact that you wrote about been stuck at 0 posts as ur orientation makes me get the feeling that there's a cartography/map joke hidden in that somewhere and i love it

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10 hours ago, Deltalorian said:

reddit is anything but worst, at least when 4chan becomes internet detectives they have it right in just a few hours, meanwhile it takes reddit weeks only to accuse a man who had died before whatever incident it was they're accusing him off

redditors may crtiticize twitter for their mob mentality but in reality they are no different lmao

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4 minutes ago, AFennecfox said:

Hi, I’m a teen but the pace of this thread has low key intimidated me so far…


we are terminally online lots of us


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1 hour ago, AFennecfox said:

Hi, I’m a teen but the pace of this thread has low key intimidated me so far…

that's understandable

sorry lol

we're happy to talk to anyone and about anything, if you want to talk you're welcome to

but yeah some of us are on here a LOT

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2 minutes ago, sevan said:

fire alarm clickbaited us again. no fire no smoke no danger just standing outside in the bus lane for twenty minutes under the burning screeching sun

feels good m8

sounds like fun

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5 hours ago, A User said:

nah reddit is more transphobic in sum areas than u think

(source: i use reddit unironically)

i also use reddit unironically but im only there for the aroace content. i know reddit has the tendency to mock the lgbtq community but a ton of them are just circlejerks of lgbtq folks making fun of themselves for peak satire

still hate certain trans related subreddits though

2 minutes ago, ace.cyborg said:

sounds like fun

it is lmao i get to chat with my friends i rarely see during school. although i ended up coming back gooey and sweaty

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1 minute ago, sevan said:

a ton of them are just circlejerks of lgbtq folks making fun of themselves for peak satire

did not know this but I love it

if i used reddit i'd absolutely be making fun of myself

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1 minute ago, ace.cyborg said:

did not know this but I love it

if i used reddit i'd absolutely be making fun of myself

im in a sub called transcirclejerk and its a bunch of trans people making satirical transphobic posts and its so funny. they just kept making fun of themselves and perhaps some of them does this to cope with their dysphoria. but anyways its been fun there

oo 9th page

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Just now, sevan said:

im in a sub called transcirclejerk and its a bunch of trans people making satirical transphobic posts and its so funny. they just kept making fun of themselves and perhaps some of them does this to cope with their dysphoria. but anyways its been fun there

oo 9th page

sounds actually like fun

also you got the 200th reply

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