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2 hours ago, Ithinkimaro said:


we should speed this up

wait no

don't listen to me 


Yes, listen to you. Great idea

2 hours ago, ArrowAce said:

nah, i can speed this up :)


hows everyones day on september 20th been?

I've been more tired then usual but it has ben okay except from that. And now is it night time so I'm well awake by now because of logic.

How about yours?

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13 minutes ago, Merli said:

Yes, listen to you. Great idea




what superpower would you like to have?


did you know that clouds can weigh more than a million pounds?

my post count isn't rising


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2 minutes ago, Ithinkimaro said:

what superpower would you like to have?


did you know that clouds can weigh more than a million pounds?

Gravity manipulation
I did know that, water is surprisingly heavy (at least for what you'd think, anyway)

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5 minutes ago, Deltalorian said:

Gravity manipulation
I did know that, water is surprisingly heavy (at least for what you'd think, anyway)

it's weird 

i would choose manipulating probability because


what are the chances that i find a million pounds -100% what are the chances that i can fly -100% etc

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19 hours ago, sevan said:

i also use reddit unironically but im only there for the aroace content. i know reddit has the tendency to mock the lgbtq community but a ton of them are just circlejerks of lgbtq folks making fun of themselves for peak satire

still hate certain trans related subreddits though

im mostly there for the fandom subreddits (bc holy moly there's a subreddit for everything i like, which is a lot) and occasional other stuff

why u hate trans subs tho? theyre usually very trans and lgbtq friendly from my experience

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56 minutes ago, Ithinkimaro said:




what superpower would you like to have?


did you know that clouds can weigh more than a million pounds?

my post count isn't rising


It would be cool to always be able to make it dark around myself and other places I decide. Not very useful but still cool (would be useful sometimes when it's too much things around tho).

But if that's an option then talking to dead people would be really cool too. Like, just somehow contact some random person that have been dead 500 years and ask them about stuff. That would include being able to communicate with them/understand the language. 

I didn't know that clouds could weigh that much but it's not really surprising either, water do weigh something and clouds can be really big. 

And yes, the postcount here is a bit weird. It seems like you can't spam post a thread alone and get higher postcount

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2 hours ago, Ithinkimaro said:




what superpower would you like to have?


you know how geuniely cool shapeshifting is?

fuck gender, fuck society, if i wanna be a plant than that's who i am 

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2 hours ago, Ithinkimaro said:




what superpower would you like to have?


did you know that clouds can weigh more than a million pounds?

my post count isn't rising


shapeshifting, obviously

it opens the door to pretty much every other power you could want. Super speed? transform into a fast animal, easy

either that or people able to be concious in someone else's mind from their perspective, knowing their thoughts, feelings, senses, etc

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3 hours ago, Ithinkimaro said:




what superpower would you like to have?


did you know that clouds can weigh more than a million pounds?

my post count isn't rising


i don't remember what my go-to superpower is, but today I think it would be nice to be able to fly so I'm going with that

also i had a really good raspberry mango smoothie today so yay that lol

also I'm so confused about the way this site counts posts...

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4 hours ago, Ithinkimaro said:

what superpower would you like to have?

For the longest time I wanted the power of knowing exactly where everything is and being able to find anything, but when I told anyone they thought it was kind of a boring superpower.

But then the main character in the Sidekick Squad series, which was also the books that made me realize I was aro, had that exact same power. Tell me it’s not meant to be.

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2 minutes ago, AFennecfox said:

For the longest time I wanted the power of knowing exactly where everything is and being able to find anything, but when I told anyone they thought it was kind of a boring superpower.

But then the main character in the Sidekick Squad series, which was also the books that made me realize I was aro, had that exact same power. Tell me it’s not meant to be.

that's perfect

honestly at this point i'd just be happy with the superpower of always being able to remember what i was doing just now

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4 hours ago, A User said:

im mostly there for the fandom subreddits (bc holy moly there's a subreddit for everything i like, which is a lot) and occasional other stuff

why u hate trans subs tho? theyre usually very trans and lgbtq friendly from my experience

if you look at the stereotypical transcum and transmed subreddits of course it wont come off as lgbtq friendly. trans folks had also had bad experience with a subreddit called honesttransgender if i remember correctly. lgbtqphobia can also be found on general subreddits like r/teenager

im also there for the fandoms and shit but there will be prejudice against lgbtq folks at some point

5 hours ago, Ithinkimaro said:




what superpower would you like to have?

the ability to fly. i just want to touch the sky man

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15 hours ago, Ithinkimaro said:

what superpower would you like to have?

I guess the power of teleportation?

hehe my dream is to sleep till like, 8 (school starts at 8:55)

and teleport myself to school

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13 hours ago, Harvest said:

shapeshifting, obviously

it opens the door to pretty much every other power you could want. Super speed? transform into a fast animal, easy

either that or people able to be concious in someone else's mind from their perspective, knowing their thoughts, feelings, senses, etc

but you could change the probability of you being able to shapeshifter to 100%

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13 hours ago, AFennecfox said:


But then the main character in the Sidekick Squad series, which was also the books that made me realize I was aro, had that exact same power. Tell me it’s not meant to be.

You've read the Sidekick Squad series too??? I don't know anyone who has (well I haven't read the third book, but I've read the first two)

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1 hour ago, ArrowAce said:

what is up my friends from around the globe how is your teenage life?

I just had a meeting with roommates and the person responsible for the apartments, very exciting. And I'm almost done with an essay that should be done tomorrow, so it's going good. Debatable how much "teenage life" I have though, more some weird study life. Got invited to a party with roommate some days ago but declined lol. 

How about you?

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1 hour ago, AromanticAardvark said:

You've read the Sidekick Squad series too??? I don't know anyone who has (well I haven't read the third book, but I've read the first two)

Yay! I also don’t know anyone who’s read them so that’s soo great that you have :)

I don’t remember too much about the series, bc it’s been almost a year and once I started questioning all understanding of the actual plot went out the window, but I think you should read book three? Question mark? Emma’s aroace and my queer icon and that’s my only real recollection of it

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6 hours ago, alien said:

I guess the power of teleportation?

hehe my dream is to sleep till like, 8 (school starts at 8:55)

and teleport myself to school

yes this is my second choice now

4 hours ago, ArrowAce said:

what is up my friends from around the globe how is your teenage life?

better now that I am not at work lol, today was just a stressful day at my job

20 minutes ago, Ithinkimaro said:

i think my post count stopped moving


1 minute ago, Deltalorian said:

I think mine did too

i haven't noticed anyone's moving for awhile

idk why

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4 hours ago, ArrowAce said:

what is up my friends from around the globe how is your teenage life?

it's ok.i got homework and all people are talking about is homecoming and "i'm gonna go with this boy blah blah blah..."I don't care i just wanna get my work done and go home.

16 hours ago, sevan said:

what superpower would you like to have?

Invisibility I can just do whatever i want.

Edited by AroAcedragon13
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16 minutes ago, AroAcedragon13 said:

it's ok.i got homework and all people are talking about is homecoming and "i'm gonna go with this boy blah blah blah..."I don't care i just wanna get my work done and go home.

omg i got homecoming next month, 30$ per glad im single lol

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38 minutes ago, AroAcedragon13 said:

it's ok.i got homework and all people are talking about is homecoming and "i'm gonna go with this boy blah blah blah..."I don't care i just wanna get my work done and go home.

Invisibility I can just do whatever i want.


21 minutes ago, ArrowAce said:

omg i got homecoming next month, 30$ per glad im single lol


ugh yes everyone is so obsessed with homecoming and i don't get it

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