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Bad teacher stories?


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Have you ever had a teacher that was just bad or hated you for no reason?Or you hated their class?  I will go first and tell you my story.So the story begins in Spanish class the class has always been interesting with interesting teaching methods.And today we were cooking!But it was at least 10 kids with minimal kitchen experience only 1 adult supervising and trying to teach at the same time.We were just in the Spanish classroom which is not meant to cook in.And we did not have the proper tools to be doing this.We were making salsa.So the teacher split the class into smaller groups.My group was cutting onions with a VERY sharp knife.I went first and my minimal kitchen experience caused me to not truly know how to cut it.So my hand slipped and I cut my hand with the knife.So I went to the nurse got my hand cleaned up it was a small cut but it still shouldn't have happened.So for pretty much the rest of class I was in the nurse with my anxiety through the roof!!!! (it was probably the worst panic attack I ever had)So yeah the teacher needed more supervision and better instructions. :) I still hold a small grudge against the teacher for that.

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I had a physics teacher that corrected the exams horribly, and complained a lot that we were making her work too much. I remember an exercise on the exam that was worth like 3/10 points on the grade, where there was a river, and you had to figure out a certain position. Because I put the river vertically (the exercise didnt mention whether to put it vertically or horizontally) the axis were swapped, and that was enough for her to just grade the exercise with 0 points. And then when i complained about it to the teacher and she looked at it again she didnt change it because aparently it wouldn't "change anything about the result".

Like in general I got really bad grades with her, and like, both me and my parents started to think i was bad at physics or something.

Fast forward to this year, and I get like one of the best grades on the physics class in my uni (for some reason the teacher makes the grades of everyone public to everyone else).

So yeah fuck her for making me think i was bad at physics.

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Oh boy do I! I had a chemistry teacher when I was 14 that hated teaching people who didn’t ‘get’ chemistry. Like, it is your JOB to explain it dude…

Anyway he was teaching something maybe 3 people understood and the rest said ‘we don’t get is sir, can you explain again’ and he did, already annoyed and again almost none of us got it. He then got so angry that he tested us on the subject, with obvious disastrous grades as a result and then he declared it would be counted against our final grades. I was already failing his class (and weak in some others) but this grade would mean I would actually fail my year! My parents freaked out at this and my dad marched to the principal to demand the teacher drop the grade because that guy was clearly abusing his position, or my dad would get the newspaper involved. The teacher was forced to drop the grade and received a slap on the wrist. And I’m pretty sure he knew my parents were involved somehow because he was an absolute ass to me for the rest of my time there.

Now that I’m (much) older I realise I actually quite like chemistry, but I have hated is for a long time purely for this horrible mans ‘teaching’.

Also, since I am a teacher myself (art) I make a point of telling people who suck at art that it is ok not to be great at something but that hopefully I can teach them some tricks that make them improve their skills a bit. And that practice makes perfect of course ;)

Edited by Nix
Some typos
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I remember a useless music teacher.

Our music class was in one of the 'temporary' buildings which were in reality older than the kids there and probably older than some of the teachers. So it was a bit knackered and not a nice place to be in. She (probably rightfully to be honest) seemed to hate being there and not really care if the place got even worse.

Lots of graffiti on desks. Mountains of chewing gum even by normal school standards.  That sort of thing.

So a lot of music class was to split into small groups. Each group would go into a booth at the back of the room and in theory would practice a piece of music. In practice we just dicked about a lot. 

One incident I remember was a kid who decided to see how high he could jump while in the booth. He leapt up, shouted 'I can touch the light', and promptly knocked the plastic cover off the fluorescent tube light, which fell to the floor and smashed (the cover, thankfully not the tube).

She finally realised something was up and the boy had to sheepishly explain why he thought that was a good idea. But looking back it was insane things got that far.

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I had several pseudo-teachers or substitutes that didn't last, one or two thugs and the rest that were awful-at-best teachers, hired by a poor and failing school, that probably thought I was the anti-Christ even just for merely being quiet. I even got in trouble before for merely minding my own business or literally doing what I was told. A few of them didn't even care when I was sick or injured. In fact, the only kind of teachers I didn't have any problems with were the non-sub science teachers.

Edited by SkyTuneRein
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When we started with electrostatics my physics teacher suddenly said "Ok, for the next experiment we need the cat". And I just wondered "Oh cat, cute! What... cat?".

And it turned out that the "cat" was actually a cat pelt. 🥺Yes, seriously. To make it worse, she made "meow meow" noises while taking out that pelt.

So half of the class is like "Ohh nooo, that poor cat" and the other half is like rolling on the floor laughing.

And she: "How old are you? Don't be so sentimental, that's ridiculous." 😠So that made me really angry, like as if having some empathy for animals is immature (especially considering the context of this very immature joke).

Edited by DeltaV
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  • 2 weeks later...

Wheb he was 4, my brother hated his teacher and vice versa. The teacher told my parents he was retard and he had to go to the school psychologist for that. Joke on the teacher, when the psychologist so my brother can read perfectly at this age, she says he was probably the opposition of retard (but says it was no need to do the tests so we don't know, but still, crazy).

Still with my brother, he terrible writing at first because his teacher had "nothing to teach a left-handed how to write" (quote). Yes this is as crazy as it sounds.


I suppose I have to confess that when I was teaching French, I was bot good at it, partially cause of my depression at the time. But at least I stopped the next year and it is better now that I teach something I like and that the modalities fit me better.

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Most of my religion teachers were quite bad. It sucks to live in a country where religion is a proper school subject.

Once we had to write an interpretation of the story of Cain and Abel. And I was just honest and wrote something like this: "Obviously, what Cain did in the end was very evil and inexcusable. But we have to remember that Cain, contrary to Abel, at first was peaceful and did not even kill animals as a profession. I don't think it was fair treat him worse just because of this. We don't think that God hates vegans / vegetarians, do we? But here in the Bible story it seems like if Cain did not even get a chance for rather superficial reasons."

My teacher was not amused. I seriously got the equivalent of an F. The temptation to give a student a bad mark just because the teacher disagrees with their opinion must be irresistible.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok, I did a few weeks on a teaching intern sort of thing a few summers back.

so me and a few other young lads doing a fortnight of working in a school, getting a bit of experience in science classrooms and earning some beer money for the summer. Most of us I think did a reasonable job. helped out with the classes and did a bit of experiment preparation with the lab techs. apart from one guy. 

Simple ripple tank experiment to set up, a square container. various blocks to channel the water in different ways and a mechanical device to create waves at one end of the container. Lit from above and under the container is a white sheet of paper where shadows are projected of the waves.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiSJspAVFh0&ab_channel=StuartMarsh -> very similar setup to this.

so put the thing on a desk, set up the blocks, pour water in then turn it on and you can demonstrate the basics of waves, e.g. interference.

our man has a different approach. he puts the water in then tries to carry it to the desk. Why, I will never know. As he carries it a waves build up in the water and he ends up with a full on splash of water  hitting the top of his chest. this would be bad enough but then he drops the whole thing, breaking the legs and cracking the container.

He then asks if we can just fix it before the class. 


1- we have like 3 minutes because you have to get the kit out in the change between classes, 2- you broke the legs thats not an easy fix, and 3- you just soaked the electrical mechanism which makes the waves, we are carefully putting that out of the way.


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  • 5 months later...

One teacher I'll call Mr. Evil was my teacher for about 5 years in elementary school.


-ALWAYS Made me sit in front row and stared at me creepily

-Yelled at us when we didn't know how to do a math problem etc

-In music class we just listened to CDs and drew stuff

-Made us play the TRIANGEL at school shows (I'm not kidding, wish I was)

-Was like 60 years old, very ancient with his teaching methods (yelling, table smashing+)

-Made us go through the same history book THRICE in different grades

Another bad teacher I had I'll call Ms. Terrible:

-Literally BULLIED my friend and their siblings so that they had to change schools

-Was very racist

-Taught English grammar wrong

Mr. Evil retired and Ms. Terrible was fired but somehow got accepted into MY SCHOOL. I've seen her multiple times but just swiftly walk past and don't talk to her. Haven't seen Mr. Evil in years

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story 1

my math teacher from 8th grade (age 13-14) was for advanced math (which I sucked at, it stressed me out tbh) we had to sign a contract on how we couldn't switch out of the class and what not, well half way through the school year i really wanted to switch out and practically begged my Mamaw to help me switch out, she wrote a note to the teacher on something i had to turn in the next day, I showed it to her, she read it, then decided to stand next to my desk, with her hand on my desk and READ.THE.NOTE.OUT.LOUD.  I was a sensitive kid as it was, and she went and embarrassed me about it.


story 2

same teacher as the last one, we had to turn in home work, I forgot to finish it the night before. ONCE! no warning of getting in trouble next time it happened, she gave me a Chronicle (if you got so many of these you had to go to the office) I had gone through the 2 years of middle school and NEVER had gotten one before, and was upset.


story 3

same teacher again. we were doing a food drive of if you brought in enough food to 'block the doors' you wouldn't have to do work in that class. we managed to block all 4 doors, but this teacher made me catch up on work, even though we were promised we wouldn't have to do work, it annoyed me so much.


story 4

different teacher now. this teacher was a teacher's assistant i believe, and this was in 7th grade (age 12-13) and we were in math (one of my favorite classes honestly) and I had gotten called up to the board to answer a math problem, the way i did things was that i wrote everything about the problem down so if it was incorrect, it would be easier for me to figure out where I went wrong (ADHD thing I guess) , but ig we were learning a new way to do things and the assistant teacher came up to me and told me I was doing it wrong, (even though I was doing it right, i just wasnt doing it her way) and made me redo it her way before i could go to lunch.


Story 5

same teacher as story four. This particular day I wasn't feeling too great, so when i got my bellwork (work done before the main lesson is done) done I laid my head down to rest while the rest of the class finished up their bellwork. the assistant teacher CALLED.ME.OUT for putting my head down (i dont remember what she said) i legit cried, but no one noticed, she did come up to me to appologize at the end of class but i just looked at her and walked away to my next class or to homeroom for buscalls idk.


(sorry this was so long-)

Edited by KoconutBounty
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  • 1 month later...

This was earlier this year (in November I think)

my school has this thing where we have like a math or reading enrichment thing each day. My teacher for this (also my science teacher) is pretty relaxed. Another teacher (Ms T) is incredibly strict. I don’t have her for any classes, but my science teacher left early and she was subbing. I was behind on a social studies essay so I was gonna ask my science teacher if I could work on it instead of the math thing we were doing (the whole class is just practice for things we learn in the actual math class) but I really didn’t want to ask Ms T about it and I thought it would be fine to work on my essay so I just did. A little bit into class she comes over and says something along the lines of “you need to work on the assignment.” The thing was, I didn’t know even know she was there until she said anything and there were two other people she could have been talking to so I didn’t even know if she was talking to me. And my essay was due the next day so i just kept working on it once she left. A little while later she just comes over and takes my computer and walks away. I started crying and everyone kept looking at me which I hated because I’d also feel horrible if they didn’t care, but I really hate peoples attention being on me. Eventually Ms T came over and said she needed to talk to me in the hall. She asked me why I was crying and part of me felt like she thought I was faking it or exaggerating it or something (which is really stupid cause there was literally nothing to make me think that) Anyway she ended up saying I’m not in trouble and i could keep working on my essay (don’t know what she was doing that whole time bc it would have taken all of two seconds to see what I was working on) What really bothers me is that there were a couple students loudly and obviously talking about something unrelated and clearly not paying any attention to the work and she didn’t say anything to them

Sorry that was pretty long and I feel like this isn’t as bad as the other stories here and most of it was probably just in my head and it was kinda my fault it happened but I’m gonna post it anyway

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